TRACING AGRIFOOD QUALITY The absolute quality management, added value tool for SME’s Agri-food business In Quality we Trust
e-Pitch Investor Deck Outline The Quality Problem The TAQ Solution Market Opportunity Business Model Steam-Team Our Development Plan Financial Projections Invest in TAQ TAQ in motion
The Quality Problem of SME’s SME’s in farming & agri-food chain: Quality management systems are too expensive for them Their products do not have quality certifications Consumers prefer products with quality assurance Big Firms buy products from SME’s, apply quality systems and yield the ADDED VALUE
The Quality Problem in Agrifood If a food safety incident occurs, trace back and lot retrieving is impossible
The Quality Problem in Agrifood Consumers have no “inside” information of the products Consumers seek
The TAQ Solution With TAQ, agri-food SME’s: – Insert Product and Geographic data – Insert Transportation and Storing data – Insert HACCP-production Data
The TAQ Solution TAQ app Prints QR-code to be stuck on the products QR-codes correspond to a URL with all products’ info
The TAQ Solution Consumers with smart-phones scan QR-code and “read” product’s info
The TAQ Solution With TAQ, if food safety incident occurs, consumers can be informed (Mad Cows, Dioxins in Poultry…. etc)
The TAQ Solution With TAQ, consumers know the Producers and the products are no longer just a commodity With TAQ, all SM agri-food companies gain:
Market Opportunity There is a Clearly Increasing Concern for Food Safety It is attractive for Consumers to feel that they buy directly from farmers
Market Opportunity SME’s seek simple quality management systems SME’s need to enhance the added-value of their products Need has been expressed by big Supper Markets
Market Opportunity 150k Agrifood SME’s in Greece, of which 50k exporting 450k Agrifood SME’s in Spain, of which 120k exporting 380k Agrifood SME’s in Italy, of which 100k exporting 4,5M Agrifood SME’s in EU 500M Consumers in EU seeking for Quality Credentials in Agrifood products
Market Opportunity Only 10% of the Agrifood SME’s have quality management systems Only 5% of the retailers take advantage of of the consumers’ smart devices
Competition Legend: HarvestMark (USA) Follow this food (UK) E-Cert (Greece) fTrace (Germany) Tracing Agrifood Quality Market Opportunity: Competition Functions Usability
Business Model Canvas Key PartnersKey ActivitiesValue Propositions RelationshipsCustomer Segments Key ResourcesChannels Cost Structure (see further slides)Revenue Streams (see next slide) Retailers Consumers Farmers Manufacturers Transporters Warehouses Wholesalers TAQ Development TAQ Development Marketing Plan FISpace TAQ Platform FRACTALS Build App ID in Food Safety Build App ID in Food Safety Reach the target Audience Reach the target Audience Access Customers’ Databases Access Customers’ Databases Promote Food Quality Publicity Promote Food Quality Publicity Commission to promoters Commission to promoters Promotion Development Operational Flat rate Advertisments Annual fee TAQ website Unions and Consultants Unions and Consultants FISpace Consumers Associations Consumers Associations Farmers Unions Farmers Unions
Business Model Revenue Streams 3 rd Option: Subscription Unlimited Pro-TAQ: 25 € 3 rd Option: Subscription Unlimited Pro-TAQ: 25 € Ads: Combined Products etc: 1€cent / Scan Ads: Combined Products etc: 1€cent / Scan 2 nd Option: Annual Unlimited Subscription An-TAQ: 10€ 2 nd Option: Annual Unlimited Subscription An-TAQ: 10€ 1 st Option: Subscription per Process Eco-TAQ: 0,5€ 1 st Option: Subscription per Process Eco-TAQ: 0,5€
Steam-Team Dr. V. Efopoulos, CEO & CMO 20 Years of Management Experience in IT Companies Dedicated Executives for all business pitches Dr. I. Papadakis, CQO 15 years of experience in Food Safety & Quality Dr. K. Kountouris, CFO & CBO Member of FISpace Foundation 20 Years Business Development Dr. N. Petalidis, CIO IT Manager & Consultant for more than 15 years by
PLAN WITH INVESTMENT TIME CURRENT PLAN Development Plan TAQ V1.0 launched (with Extra Features) Marketing Campaign Greece TAQ Beta ready December 2015 February 2016 June 2016 TAQ V1.0 launched (with Standard Features) Promotion in Greece TAQ V1.2 (+2 Languages) Reach 10% of GR Farmers Marketing Campaign Spain TAQ V1.1 (+2 Languages) Reach 5% of GR Farmers Promotion in Spain TAQ V1.3 (+4 Languages) Reach 5% of ES Farmers Marketing Campaign Italy Critical mass for buzzer expansion not reached Critical mass for buzzer expansion reached
Invest in TAQ for Unique Features Extra Feature 1: TAQ offers Proximity Marketing to the Customers Smartphones (NFC) ( €) Extra Feature 2: TAQ offers loyalty programs and daily offers (25.000€) Extra Feature 3: TAQ connects customer & producer live (40.000€)
Financial Projections WITHOUT NEW INVESTMENT – WITH NEW INVESTMENT (250K€) Year 2016 Projections Current PlanWith Investment Promotional Cost15 k€165k€ Reach of Potential Clients (Gr, ES, It)150k Clients980k Clients Development Cost for extra features – languages 10k€110k€ Penetration (Subscriptions)8k57k Clients GROSS PROFIT (aver. Sub. Fee: 15€/an)120k €880k € EARNINGS (BITDA) 2,5k €251k €
Financial Projections 3 years WITHOUT NEW INVESTMENT Potential Clients Penetration (%)5,00% Quantitative Sales (pieces) Income from sales € € € Income from Advertisments € € € GROSS PROFIT € € € Commission to promoters € € € Promotional Cost € € € Development cost € € € Opperational cost (personel, overheads) € € € EXPENSES € € € NET PROFIT * € € € *Before Interest Taxes Depriciation and Amortization)
Financial Projections 3 years WITH NEW INVESTMENT (250K€) Potential Clients Penetration (%)5,00%6,00% Quantitative Sales (pieces) Income from sales € € € Income from Advertisments € € € GROSS PROFIT € € € Commission to promoters € € € Promotional Cost (NEW INV ) € € € Development cost (NEW INV ) € € Opperational cost (personel, overheads) € € € EXPENSES € € € EARNINGS * € € € *Before Interest Taxes Depriciation and Amortization)
Invest in TAQ Distribution of Requested Investment (70% by Oct. ‘15, 30% by Dec. ’15) 100k€ in Development 150k€ in promotion Offer In Return for Investment 25% Company Shares Combined Offer: 15% Annual Interest + Annual Amortization (subject to discussion) 3 years Interest 100k€ (Plus Invested capital) Total estimated accumulative profit in 3 years based on 25% share holding 530k€ Requested Investment: 250k€
Invest in TAQ Exit Opportunities *Subject to discussion EXIT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES 2nd YEAR3rd YEAR Company Shares* per 1% (375k€ + 1 st year profit) per 1% (500k€ + 2 years profit) If combined with Amortization 2 years Interest 15% + Capital 3 years Interest 15% + Capital
TAQ In Motion
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