Thank you! How to Facilitate Discourse in the Mathematics Classroom
Outcome #1: Define discourse Outcome #2: Recognize benefits of discourse to learning Outcome #3: Recognize discourse as a dynamic that develops with effort and over time. Outcome #4: Learn to generate and reinforce classroom norms for student and teacher behavior during discourse. Outcome #5: Learn to facilitate discourse, encouraging students to extend thinking and make connections to others’ ideas and to important mathematical concepts. Today’s outcomes or takeaways
Parking Lot On the wall is a “parking lot” where you may post sticky notes. Ask questions Celebrate moments Share “Aha’s” Questions go here. Ah-ha’s go here too!
Question: There are several books on a bookshelf. If one book is the 4th from the left and 6th from the right, how many books are on the shelf? Agree on answer?
What’s on your shelf? Be ready to name 3 of your own books, making one a favorite professional resource. Discuss what is on your shelf.
Agree on Norms Respect your own needs Respect the needs of the group
Activity 1
Close Reading Annotation Key “Visible Thinking” Underline key ideas – essential details Circle any essential vocabulary terms Triangle around words you are unsure of… As a questions – make a comment, connection, application, agree/disagree ?
Five Reasons Talk is Critical to Teaching & Learning 1. Talk can reveal understanding & misunderstanding. 2. Talk supports robust learning by boosting memory. 3. Talk supports deeper reasoning. 4. Talk supports language development. 5. Talk supports development of social skills. From Classroom Discussions: Seeing Math Discourse in Action, Grades Nancy C. Anderson, Suzanne H. Chapin & Catherine O’Connor, 2011.
Activity 2: Self-Evaluation Use the rubric to rate the current state of discourse in your classroom
Activity 3: Establishing Norms What are characteristics of a classroom environment that encourages productive discourse?
Activity 3: Evidence of Norms in a Classroom Video
Activity 3 continued What ideas do we need to consider when establishing norms? What do we think about as we provide equity and a safe environment to all?
Activity 3 continued There should be different lists of norms at your table to compare/contrast. As you work, identify which norms would be workable in your classroom. View video (Grade 7 Classroom Norms) Watch video again. View video (Grade 7 Classroom Norms)
Non Examples of Norms
Parking Lot Check Let’s check the “parking lot” to see whether there are questions we can answer at this point. Questions go here. Ah-ha’s go here too!
Talk Moves
Activity 4 cont’d: Talk Moves on Display in our Gallery – Matching
Activity 4: Investigating Teacher Discourse Moves Linear functions video: What moves does the teacher use? When does he use them? How do the teacher moves affect student responses?
Activity 4: Investigating Teacher Discourse Moves Quadratic functions video: What moves does the teacher use? When does she use them? How do the teacher moves affect student responses?
Activity 4: Adding More Stems to our Gallery Posters
Parking Lot Check Check the “parking lot” where you put sticky notes with questions. Can we address any questions? Questions go here. Ah-ha’s go here too!
Did you…? Can you…? Outcome #1: Define discourse Outcome #2: Recognize benefits of discourse to learning Outcome #3: Recognize discourse as a dynamic that develops with effort and over time. Outcome #4: Learn to generate and reinforce classroom norms for student and teacher behavior during discourse. Outcome #5: Learn to facilitate discourse, encouraging students to extend thinking and make connections to others’ ideas and to important mathematical concepts.
Reflection Take out rubric from earlier Now, let’s do a quick-write! How do you feel about the current level of discourse in your classroom? What do you particularly like about it? What do you particularly dislike about it?
3-2-1 Implementation Outline Think about implementing in your own classroom. Sketch out the following: 3 norms/expectations you believe will promote discourse in your classroom; 2 discourse moves to add to your current repertoire; 1 date on which you will pull out the Hufford-Ackles rubric and assess your progress.
Your Final Collaboration: One word summary
Thank you … Thank you! [Facilitator’s and information]