Helsingin seudun liikenne -kuntayhtymä Ticket survey – the way to share the costs of public transport for HSL’s member municipalities Matleena Lindeqvist BEST Workshop
Contents of this presentation The basics of HSL’s finance What is a ticket survey? A few examples of the results and how they are used
HSL’s operating income 2014 Total of HSL’s operating income was million euros. Allocated by municipality on the basis of Travel Card system data E.g. state subsidies, ticket inspection revenue and rental income
HSL’s operating expenses 2014 Operating expenses are allocated to each member municipality based on the use of the services. −Operating costs: on the basis of passenger kilometers −Infra services and administrative expenses: on the basis of boardings The demand data used in the allocation are mainly based on ticket surveys and Travel Card system data.
What is a ticket survey? It is made every autumn in different transport modes by HSL's ticket inspectors (in 2015: trams) It is made on weekdays and fieldwork takes usually around 4 weeks. It gives information from passengers’ travel behavior also in transport modes having an open fare collection (commuter train, metro, tram and bus trunk routes).
Please show your ticket (→ ticket type) In which municipality do you live? Where did you board this train? How did you come to the station where you got on this train (by foot, bus, another train etc.)? Where will you get off from this train? How will you continue your journey from the station where you get off (by foot, bus etc.)? Survey questions: One interview takes only about 30 seconds.
More information about the survey method Ticket inspectors are travelling from the beginning to the end of route interviewing passengers on board. −An exception: metro passengers are interviewed at stations. The data are gathered using inspector devices in which the survey application is installed. Sample sizes: – Enough sample from all lines, directions and different times of day (minimum goal 10 % of average weekday boardings) – In 2015, the survey on trams included a sample of 28,000 passengers (boardings on average weekday ~ 175,000)
Extrapolation of the data to annual boardings – 1. step First, data are classified by route, direction, and time of day and then extrapolated to boardings on the average weekday of the survey period. E.g. Ticket survey on commuter trains 2014 – train line A RouteDirectionTime groupSample Boardings on average weekday Extrapolation factor A105:00-8: ,0 A109:00-14: ,5 A115:00-17: ,2 A118:00-4: ,9 A205:00-8: ,5 A209:00-14: ,8 A215:00-17: ,4 A218:00-4: ,5
Extrapolation of the data to annual boardings – 2. step Secondly, the boardings on the average weekday of the survey period are extrapolated to an annual level. Annual boardings include weekends, although ticket survey is conducted only on weekdays. E.g. Ticket survey on commuter trains 2014 Boardings Extra- polation factor Route The average weekday of the survey periodYear 2014 A E H L M S U Y I K N R T W X Z Total
The ticket survey on commuter train services in 2014 A few examples of the results and how they are used
Train traffic is operated by VR (a state-owned railway company). HSL’s tickets are valid only in the area of HSL member municipalities. HSL pays VR for the operating expenses in HSL area. The expenses are allocated to each member municipality based on the passenger kilometers. Commuter train traffic in Helsinki region
104 km 71 km 15 km 86 km HSL area Commuter train tracks and HSL area in 2014 (before Ring Rail Line was opened)
HSL’s member municipalities Some results of the ticket survey… All commuter train journeys This data is used for the allocation of the operating costs.
Some results of the ticket survey… All commuter train journeys
Publications on HSL’s web pages ( Reports in Finnish, abstracts in English and Swedish) Ticket Survey on Commuter Train Services Ticket survey on trunk route 550 and regional bus routes to/from Kerava Ticket Survey on Metro Services Ticket Survey on Tram and Metro Services Ticket Survey on HSL Area Commuter Train Services
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