All about me. My journey from ALIM to MST. Getting the whole staff on board. Making links with the community. Rule in our class. Creating positive attitudes towards maths. Using ICT to support mathematics.
Grounding and confidence to help support children and parents. Technology in my lessons. Parent evenings and open days.
Vital for the survival of my programme. Staff sharing times. Class visits to observe children. Time for teachers to observe me working with small groups. Time for teachers to observe me working with their whole class, then small group work.
With ALIM- Parents in and open days. Step up as MST. Parent X. Tataiako
We ask everyone to take a turn at explaining their thinking first We ask for reasons why. We use “what” and “why” questions. We are allowed to disagree. We respect other peoples ideas. We think carefully about what they have explained before we speak or question. Developing communities of mathematical inquiry.
Selling Maths to the children. FUN
Using the COW Blog Ipods
NUMERACY Multitouch Mathematics - A App that involves making up numbers to answer problems JellyBeanCount - J App similar to multitouch mathematics that involves counting Bugs and Buttons - J Patterns, counting, matching, memory etc f f oxes.htm oxes.htm tski.html tski.html
Ice block counting. Tens frames addition. Place Value Cars. Dice.