Communication and effective presentations Module 6 INSTRUCTIONS This template is designed for projected presentations and printed handouts only. The template provides the option of either a grey or white background. How to change colour palette: Format > Slide Design > Color Schemes Apply to All Masters
Disclaimer This material has been developed as part of the UTS Business School and Ernst & Young ‘Leadership & Change for Energy Efficiency in Accounting & Management’ project. The project is supported by the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage as part of the Energy Efficiency Training Program. For more information on the project, please go to: This presentation is for educational purposes only, and does not contain specific or general advice. Please seek appropriate advice before making any financial decisions. 2
► Introduction ► Communications Planning ► Audience Analysis ► Structuring Communication Agenda 3
Outline 4
Learning Objectives At the end of this module, you will be able to: ► Describe the principles behind effective communication ► Apply effective presentation techniques Change Planning Communications Business Outcomes Realisation Stakeholder Engagement
Overview Module: Communications Communications Planning Audience Analysis Effective Presentations Deployment Communications Stakeholder Communications ► Communication of the change(s) to those that are impacted ► Communication with key Change Leaders and Sponsors to secure their ongoing support for the changes 6
An example of what can go wrong 7
Communications planning Understand the context Undertake analysis Plan the communications Deliver Evaluate the effectiveness Principles of Good Communication: 1.Credibility 2.Involve not inform 3.Choose communicators whom people trust / respect 4.Visible management support 5.Face-to-face communication 6.Consistent messages 7.Repeat messages, vary communication mechanisms 8.Create demand – encourage the pull for information 9.Tailor communication to audience needs 10.Central co-ordination of messages where possible 11.Listen and act on feedback 8
The importance of leadership communication ► Leaders of change must be visible and communicate consistently and frequently with those affected by the change. ► “Visibility cannot be delegated. Leadership cannot be delegated. The two go together.” Loretta Ucelli, Director of Communications, Clinton Administration 9
Communications Plan Target audience Information required by audience Key message(s) Delivery Channel FrequencyPurpose of communicating with the audience Feedback mechanism ► Communication Plan should align with the project or Change Plan ► For example, communication activities should be based on the timeframes for key events, e.g. launch of a new policy ► Communication Plan should also align with your Stakeholder Engagement plan 10
Audience analysis Taking the time to think about and understand your audience(s) will enable you to..... ► prepare a more persuasive presentation ► achieve the outcomes desired from your presentation Think about: 1. Communication styles ► Are your audience: direct / analytical / easy going / strategic thinking / decision-makers / influencers 2. Motivators / Needs ► Rational ► Emotional ► Political 11
Effective communication is the art of getting what is in your head into someone else’s head with no distortion. We often fail to do this with our stakeholders and our colleagues. 12
Above all.....Think (Plan) and Then Write (Present) Effective presentations are all about Planning and Structure. Key principles: 1.Ensure that you and your audience share an understanding of the background and context to your presentation, so that you start from the same place 2.Explain WHY you are communicating 3.Create a question in the mind of your audience 4.Provide a clear and simple answer 5.Back up your answer with evidence, analysis and insight which is COMPELLING and WELL-STRUCTURED 13
A proven approach to structuring communications ► Although there are plenty of wrong ways to communicate, there is no single right way ► However, this structure has been shown to be effective for all substantial communications ContextTrigger The Question Response 14
Elements of the structure ContextTrigger The Question Response Establish a shared context and background Why the audience is here / should listen The core of the presentation set as a question Body of the presentation The main message 15
Example We are locked into a contract with Supplier X for the next three years. We have discovered that Supplier X can not supply the most energy efficient equipment available in the market, but we do have a very cost competitive contract with them. Should we break our contract with Supplier X to meet our energy efficiency goals? No. The costs of switching and breaking the contract will exceed any benefits we get from energy efficiency savings. C ontext T rigger The Q uestion R esponse 16
Organise the main body of the presentation logically 17
Summary presentation structure Main Message Idea 2Idea 1Idea 3 Context Trigger The Question Conclusion 18
Communicating Energy Efficiency How? ► Ensure communication is ongoing, clear and quantifiable ► Broadcast achievements and progress towards goals and targets ► Should be user-friendly to encourage employee input and to provide feedback ► Be rewards and recognition focused give employees a true sense of involvement accomplishment and ownership ► Encourage energy efficiency champions - employees who see executives, management and peers “walking the walk” are more likely to adopt energy efficiency measures and sustain the effort Who should you be communicating to? ► Employees Suppliers ► Decision makers Customers ► Share holders Investors 19
20 INSTRUCTIONS Switch the position of the table and text by changing the Slide Layout. Format > Slide Layout… Over to you.....
Thank you Module 6