5th Grade Math Briefing Brought to you by your 5 th grade Math Leaders: Linda Eng, Jennifer Crow, Scot Anderson, and Craig Koontz
Goals for this session Get an overview of the Common Core State Standards and what that means for us. Understand the components of the Pacing Guide and Appendix. Be able to access resources such as Pearsonsuccessnet.com, OAKS blueprints, and the Instruction Portal Understand the timing and instructions for giving the Common Assessments Please place questions in the Parking Lot and we will answer them throughout the session.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Three Critical Areas in 5 th grade 1.Developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, and developing understanding of the multiplication of fraction and division of fractions in limited cases (unit fractions divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions). 2.Extending division to 2-digit divisors, integrating decimal fractions into the place value system and developing understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths, and developing fluency with show number and decimal operations. 3.Develop understanding volume.
Critical Areas Questions 1.What are you comfortable teaching? 2.What is new to 5 th grade? 3.Are you concerned about teaching any area? 4.What did you notice that we are no longer focusing on in 5 th grade?
Exploring Critical Areas 1.Identify at least one or two important mathematical concepts within this critical area. 2.What do students need to learn prior to these concepts? 3.How do these concepts support learning in later grades?
Content NEW to 5th Grade in CCSS Standard algorithm for multi-digit multiplication Focus on using models for fractions Multiplying fractions and decimals Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers and whole number by unit fractions Dividing decimals Conceptual understanding with division (NOT the standard algorithm – that is a 6 th grade standard) Graphing two sets of data with one set of points on coordinate plane Line plots Brackets and braces for order of operations
Moving to other grades but still on OAKS for 2 more years Surface Area Decomposing 3D shapes Identifying attributes of 3D shapes
Domains and Clusters for 5 th grade In addition to the Critical Areas, the Domains and Clusters give an overview of 5 th grade. This paper could be posted in your room or shared with parents at back to school night and/or conferences.
Goals for this session Get an overview of the Common Core State Standards and what that means for us. Understand the components of the Pacing Guide and Appendix. Be able to access resources such as Pearsonsuccessnet.com, OAKS blueprints, and the Instruction Portal Understand the timing and instructions for giving the Common Assessments Please place questions in the Parking Lot and we will answer them throughout the session.
Pacing Guide Teaches Investigations IN ORDER – Unit 3 is optional Includes ALL content that will be tested on OAKS BEFORE the final round of testing. Is chunked by unit not semester.
Pacing Guide Structure Top Row = Domain, Unit, and Time of year Columns – Time allowed and Investigations Unit as well as other resources – Cluster/Standard – Mathematical Practices – Proficiency by Unit – Vocabulary
Formative Assessment Time Complete the worksheet to see how well you understand the structure of the pacing guide and appendix.
Goals for this session Get an overview of the Common Core State Standards and what that means for us. Understand the components of the Pacing Guide and Appendix. Be able to access resources such as Pearsonsuccessnet.com, OAKS blueprints, and the Instruction Portal Understand the timing and instructions for giving the Common Assessments Please place questions in the Parking Lot and we will answer them throughout the session.
Accessing Resources Investigations additional lessons ONLINE – These additional lessons are critical to teaching the common core state standards (CCSS) – The authors wrote these lessons to target the Common Core State Standards that were not already addressed in Investigations – They are accessed at Pearsonsuccessnet.com – The hard copy is being purchased and will be available from your school media specialist.
Pearsonsuccessnet.com Access Code is available from your math leader or administrator.
Black-line masters can be printed from here For current materials that is game boards and letters home For additional lessons that includes the worksheets, as well as game boards and letters home.
GAPS Instruction Portal 1 Departments & Services 2 Curriculum & Instruction 3 Instruction Portal
GAPS Instruction Portal Can print other grade levels pacing guides and appendices Assessments and Answer Keys Many other resources Including link to Pearsonsuccessnet
Test Specification and Blueprints for OAKS
Acquiring and Maintaining Skills
Balanced Math Jenn has talked about this in the previous session.
Goals for this session Get an overview of the Common Core State Standards and what that means for us. Understand the components of the Pacing Guide and Appendix. Be able to access resources such as Pearsonsuccessnet.com, OAKS blueprints, and the Instruction Portal Understand the timing and instructions for giving the Common Assessments Please place questions in the Parking Lot and we will answer them throughout the session.
District Summative Assessments We have shifted from trimester tests to unit tests which are shorter and more frequent. 2 forms of each test – Only post test is required – Other form may be pre-test or second copy of post test to minimize wandering eyes – Other form is NOT to be used for retakes or formative assessment – Tests are NOT to be sent home
District Summative Assessment Data due dates (not testing windows) – Optimally give test 3-5 days before data due date Data will be entered in Pinnacle – Don’t stress about this now, there will be a work session before the first data due date for people needing help – Default is test grades will not affect student grades (can be changed by teacher so it does affect student grades)
Goals for this session Get an overview of the Common Core State Standards and what that means for us. Understand the components of the Pacing Guide and Appendix. Be able to access resources such as Pearsonsuccessnet.com, OAKS blueprints, and the Instruction Portal Understand the timing and instructions for giving the Common Assessments All unanswered questions in the parking lot will be given to Jenn when she returns.