Martin Bureau, University of Oxford WISDOM: mm-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses Martin Bureau, Oxford University CO (WISDOM: Leo Blitz, Michele Cappellari, Timothy Davis, Satoru Iguchi, Kyoko Onishi, Marc Sarzi) Plans: Introduction: M - σ ★ relation, measurement methods SMBHs: Past/current efforts (CARMA, ALMA) SMBHs: Future efforts (WISDOM) SMBHs: Central GMC populations
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford WISDOM: mm-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses Martin Bureau, Oxford University CO (WISDOM: Leo Blitz, Michele Cappellari, Timothy Davis, Satoru Iguchi, Kyoko Onishi, Marc Sarzi) Plans: Introduction: M - σ ★ relation, measurement methods SMBHs: Past/current efforts (CARMA, ALMA) SMBHs: Future efforts (WISDOM) SMBHs: Central GMC populations
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford M - σ ★ Relation: Status M - σ ★ : SMBH Masses: ~ 80 masses, all local All require medium resolution spectro at high spatial resolution Basis for all indirect estimates (reverberation mapping, line widths, virial/X-ray/radio FP, pitch angle, …) Underlies staggering amount of theoretical work Essential to framework of (high-mass) galaxy formation ⇒ Central to much current astrophysics (AGN feedback) (McConnell & Ma 13)
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford M - σ ★ : M - σ ★ Relation: Status Weaknesses: Still relatively few measurements Handful of methods Each method has own weaknesses and systematics Methods targets highly correlated ⇒ Highly biased sample (compact cores) ⇒ Different systematics across relation (σ ★, mass, Hubble type, …) ⇒ Need for unique method (all types), conceptually simple (no systematics), easily scalable (rapid) (McConnell & Ma 13)
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford PVDs: Arguments: Applicable across Hubble sequence: nearly all galaxies have molecular gas Conceptually simple: Keplerian rotation around SMBH Rapid: 10s mins on source (ALMA) 100s measurements trivial >10 5 possible, same systematics Proof of concept / pilot studies done ⇒ Method ripe for large-scale exploitation ⇒ Revolution in studies of M - σ ★ relation Molecular Gas (CO) SMBH Measurements Statistics:
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford WISDOM: mm-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses Martin Bureau, Oxford University CO (WISDOM: Leo Blitz, Michele Cappellari, Timothy Davis, Satoru Iguchi, Kyoko Onishi, Marc Sarzi) Plans: Introduction: M - σ ★ relation, measurement methods SMBHs: Past/current efforts (CARMA, ALMA) SMBHs: Future efforts (WISDOM) SMBHs: Central GMC populations
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford (Kaviraj et al.) HST WFC3 NUV-optical data: CO: NGC 4526 SMBH mass (Davis et al. 2013) SDSS colour image: (SDSS)
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford (Kaviraj et al.) HST WFC3 NUV-optical data: BIMA low-res (4.5”) data: CO: NGC 4526 SMBH mass (Davis et al. 2013) SDSS colour image: (SDSS)
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford NGC4526: High resolution (0.25”) CARMA CO(2-1) data Regular (central) disk kinematics Free M/L * and M ⇒ Strong constraints on M (M = 4.1 x 10 8 M ) (consistent with M - σ ★ ) ⇒ Great prospects across Hubble sequence with ALMA… BIMA low-res (4.5”) data: CARMA high-res (0.25” = 20 pc) data: CO: NGC 4526 SMBH mass (Davis et al. 2013)
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford Position Velocity Model PVD and major-axis trace: CO: NGC 4526 SMBH mass (Davis et al. 2013)
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford BH mass: NGC4526: High resolution (0.25”) CARMA CO(2-1) data Regular (central) disk kinematics Free M/L * and M ⇒ Strong constraints on M (M = 4.1 x 10 8 M ) (consistent with M - σ ★ ) ⇒ Great prospects across Hubble sequence with ALMA… M ★ M BH CARMA high-res (0.25” = 20 pc) data: M BH σ ★ CO: NGC 4526 SMBH mass (Davis et al. 2013)
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford NGC1097: Onishi et al. 2015, ApJ, 806, 39 (Following talk) NGC3665: Onishi et al. 2016, MNRAS, submitted (Following talk) NGC1332: Barth et al. 2016, ApJ, in press; arXiv (Preceding talk) CO: Other recent SMBH mass measurements
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford WISDOM: mm-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses Martin Bureau, Oxford University CO (WISDOM: Leo Blitz, Michele Cappellari, Timothy Davis, Satoru Iguchi, Kyoko Onishi, Marc Sarzi) Plans: Introduction: M - σ ★ relation, measurement methods SMBHs: Past/current efforts (CARMA, ALMA) SMBHs: Future efforts (WISDOM) SMBHs: Central GMC populations
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford HST image: CARMA CO: SMBH “Pipeline”: 1) Identify promising targets (HST optical imaging) 2) Verify CO content (CO single-dish) 3) Obtain moderate resolution CO imaging (mm interferometry) 4) Pursue very-high resolution CO imaging (mm interferometry) ⇒ Get SMBH masses via dynamical modelling CO: WISDOM IRAM 30m spectrum:
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford ALMA Cycle 2 HST images + CO: CO velocity: PVD observed: CO velocity:
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford ALMA Cycle 3 Massive galaxies: Images: PVD predicted:
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford ALMA Cycle 3 Normal galaxies: Images: PVD predicted:
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford Low-mass / dwarf galaxies: Images: PVD predicted: ALMA Cycle 3
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford WISDOM: mm-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses Martin Bureau, Oxford University CO (WISDOM: Leo Blitz, Michele Cappellari, Timothy Davis, Satoru Iguchi, Kyoko Onishi, Marc Sarzi) Plans: Introduction: M - σ ★ relation, measurement methods SMBHs: Past/current efforts (CARMA, ALMA) SMBHs: Future efforts (WISDOM) SMBHs: Central GMC populations
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford Larson relations: Spatially-resolved GMC populations: Cloud statistics / MDFs Larson relations Support / timescales Shear / rotation KS law / star formation … ⇒ Milky Way-like studies in external galaxies ⇒ Comparison to other galaxies (expanded parameter space) Cloud identification: SMBHs: GMC studies (free!) (Utomo et al. 15) Support: Dynamics: MDFs:
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford WISDOM: mm-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses Martin Bureau, Oxford University CO (WISDOM: Leo Blitz, Michele Cappellari, Timothy Davis, Satoru Iguchi, Kyoko Onishi, Marc Sarzi) Plans: Introduction: M - σ ★ relation, measurement methods SMBHs: Past/current efforts (CARMA, ALMA) SMBHs: WISDOM SMBHs: Central GMC populations
Martin Bureau, University of Oxford PVDs: Arguments: Applicable across Hubble sequence: nearly all galaxies have molecular gas Conceptually simple: Keplerian rotation around SMBH Rapid: 10s mins on source (ALMA) 100s measurements trivial >10 5 possible, same systematics Proof of concept / pilot studies done ⇒ Method ripe for large-scale exploitation ⇒ Revolution in studies of M - σ ★ relation Molecular Gas (CO) SMBH Measurements Statistics: