TECHNICAL SOIL SERVICES: FY UPDATE Michael Robotham National Leader for TSS October 9, 2014
Overview of presentation FY2014 TSS activities report Example products TSS Reporting for FY2015 Business planning for FY2015 National areas of interest Resources
FY2014 Technical Soil Services Activities (and Instances) Report
FY2014 Activities Report Report summarize instances of TSS assistance provided as reported using the NASIS-based reporting system Reporting is no longer voluntary for SSD- affiliated staff Reporting is and will remain voluntary for state/area-affiliated staff Activities report is very useful at the national level to document great work done in the field to support the agency
Other 2014 Highlights TSS Course revised and taught in July/August – many thanks to cadre Need one-two paragraph local “highlights” for annual national TSS report Send to Mike by October 17 Highlight great example outreach product: Connecticut Soils Program fact sheet Developed by Debbie Surabian (SSS for CT and RI), her staff and SSR 12 staff 7
FY2015 TSS Reporting
New in FY2015 Switch from current “instances” metric to “hours” in FY2015. Changes in NASIS TSS tables and structure in NASIS 6.3 (next slides) Trying to streamline process Updated guidance documents to reflect NASIS 6.3 changes Will be posted on sharepoint and sent to SSSs and SSRDs
Key NASIS 6.2/6.3 changes Addition of “hours” field to main TSS table Added “State”, “County” and “MLRA” fields to main TSS table Can still use “area overlap” table for other areas of local interest Updated choice lists to reflect 2014 Farm Bill programs Addition of “TSS text” and “TSS site” overlap tables
But I’m NASIS-phobic, do you have anything for me? “TSS reporting assistant” spreadsheet Developed by Kevin Godsey and others Records up to 50 TSS entries Formatted for NASIS import (using “Import Excel File” feature) Available on TSS program Sharepoint and by request
But what if I forget … YouTube video tutorial: atch?v=s0yr2Vduur8 Updated “helpful hints” document available on the TSS Sharepoint
Reporting questions?
Moving forward in FY2015
Business Plans States / Areas are STRONGLY encouraged to develop a TSS Business plan for FY2015 Identify this year’s projected activities What needs to be done? When does it need to be done? What are the resources required? Cooperative effort Tie into State business plan Coordinate with SSR business plan(s)
Business plans continued Very important communication and planning tool Work with SSRD(s) to identify assistance needs and available resources Allows for management flexibility from both State/Area and SSR to get the work done Tailor plan to meet your local management needs and objectives PIA example posted on TSS Sharepoint Site Please feel free to post additional examples
International Year of Soils (IYS) 18 More information to follow …
Ongoing national activities SOIL HEALTH Toolkit upgrades leading to CDSI Soils “job approval” authority National models and databases (and some potential new ones) CEAP and other assessment tools Conservation compliance changes in 2014 Farm Bill Lots of uncertainty – will keep you informed
FY2015 National TSS Program Goals Complete revisions to the TSSH Develop and implement “communication strategy” How do we find out what is important to you? How do we “get the word out” from national? How do we better exchange information, ideas, tools, best practices etc. Get soils “back in the discussion” at the national level – Soil Health, CDSI, CEAP, Conservation Planning, etc. We need your help!
The people: contact information (who you gonna call?) Michael Robotham – NL for TSS All and sundry issues Linda Scheffe soil health, conservation planning, CDSI, models Lenore Vasilas wetlands, compliance, soils JAA, training
Other Resources TSS Handbook Overview of TSS Links to policies and other supporting docs ail/national/soils/?cid=nrcs142p2_ TSS Sharepoint Lots of resources – plan is to continue to expand – check out “shared documents” _SSRA/ssd/tss/default.aspx 23