Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Station One: Smartboard will colorful and inviting font. Draws people in by asking questions related to UDL. Station will be set-up with mini stations or centers so attendees can use various technological devices to gain information about UDL. Attendees will be able to watch short video clips, play interactive computer games, and use technology that is incorporated in an instructional plan that is provided. Attendees will learn the answers to the following questions: What is UDL? Why is UDL important? How do students and teachers benefit from UDL? How does technology and UDL work together?
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) *What is UDL? - Definition - List of various technologies the attendees can engage with at the station - Video clip called, UDL at a Glance ( *Why is UDL important? - Three principles of UDL *provides multiple means of representation *provides multiple means of action and expression *provides multiple means of engagement - Definition and description of each principle
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) *How do students and teachers benefit from UDL? *How does UDL and technology work together? - Answer to both questions - List of the various technologies that support UDL - Ways that the attendees will engage in the station related to the questions
Technology & UDL for All Learners Station Two: *Greenwich Central School District *CTE School called BOCES Definition of CTE school *Mission Statement: The Greenwich Central School District incorporates technology and works collaboratively with other school districts and the local CTE School to provide the differentiated means which supports the individual learning styles of each student so they can meet the expectations set for them.
Technology & UDL for All Learners Belief Statement: To provide the necessary tools to ensure student success Goals: Provide technology devices to support student learning Use a UDL approach Support students to make their own choices about their learning.
Technology & UDL for All Learners *Collaboration between school district and BOCES *Programs provides at the BOCES and other CTE schools - Agricultural education - Business & Marketing education - Family & Consumer Science education - Health Occupation education - Technology education - Trade, Technical, & Industrial education (NYSED.gov, 2015) - Culinary arts education - Hospitality education
21 st -Century Skills Acquisition and Employability *Early Childhood Education 21 st Century Skills learned through the ECE program. Life & Career Skills of English, Reading, & Writing Learning & Innovative Skills of creativity and innovation Key Concepts of flexibility and adaptability Info, Media, & Technology Skills of ICT Literacy * ICT Literacy Outcomes Station Three:
21 st -Century Skills Acquisition and Employability As part of station three, attendees will access the 21 st Century Skill and ICT Outcomes links *Example of a technological tool uses- laptop *Attendees will engage in various learning activities that can be completed on the laptop *CTE program instructor and current students will be available to answer additional questions the attendees may have. Technology is an important concept. Students of all ages benefit form technology enriched learning. Advanced technology will help increase student success and preparation for the 21 st Century economy.
CAST. (2010, January 6). UDL at a glance [Video file]. Retrieved from UDL at a glance Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success Greenwich Central School District. Educational Planning Guide (9-12). Morra, T., & Reynolds, J. (2010). Universal Design for Learning: Application for Technology-Enhanced Learning: Inquiry. 15 (1), New York State Department of Education (2015). Career and Technical Education. Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (n.d.). Career and technical education related links. Retrieved from Career and technical education related links Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). Framework for 21st century learning. Retrieved from framework Framework for 21st century learninghttp:// framework Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). ICT Literacy. Retrieved from ICT Literacy. Stockall, N.S., Dennis, L., & Miller, M. (2012). Right From the Start. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(1), References