Tailored professional development to deliver the new apprenticeship standards - for assessors, teachers, trainers, managers and leaders Commissioned and funded by ETF. Delivered by AELP and partners.
Session objectives To introduce the Future Apprenticeships programme To highlight some of the latest issues and priorities for providers and staff To share provider models being used to address the some of the key issues To discuss key actions for your own organisations To signpost further support
Session outline 1.Overview – Highlights from ETF Future Apprenticeship support work JW 2.Models used by providers MC 3.Group action planning and discussionsAll 4. Next steps – Further support planned JW
Future Apprenticeships: Introduction and emerging key messages
English Apprenticeships: Our 2020 Vision A new ETF programme, Future Apprenticeships, will run at least to March It focuses on supporting training providers in designing training programmes to deliver the new standards and their strategic employer engagement strategy, to adapt to the employer-led context. Since March 2015, the ETF programmes have supported 70 training providers and we want to see more involved in this sort of activity.
Future Apprenticeships: 3 priorities: Supporting the transition from frameworks to standards, with a focus on curriculum development, teaching, learning and assessment Supporting employer engagement, including development of new business models and relationships with employers Supporting leaders to grow apprenticeship provision.
What has been on offer up to March 2016? Delivering new apprenticeships standards’ workshops for small and large organisations Employer engagement workshops, covering the new arrangements with employers Embedding English and Maths workshops to support staff in the context of the new apprenticeship standards Workshops during March to support leaders & governors with implementing the reforms Provider readiness groups looking at the differences between frameworks and standards More information can be found at: futureapprenticeshipshttp:// futureapprenticeships
The offer for April / May: Future Apprenticeships portal to be launched in April Provider toolkit Action planning workshops Employer engagement workshops Further work on provider readiness Mock assessment projects Webinar – topic to be confirmed
8 key messages to date (1 of 2): 1. Information: about the new apprenticeships standards and assessment plans, how funding and the Levy will work, quality assurance mechanisms, role and functions of the Institute for Apprenticeships. This is important for providers and employers alike. 2. New business models: there is a need for good financial modelling of the costs involved in delivering the new standards. 3. Employer engagement: understanding and developing a core and differentiated offer for employers is the key issue. 4. Local collaboration: there is a need to build collaborative networks of employers and providers, including higher education institutions and LEPs, to ensure that local labour market needs are being met alongside demand for learners.
8 key messages to date (2 of 2): 5.SMEs: there are particular concerns about how SMEs will engage with the new apprenticeship system, and how they will be supported by providers who are also grappling with the new system 6.Wider curriculum/qualifications reforms: there is a need to understand how other reforms sit alongside changes to apprenticeships – for example the new professional and technical routes and the articulation between these routes and apprenticeships 7.Assessment: more information is needed on arrangements and costs of assessment, including what is involved in becoming an assessment organisation. 8.New skills: the new apprenticeship system will require different sets of skills so there is a need for capacity building and skills development (eg in costing, marketing, pricing, business modelling, account management, vocational teaching and learning
Provider models
Managing the transition Stage 1 Strategy position Stage 2 Strategy development Stage 3 Strategy planning Stage 4 Strategy implementation & review Stakeholder value Financial rewards Employee engagement Productivity Quality Quantity Stakeholder value Financial rewards Employee engagement Productivity Quality Quantity Understand changes and implications; Identify strategic issues to address, market opportunities and threats Business analysis Organisational wide strategies; Competitor analysis; Competitive advantages; Long-term objectives; Financial projection Revised strategic plan; Communication strategy Organisational goals (short to mid-term SMART); People development; Department – planning, goals and budgets; Sales strategy; Financial Operational People Customers Review and improve: Outcome measures Analysis Reporting Refinement. Implementation; Employees delivering to meet strategic objectives; Performance indicators;
Overview and implications of key changes Employer designed Employer purchased New language and terminology New standards (curriculum) New end- point assessment Specified requirement of English & maths to L2 New funding principles New partnerships WHAT DO THESE MEAN FOR YOUR ORGANISATION?
From a training provider’s perspective Keep informed Understand intentions Know your specialism Route to market Employer contributions Pilot new standards Capability of delivery & engagement teams Internal review Get practising Market position Employer communication
From a college’s perspective Employer communication Skills mapping of staff CPD Assessor role Estates and capacity based on delivery models Use of technology World of school/college to world of work Entry points Employability/pathway to Apprenticeship HE Opportunities Large employer /SME relationship strategy Sales strategy aligned to incentives CRM Stakeholder engagement (LEP) Market need assessment Centralised v distributed in curriculum schools Clear costing model to support financial planning and cash flow Mapping current provision to new standards End point assessment Quality monitoring Delivery model Employer Engagement Staff & Resources Learner Progression
Action planning
Strategic planning Finance Risks and opportunities for your organisation Employer funding – Levy, SMEs and cash flow Removal of subcontracting as a revenue steam Competitive marketplace Operations New standards Delivery methods including delivery by specialist providers End-point assessment Ofsted and Quality assurance People & Resources Workforce implications/issues Staff skills and competencies required – new roles or working practices needed Employee engagement Resources for delivery and/or end-point assessment Customers Employers Learners Responding to local area needs - skills required Communication and branding
Action Planning goals and objectives What do we want? resources; strengths What have we got? challenges; gaps What do we need to develop? first steps How do we begin? business planning What do we need to do longer term?
Next steps
More information can be found at: futureapprenticeshipshttp:// futureapprenticeships Workshops available in April / May Visit the Future Apprenticeships portal in April Future Apprenticeships phase 2 – from June onwards
Apprenticeship reforms Consultation on commitment making 2.3% of workers in large public sector bodies apprentices, January Apprenticeship standards funding rules 2016 to 2017, version 1 Published end January Introduction of a new funding cap at 13K to the funding model 19 to 24 Care leavers - extending the incentive payment Full list of support available at: Other support available at: Main page on Apprenticeship reforms: Published standards and those in development: Have your say on draft EOIs, standards and assessment plans, via the monthly online survey: approvals