Increasing Success & Credibility of Your Service Through End-User Involvement
AGENCY BACKROUND & CHALLENGE Operates a countywide network of local, community, rail-connector, and express bus routes, and a shared ride paratransit service Service Area covers 465 square miles Serves 48+ million bus boardings and 1.5+ million paratransit trips Declining bus ridership and revenue for the past few years Increasing costs of paratransit services 2
OC BUS 360 3
GOALS OF OC BUS 360 Increasing service in some high demand areas Expanding high frequency routes Adding two additional limited-stop service routes Faster Xpress routes Resources from low-demand areas reallocated to reduce travel time and to move more people. Add more than 1.3 million riders over the next three years. 4
OUTREACH Newspaper Ads Information on buses including comment cards Direct Mail Social and traditional media Press Releases & Public Service Announcements Transit Ambassadors Hotline Local Jurisdiction Communication 5
OUTREACH (CONTINUED) 6 Four Community Meetings OCTA Advisory Committees OCTA Bus 360 Workshop for Local Jurisdictions Regional Center of Orange County Vendor Advisory Committee Schools, Employers, Seniors – 367 Stakeholders Public Hearing – OCTA Headquarters
INFORMATION RECEIVED 7 ChannelComments Received Mails272 Phone Calls/ s302 Online Surveys604 Community Meetings94 Public Hearing65 Total1,337
OPTIONS FOR RIDERS 8 Community Circulators (Measure M2 Project V) Carpool Matching Vanpools Transportation Network Companies Demand-Responsive Transit Other Routes
REVISED BUS SERVICE PLAN 9 Modifies 14 of the 35 routes originally proposed for changes Cuts in half the number of riders who would lose service from 4% to 2% Introduces a new route Adds 4 peak high frequency routes Adds 2 new Bravo! Routes Addresses impacts to OCTA’s ACCESS customers
Q & A 10