Review: Algebra
Write numeric expressions: Numeric expressions are expressions written out as phrases Example: Written as: The difference of 16 and 7
Write algebraic expressions: Algebraic expressions are expressions written as phrases Example: 2n + 6 Written as: the sum of twice a number and six.
Identify the solution set in an inequality and an equation: The solution set of an equation is what the variable equals: if 3x = 9 then x = 3 The solution set in an inequality is the entire shaded region on the graph:
Solve one-step equations:
Write inequalities:
Graph inequalities:
Evaluate numerical expressions:
Evaluate numerical expressions (substitution):
Identify parts of an expression: Label the following expression: 6x + 18 * the “first term” is the first number combination in the expression
Evaluate the order of operations problems:
Generate equivalent expressions (CLT/Factor/DP):
Identify equivalent expressions: