Spring 2016 Graduate School 101 Workshop Psychology Undergrad Advising
Agenda Pick an area – then pick a program Prepare for grad school Apply to grad school Careers
Step 1: Developing Interests and Locating Programs Deciding what you want
Hey, you! Yeah, you. What are you interested in? What areas of psychology do you find most fascinating? In what areas do you think you might want to pursue an advanced degree and/or a career? Developing Interests
In the field of psychology we can distinguish between careers that are: APPLIED: Involves the consumption and application of psychological science RESEARCH: Involves the generation and dissemination of psychological science Many careers involve both practice and research! Applied v. Research
Clinical Counseling Applied Behavior Analysis School Community Clinical Social Work Psychiatric Nursing Marriage and Family Therapy Mental Health Counseling Psychology and Law Psychiatry Human Service (e.g. student guidance, art therapy, occupational therapy) Some areas related to practice:
Clinical Counseling Applied Behavior Analysis Social Industrial/Organizational Behavioral Neuroscience Developmental Cognitive Experimental Sports Medicine Some areas related to research:
Visit the UF Career Resource Center Take A Variety Of Coursework Join Psi Chi and the Psychology Club Volunteer in the Community Develop Relationships with Professors and Professionals in the Field Become Involved in Research Publish or Present your Research Go to Departmental Presentations Assume Leadership Positions Go to Office Hours How to expand your search and build knowledge and experience:
Once you’ve identified areas of interest… Search different universities and programs based on the following: Programs that fit your career interests and goals (Duh.) Faculty (SUPER IMPORTANT FOR DOCTORAL APPLICANTS.) Available Funding & Tuition/Fees ($$$!!) Location, Size, and/or Facilities (Be flexible.) Application Requirements (fees, exams, etc.) Explore programs and schools in those areas Locating Programs
Master’s Level Programs Typically require 2-3 years to complete, may include research training (but sometimes not), provide less funding but allow you to get into the workforce faster (or continue toward a doctorate). Master’s in Mental Health Counseling is a license eligible program – prepares you to practice Master’s in Clinical Psych – prepares you for doctoral degree by teaching clinical diagnosis, research methods, psychopathology and the basics of psychological testing. Doctoral Level Programs Typically require approximately 4-6 years, involve a strong emphasis on research training, provide more funding, and can prepare you for higher level positions. Master’s v. Doctorate
Types of Degrees in Psychology M.A. Master of Arts M.S. Master of Science M.Ed Master of Education Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy Ed.D Doctor of Education Psy.D Doctor of Psychology
But, where do I find this stuff??? But, where do I find this stuff??? You can begin HERE
On our website: Careers in Psychology For those who aren’t planning to pursue graduate school… Career Ideas Descriptions of Specific Careers How to Get a Job Where I can Get Help at UF Graduate School in Psychology For those who are planning to pursue graduate school… Program Types and Areas Useful Websites Graduate School Preparation FAQ: General Graduate School Questions FAQ: Applying to Graduate School Click on Undergrad tab
Preparing for what you want Step 2: Preparing for Graduate School
Coursework Selection What courses are you taking and when? What classes are appealing to you? Relevant coursework – depending on your interests/program you want to apply to Program requirements are often online Do your best to keep your grades as high as you can Minors – could be helpful if applicable to program and research interests Ex. Statistics minor helpful preparation for graduate stats courses Spanish minor helpful if research interests focus on Hispanic individuals Make it relevant! “Undergraduate preparation should include at least one course in experimental psychology and one course in statistics. Minimum preparation for graduate admission also includes courses in at least three of the following areas - cognition, development, learning, personality, physiological-comparative, sensory, and social.” – UF Graduate Admissions, Psychology “Undergraduate preparation should include at least one course in experimental psychology and one course in statistics. Minimum preparation for graduate admission also includes courses in at least three of the following areas - cognition, development, learning, personality, physiological-comparative, sensory, and social.” – UF Graduate Admissions, Psychology
Research Experience Practical Experience Getting Involved Teaching Experience? DO IT EARLY!!!
Research Experience Find a Research Lab Presentations and Publications
Start contacting labs early. Preferably, something related to your grad school preferences (just for practical reasons) If you can’t find research to be involved in that perfectly matches your grad school area of study, don’t worry! Any research experience is good. Take advantage of PSY4911, PCO4911, CLP3911! Research Experience Find a Research Lab Presentations and Publications
Start contacting volunteer agencies early Look for opportunities relevant to your chosen grad school area Helpful in exploring different work settings or areas of interest Good for clinical/counseling programs Take advantage of PSY4949! Practical Experience Community Volunteer Work Internships
Become a TA Ask relevant questions during class Go to office hours Do well in the course Take advantage of PSY4940! Become a Mentor Search “mentoring programs at UF” on the UF website Good for school psychology/applied developmental programs Teaching Experience Undergraduate TA School Volunteer Many grad programs will want you to teach (or at least assist)
Grad students can offer a WEALTH of insight! Get in Touch with Graduate Students
Show you are worth investing in! Connect with common interests. You will have to work with someone when you get there! Will they be taking grad students? It would stink if you applied and they were on sabbatical! Things we shouldn’t have to say, but we will anyway: Make sure your address is appropriate WHAT DOES YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE SAY??? Get in Touch with Potential Mentors
Decide if you would rather try to apply right after completing undergrad or take some time to gain experience, work, and take a break from school. It’s really okay to take a year off! A lot of times it’s actually preferred. Ex: UF Grad School in Psychology WebsiteUF Grad School in Psychology Website Remember that you will be going up against applicants with advanced degrees Make sure you will be financially stable Do your programs award graduate stipends? Taking a Year Off
Getting what you want Step 3: The Application Process
The Psychology Department reviews applications once a year, for the Fall semester only. The deadline for receipt of all applications to the Ph.D. Program is December 1st, of each year, for the following Fall Semester. START EARLY!!
Start planning ASAP! Could affect fellowship attainment Study for a few months Take GRE the 1 st time at least 2-3 months before application due Allow for one month between test dates if retaking Scores are good for 5 yrs, but some schools prefer within 3 yrs Allow for 6 wks for scores to be sent to schools Psychology GRE not required The GRE General Test GRE Subject Test
Verbal Reasoning (range 130–170, in 1 point increments) analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it analyze relationships among component parts of sentences recognize relationships among words and concepts Quantitative Reasoning (range 130–170, in 1 point increments) problem-solving ability basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis Analytical Writing (range 0–6, in.5 point increments) critical thinking and analytical writing skills ability to articulate and support complex ideas clearly and effectively (cont.) GRE (cont.)
On Test Day At the test center*, you can choose not to send your scores at this time OR select either option below for each of your four FREE score reports: Most Recent option — Send your scores from your current test administration. All option — Send your scores from all General Test administrations in the last five years. After Test Day You can send additional score reports for a fee and select from these options for each report you'd like to send: Most Recent option — Send your scores from your most recent test administration. All option — Send your scores from all test administrations in the last five years. Any option — Send your scores from one OR as many test administrations as you like from the last five years. The ScoreSelect® Option You select by specific test dates, so your scores are all from the same testing session The schools you designate will only see the scores that you selected to send them There will be no special indication if you have taken additional GRE tests. (cont.) GRE (cont.)
Average scores ( seniors/graduated students ) VERBAL QUANTITATIVE ANALYTICAL WRITING ARTS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS EDUCATION ENGINEERING LIFE SCIENCES PHYSICAL SCIENCES SOCIAL SCIENCES OTHER OVERALL AVERAGE UF PSYCHOLOGY NO Minimum PER the UF DEPARTMENT of PSYCHOLOGY website: In recent years, most accepted students have had an average GRE-V of 160 and GRE-Q of 155. But what is a ‘good‘ score?!
GET LOTS of FEEDBACK Organize Proof Read Edit Your Application Packet
What to include Contact info Education (GPAs, credentials, major/minor, awards, & relevant courses) Research, relevant work, clinical experience, community service Organizations, conferences, skills References Get permission BEFORE listing someone! Formatting is key Consider “ink < paper ratio” (similar to a resume) Curriculum Vitae (similar to a resume) “ An ‘ability to smell fear’ is a quality I’ve never seen listed on a resume before.”
Expand upon CV info in 3 sections Past: How you got where you are; why you are in YOUR psychology niche Present: How you have been preparing for grad school; courses that inspired you; activities outside the classroom Future: How you fit in THIS program; How you will contribute to your field (in the program and future) Be assertive & cut unnecessary words! Personal Statement
Generally, need 3 people 2 months prior to school deadline e.g., academic, research, clinical or job Prepare a polished packet about yourself BRIEF Thank you cover letter A list of information you are providing List of schools you are applying to; due dates; mode of letters “Thank you” for your time Letters of Recommendation
(Suggested) Information to provide in your request CV Personal statement Writing sample Facts about you: Transcripts, GRE score, description of work that you completed Materials necessary for letter Paper, stamped & addressed envelope, website (cont.) Letters of Recommendation (cont.)
GRE Scores Transcripts Use unofficial for immediate access Order official transcripts from student.ufl.edu & send Application Forms Application Fee - make it official! Confirm everything is in… make friends with office staff =) Don’t Forget…
Take a deep breath… You WILL survive the application process!
Careers in Psychology With a Ph.D. in Counseling/Clinical Psychology you can: Practice Private Practice University Counseling Center; options for teaching & training Hospital Setting VA Research Academia – faculty member at a university, do research & teach Research for businesses Consult Become an expert, work for companies or individuals – full or part time
Careers in Psychology With a PhD in Experimental Psychology: E.G. Developmental Psychology, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, Social Psychology, etc. Research Universities, research centers, the government Teaching Universities, liberal arts colleges Consulting Private businesses, organizations, companies, corporations A consulting psychologist tends to be a person with traditional training who has opted to use their research skills with businesses and other populations outside of academia