Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 2 BARS Numbers for Public Works Funds Public Works: 2016 Proposal Building Parks Engineering 101 Streets O & M 106 Big Rock Park 304 / 305 REET 307 Streets Capital 308 Parks 401 Water O & M 402 Sewer O & M 404 Storm O & M 407 Water Capital 408 Sewer Capital 409 Storm Capital 501 Equipment 503 Buildings
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 3 What our Community Expects & Currently Receives Public Works: 2016 Proposal General Services 24/7 operations Approachable & efficient service Efficient and safe roadway network, good pavement and sidewalks Great parks: clean, tidy, high functioning, usable, visible Improved Communication (Facebook & Website) Support of Events Walkable community Weather related services (snow, floods, natural disasters) Utilities 24/7 operations Clean storm water and control flooding Environmental stewardship Safe & reliable drinking water Toilets flush, sinks work
Summary FTE’s 6,715 Population 2,324 Housing Units Public Works Notable Service Comparison (5 year) FTE’s (-19%) 7,345 Population (+9.4%) 2,595 Housing Units (+11.7%) Budget Considerations Made Return previously reduced (0.5 FTE) Project Manager (PM) to full time within departmental budgets (General Fund and Utilities) as workload has increased and other PM is 80% dedicated to Main Street reconstruction project (Same FTE allocation to the General Fund as 2015). Dedicate appropriate amount of staff to capital funds. Staff turnover (-3 / 17, ↓ 17%) for 2015 Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion
5 Public Works: 2016 Summary of Capital Projects Public Works: 2016 Proposal $8,365,000Main Street – Valley to Big Rock (306, construction) $1,700,000Big Rock Park Reconstruction, Recreation Conservation Office (RCO) Grant, (308, engineering & construction) $1,200,000Waste Water Treatment Trains, LEAP Air conversion (402) $650,000Water Various Capital Projects (407) $71,000Sewer Equipment (402) $45,000Entryway Monument Signs (304 / 305) $10,000Boy Scout/Park Projects (305) $12,041,000TOTAL[$2,500,000 TOTAL for 2015]
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 6 Public Works Program Highlights: General Operations Public Works: 2016 Proposal Building ($162,147, ↓11% ) (Page 9 & 11) Permit center, building inspections, community assistance Facilitate Development: New business process (helping determine if TI’s or permits are required). Customer service; answering many types of questions. Estimating 33 new residential construction units for Manage emergent situations for structures. ($XX,XXX, ↓↑) = (Budget amount, percent increase↑ or decrease ↓relative to 2015 adopted budget)
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 7 Public Works Program Highlights: General Operations Public Works: 2016 Proposal ($XX,XXX, ↓↑) = (Budget amount, percent increase↑ or decrease ↓relative to 2015 adopted budget) Parks ($245,242, ↑22%) (↑ 7.4 adj. ) (Page 13 & 18) Maintain 17 parks facilities the Community uses and enjoys. Mow, weed, weed eat, safety checks, repairs, clean and maintain restrooms. 200% increase in R&M budget for increase repairs related to vandalism ($3,480→7,280) (adj.) = 2015 budget = $201,259 $29k expenditure is recognized in this department and is for Planning to buy land from Duvall Village
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 8 Public Works Program Highlights: General Operations Public Works: 2016 Proposal Engineering ($219,130, ↑ 21% ) (↑ 3% adj. ) (Page 16 & 25) Development review and inspections / monitoring, city project support, grant & loan applications, project delivery, program support. Completed in-house GIS inventory for comp plan Awarded $6,359,615 grants for 2014/2015 (adj.)= 2015 budget = $181,523 +$12k for expenses for Coe Clemons Grant from prior years ($22,914 in expenses, grant receipted in 2013 to GF) +$10k increase development need (pass-through) +$10k Traffic related to comp plan change → Complete and finalize traffic modelling, Traffic Impact Program (TIP) project list, Transportation Element, and Transportation Plan to support and implement the City Council selected EIS Alternative for the 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update process (nearly complete). ($XX,XXX, ↓↑) = (Budget amount, percent increase↑ or decrease ↓relative to 2015 adopted budget)
