Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 1.The laboratory is used for serious work! Horseplay can lead to chemical spills, accidental fires, broken containers, and damaged equipment. Talking among lab groups should be kept at a low volume. Frequently, you will be given directions during the lab that must be heard by everyone. Failure to hear your teacher’s directions can lead to injury or inaccurate lab results.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 2.Never perform activities that are not authorized by your teacher. Read all directions for an experiment several times and discuss these with your lab group. Ask questions if you do not understand any part of the experiment. Follow the directions exactly as they are written.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 3.Never handle any equipment unless you have specific permission to do so. Never work alone in the laboratory. Never enter the lab or storage room unless supervised by your teacher. Never remove chemicals or supplies from the laboratory.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 4. Know the location and proper use of ALL safety equipment. Report any accident, injury, or incorrect procedure to your teacher at once!
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 5. Keep your work area clean and free of clutter. Only the materials needed for the experiment should be on the lab station table.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 6. Never eat or drink in the laboratory. Some chemicals can be poisonous if ingested. Always wash your hands after you have handled a chemical and at the conclusion of the laboratory experiment.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 7. Always tie back long hair, remove loose jewelry, and wear closed-toe shoes. Loose clothing or flowing sleeves should not be worn in the laboratory.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 8. Goggles should be worn when chemicals are being heated or mixed. If you happened to get a chemical in your eye, immediately flush the eye with water at the eye wash station and notify your teacher.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 9. Gloves should be worn whenever you handle chemicals that can cause skin irritations or can be absorbed through the skin.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 10. Never smell, touch, or taste any substance unless specifically told to do so by your teacher. When told to smell a chemical, use the wafting method by holding it 6 inches away from your nose and gently waving your hand over the opening of the container toward your nose. This will protect your from large doses of fumes that can be poisonous.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 11. Take extreme care not to spill any substance in the laboratory. If you spill a chemical on your skin, flush the area with water for several minutes and report it to your teacher. If a spill should occur on your lab station, ask your teacher immediately about the proper clean up procedures. Do not attempt to clean up the spill yourself. Dispose of all chemicals as instructed by your teacher.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 12. When using a chemical read the label twice. Be sure you use the correct chemical in the correct amount. Do not return excess chemicals back to the original container. It could contaminate the supply. Do not use the same tool to remove chemicals from two different containers. Replace all stoppers on the bottles as soon as you finish using it.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 13. Know the correct procedures for mixing chemicals. If you are unsure, ask your teacher. When preparing or diluting chemical solutions, add the chemical to the water, never add water to the chemical.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 14. When heating a substance in a container, always point the mouth of the container away from yourself and others. Never heat a substance in a closed container. When heating glassware over an open flame or direct heat, always use a wire mesh. Always use clamps or tongs when handling hot glassware.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 15. Never use broken or cracked glassware. If glassware breaks, notify your teacher. Do not attempt to clean it up yourself.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 16. Be careful when handling sharp objects. Never cut any material towards you, always cut away from you. If you become cut, notify your teacher.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 17. When using electrical equipment such as a hot plate or microscope, the electrical cord should be plugged in directly beneath the equipment. Unplug the equipment carefully; do not pull on the cord.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 18. When an experiment is completed, always clean up your work area and return all equipment and supplies to their proper place. Wash your hands after every experiment.
Lab Safety Rules and Procedures 19. Never touch or handle living or prepared specimens without permission.
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