The Cherokee Indians By Sopheani Kieng November 17, th Grade Mrs. T. Johnson
Location The Cherokee tribe lived in the southeast region. The Cherokee tribe lived in the southeast region. These people lived in mainly what is now Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. These people lived in mainly what is now Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. The climate was very humid. The climate was very humid. Legend says that they came from the far northwest to form part of one large Eastern Woodlands tribe. Legend says that they came from the far northwest to form part of one large Eastern Woodlands tribe. Their territory was along the Appalachian Mountains. Their territory was along the Appalachian Mountains. The Cherokee lived near many different rivers, especially near the Tennessee River. The Cherokee lived near many different rivers, especially near the Tennessee River.
Housing The Cherokee lived in a rectangular or round home. The Cherokee lived in a rectangular or round home. They would cover it with wattle (twigs and branches woven together) and daub (mud or clay). They would cover it with wattle (twigs and branches woven together) and daub (mud or clay). They had fences to keep enemies from coming in, or palisades. They had fences to keep enemies from coming in, or palisades. A town had homes, depending how small or large it was. A town had homes, depending how small or large it was. Handmade log cabins with bark roofs were soon made and settled down in. Handmade log cabins with bark roofs were soon made and settled down in.
Food The Cherokee ate game like deer, bear, and rabbit. They would dress like deer or other animals and trick them. They ate many fish caught in streams with nets. The Cherokee were good farmers and planted squash, bean, and corn. These are known as the Three Sisters because they were easy to grow together. Sometimes they devoured roots of wild plants as well as stems. The Cherokee women cooked them to kill the germs, and everyone would feast.
Clothing The Cherokee Indians wore hides, beaver, and deerskin from the animals they hunted for food. The Cherokee Indians wore hides, beaver, and deerskin from the animals they hunted for food. They also wore bear, moccasins, and raccoon fur. These could keep the Indians comfy during the winter. They also wore bear, moccasins, and raccoon fur. These could keep the Indians comfy during the winter. The chiefs wore capes of buffalo, or possum fur which could be dyed yellow, or red, as well as turkey feathers for cape mantles. The chiefs wore capes of buffalo, or possum fur which could be dyed yellow, or red, as well as turkey feathers for cape mantles. They wore brass beads which were easily worn to look fancy. They wore brass beads which were easily worn to look fancy.
Present Status Today, the Cherokee Indians still have Indian reservations and casinos in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. Today, the Cherokee Indians still have Indian reservations and casinos in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. There are museums about the Cherokee. There are museums about the Cherokee. Schools still teach their language. Cherokee people are now lawyers, teachers, writers, etc. Schools still teach their language. Cherokee people are now lawyers, teachers, writers, etc.