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 9 Public Works Program Highlights: General Operations Public Works: 2016 Proposal 101 Streets O & M ($546k, ↓14%) (Page 24 & 36) Roadway maintenance: Debris removal, trash, Pavement Management, landscape maintenance for roadways (bulbs, islands, parking lots, 3 rd Ave pathway, shoulders, striping), street sweeping. No revenue from General Fund No revenue from REET ($XX,XXX, ↓↑) = (Budget amount, percent increase↑ or decrease ↓relative to 2015 adopted budget) 106 Big Rock Park ($84k, ↓10%) (Page 30 & 40) Increased use in 2015 w/ baseball In 2015 we added maintaining all fields to duties in lieu of contracted services assistance. Numbers could change relative to the ballfield project: Less water Additional revenue with increase use Equipment purchase for turf Additional service providers may be needed for turf
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 10 Public Works Program Highlights: Capital Public Works: 2016 Proposal 304 REET ($35k used with $508 EFB ) (Page 47 & 45) Entryway Monument Signs Part of Big Rock Ballfields?? 305 REET ($45k used with $315k EFB) (Page 52 & 48) Entryway Monument Signs Eagle Scout projects Part of Big Rock Ballfields?? 306 Main Street ($8.5 M used with $535k EFB) (Page 57 & 51) Main Street Reconstruction (Valley to Big Rock) 307 Streets Capital ($500k) (Page 62 & 54) $500k transfer to 306 fund for Main Street Reconstruction 308 Parks ($1.7M) (Page 67 & 57) Big Rock Ballfields Turf Reconstruction Project
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 11 Public Works Program Highlights: Utilities Public Works: 2016 Proposal 401 Water* ($1.924 M used with $2.5M EFB) (Page 72 & 62) 407 Water ($677 k used) (Page 90 & 73) General operations and SPU water purchases. Meter reading & monitoring System maintenance, repairs, replacement Water quality monitoring 2.2MG tank engineering & construction (mixing, Cathodic Protection, coating, seismic work) 485 zone abandonment -EFB = Ending Fund Balance & includes required reserves -*All restricted reserve amounts met
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 12 Public Works Program Highlights: Utilities Public Works: 2016 Proposal 402 Sewer* ($2.5 M with $1.36 M EFB) (Page 78 & 65) 408 Sewer ($75k, $717k EFB) (Page 94 & 74) General operations, system upkeep, effluent monitoring, etc. 24/7 lift station monitoring & repair Building repair [roof, siding] Mixers, Blowers, Gates, & Pump Replacements Treatment Trains [LEAP to air] 408 expenditure may go to 402 (Inflow and Infiltration) -EFB = Ending Fund Balance & includes required reserves -*All restricted reserve amounts met
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 13 Public Works Program Highlights: Utilities Public Works: 2016 Proposal 404 Storm* (Funding: $943k, $435 k EFB) (Page 86 & 69) 409 Storm (Funding: $90k) (Page 99 & 76) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Education Monitoring Outreach Reporting System maintenance and upkeep Ponds, vaults, detention systems Review CIP program & financial Parkwood pond retrofit (grant) -EFB = Ending Fund Balance & includes required reserves -*All restricted reserve amounts met
Oct. 6, 2015 Proposed Budget Discussion 14 Public Works Program Highlights: Other Citywide Funds Public Works: 2016 Proposal 501 Equipment* (Funding: $217,273 in uses) (Page 110 & 81) Maintenance of PW vehicles / equipment and purchases ≈$95k PW Large Equipment programmed: Used Dump Truck (1988 bought used & looks like 1978) 503 Buildings (Funding: $86,593 in uses) (Page 122 & 85) Continue maintenance and upkeep of all facilities ≈$51k PW & Parks Buildings *All restricted reserve amounts met