1.Choose a world, national or local news article that is informative and interesting. The article may be from a newspaper or magazine. Please no articles.


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1.Choose a world, national or local news article that is informative and interesting. The article may be from a newspaper or magazine. Please no articles about sports, sport stars, movie stars or violence. Use a newspaper or an online source. Some online sources are bookmarked on Mrs. D’Arcy’s website. 2.First summarize the article. Your summary should be at least sentences in length. 3.Next write an additional paragraph stating your opinion about the article. Use the “Opinion Helpers” page to help. Your opinion should be at least 4 or 5 sentences. 4.Use the attached form for your summary and opinion. Staple the article to your summary. The summary and opinion must be hand- written. 5.Prepare 2 questions about the article that you will ask your classmates. These should be open ended. 6.Present your article to your classmates. This presentation should sound just like your written report. Lead a discussion on your article based on your questions. You may not hold your paper during your presentation, but you may use a notecard. Use this checklist to help you prepare for your current events day. Find article Read article Write summary (Who, What, Why, Where, When?) Write opinions Write questions Check over for spelling and punctuation Make a notecard to guide your presentation Make a few notes, DO NOT write out your entire presentation Practice your presentation for family members check Name: __________________ Signature: ______________ Date of Presentation ______________

Name: ________________________ Due Date: ______________ Title of Article: ____________________________________________________ Source of Article: _________________________________________________ Type of Story: world national local Summary (at least sentences) Start with something catchy to grab the reader’s attention!

Opinion. Write your opinion about the event in 4-5 sentences. Use your Opinion Helpers! Grade: Presentation:_________ Summary: _____________(see rubric for details) Write 2 questions to ask the class. Be sure these questions are ones that we can discuss. (opinion questions)