Benefits of an Internship Resume Building Graduate and Medical schools are interested in your dedication to fields of interest outside of the undergraduate curriculum Decide a Career Path Provide insight as to whether you are interested in a certain field as a career Unique Education Internships provide an individualistic type of learning often hard to come by in the classroom or laboratory
NYU SURP New York University Summer Undergraduate Research Program Through Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences Students interested in: Biomedical Imaging, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Neuroscience and Physiology, etc. Runs for nine weeks from early June to early August Provides: Stipend of $3,500 Free Housing in an NYU Facility Round trip travel expenses to NYC Requirements: Matriculated College Sophomores or Juniors At least a 3.4 GPA and 1 full semester of bench laboratory research Letters of Recommendation from Faculty and/or Research Advisors
NYU CNS NYU Center for Neural Science Students interested in a Neuroscience Research-Centered career Runs for ten weeks from late May to late July Provides: N/A Requirements: Matriculated College Sophomores or Juniors Strong academic record with courses in Biology, Mathematics, Psychology, and if possible Neuroscience A GPA of at least 3.0 Priority given to minority students, women, and pre-PhDs
U of R SSP University of Rochester Summer Scholars Program Students interested in a Ph.D. degree in Biological or Biomedical Sciences Runs for ten weeks from late May to early August Provides: Stipend of $450 per week University Housing Parking available, luncheons, group trips and social activities GRE General Test Prep Course offered to Juniors Requirements: Matriculated College Sophomores or Juniors Strong Academic Background GPA of at least 3.0 Two Letters of Recommendation scholars/ scholars/
Columbia University Amgen Columbia University/Barnard College Amgen Scholars Summer Research Program Students interested in hands-on Biology Related Laboratory Research Runs for ten weeks from late May to early August Provides: Stipend of $4000 On-Campus Housing Requirements: Matriculated College Sohpomores, Juniors, or Non- Graduating Seniors No Previous Research Experience Necessary Commit to not attending summer school/working another job Two Letters of Recommendation
Einstein SURP Albert Einstein College of Medicine Summer Undergraduate Research Program Students interested in a Research Career Runs for eight weeks from mid-June to early August Provides: Stipend of $3000 On-Campus Housing Up to $500 in Transportation Assistance Requirements: Matriculated College Juniors Strong background in the Sciences (Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Bioengineering, etc)
Rockefeller SURF Rockefeller University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Students interested in Biochemistry, Structural Biology and Chemistry, Immunology, Virology and Microbiolgy, Neuroscience, etc. Runs for ten weeks from early June to mid-August Provides: Stipend of $3000 Free Housing and Access to Campus Facilities Requirements: Matriculated College Sophomores and Juniors Two letters of Recommendation from Professors/Mentors
Sloan-Kettering SURP Sloan-Kettering Summer Undergraduate Research Program Students interested in pursuing a career in Biomedically Related Sciences Runs for ten weeks from early June to mid-August Provides: Stipend of $4000 Housing Accomodations Available Four Exceptional Students to be named Rubin and Sarah Shaps Scholars Requirements: Matriculated College Freshmen, Sophomores, or Juniors GPA of at least 3.0 Completed at least college-level General Biology and Introductory Chemistry Two Letters of Recommendation
Mount Sinai SURP Mount Sinai School of Medicine Summer Undergraduate Research Program Students interested in doing research at a leading Biomedical Institution and in a PhD or MD/PhD Program Runs for ten weeks from mid-June to late August Provides: Stipend of $3500 Free Housing Invitation to Apply for Early Acceptance to PhD or MD/PhD Program Requirements: Matriculated College Sophomores or Juniors GPA of at least 3.5 Minimum of three months Research Experience Two Letters of Recommendation programs/summer-undergraduate-research-program/ programs/summer-undergraduate-research-program/
Cold Spring Harbor URP Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Undergraduate Research Program Students interested in Cancer Biology, Neuroscience, Plant Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genetics, etc. Runs for ten weeks from early June to mid-August Provides: Stipend of $4000 Room & Board on CSHL Campus Requirements: Matriculated College Sophomores or Juniors Strong Academic Background Two Letters of Recommendation
SCA Conservation Internships Student Conservation Association Conservation Internships Students interested in Ecology, Wildlife Management, Botany, Fisheries, etc. Runs for various lengths at various times of the year Provided Materials and Requirements vary
Cary Institute REU Cary Institute Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program Students interested in conducting quality research in Ecology Runs for eleven weeks from late May to mid-August Provides: Stipend of $5100 Housing in an Institute Dormitory Food Allowance of $600 Requirements: Enrolled Undergraduate Student
MBL Internship Program Marine Biological Laboratory Internship Program Students interested in aquatic animal care, husbandry, and culture Runs for one semester in Cape Cod Massachussetts Provides: No Housing, Transportation, or Stipend Requirements: Participation for 40 Hours per Week Personal Interview Open to All College Students and Recent Graduates 0Description 0Description
Many More Exist Search for more local, hospital, or university affiliated internships This is the site I used to find most of the opportunities just discussed: