Digital Consulting System Plant Pathology Department University of Kentucky updated as of 21October, 2005
Digital Consulting System System Overview
Submitting a DCS case County Office Diagnostician
When the case is submitted When a case is submitted to the DCS, the DCS system s … …submitter (County Office or Specialist) the case has been successfully submitted to the DCS.
When the case is submitted to submitter
When the case is viewed & assigned When the diagnostician assigns the case to a Team Member, the DCS system s both the… …Team Member that they have been assigned… …submitter that case has been viewed and assigned to a DCS Team Member…
When the case has been viewed & assigned to submitter
to Team Member When the case has been viewed & assigned clicks on link to open case
County Office When the case has been closed Team Member
When the case has been closed to submitter
s are sent to whom and when… conditionSubmitterTeam Member …case is submittedYes No * …case is opened & assigned Yes …case is closedYesNo *Diagnosticians are to check the Digital Consulting System daily.
Digital Consulting System Submitting a Plant Disease Case
This is the opening screen of what a non-Team Member (e.g. a County Office) will see after logging into the DCS.
Screen view from a non-Team Member’s computer. Screen view from a Team Member’s computer.
Online Help available Contact Us (by )
Disease cases use Plant Disease link
Notice “Garden” had been highlighted but not selected (more later).
Select filename then click “Open”
Other problems most commonly encountered: -too much time elapsed between filling out the submission form and submitting the case -images not Previewed before uploading -internet connection disconnected or interrupted
Notice “Location” had not been specified.
Select a “Location” and proceed to Submit the case.
1st 2nd
What a Team Member sees
Information about the DCS and other Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory activities can be found on the Plant Pathology Department’s website at
Digital Consulting System Plant Pathology Department University of Kentucky The End