Honey bees
Honey Bees There are different types of bee in the colony (family): The Queen who is larger than the others and lays the eggs. The worker bees (female) but they do not lay eggs. The Drones (male) who mate with the Queen and make the nests.
Bees live in a nest or hive Bees live in a nest or hive. In a large hive there can be up to 50,000 bees.
Inside the hive the worker bees perform a special dance to tell each other where to find food. The speed and direction of the dance shows where to find the best food. What dance can you do?
The honey bee nest is made up of hexagonal cells The honey bee nest is made up of hexagonal cells. These are made from the wax from the bees bodies. Some of the cells are for storing honey, others are nurseries for the eggs and larvae.
Honey bees suck nectar from the plant using their tube shaped mouth.
The bees change the nectar into honey.
The honey is collected by the bee keeper
This is what we get.