Homeopathy to the Rescue with Allison Douglas-Tourner Remedies for Life’s Bumps and Bruises
Hippocrates,the father of medicine, wrote about two types of treatment: by Similar and by Contrary.
Law of similars plus = =
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the father of Homeopathy
Symptoms are the body’s best effort to heal. Symptoms should not be suppressed. Instead we should stimulate the body’s defences to complete the curative process.
The totality of symptoms
Look at the big picture. An individual symptom is only one piece of the puzzle.
The single remedy
The minimum dose
The value of the strange rare and peculiar
“The little things are infinitely more important. ”
1.The person has developed a sudden, violent fever. They are normally very fit and healthy. 2.The person’s face is bright red and radiates heat. 3.Their pupils are very dilated. 4.They are normally very good natured. Now they have bouts of anger. 5.The fever came on suddenly after walking in the cold, damp wind without a hat. 6.The person is sensitive to light and noise. How has the person’s state changed? What remedy matches that change? Belladonna symptoms 1.Sudden violent fever 2.Intensely red face that radiates heat 3.Dilated pupils 4.Bouts of anger 5.Fevers caused by exposure to cold, wet wind 6.Sensitivity to light and noise. > Better in a dark, quiet room.
What do you notice, hear, feel? Ask questions.
Arnica montana Mountain daisy, Leopard’s bane
First remedy for trauma of any kind
Arnica montana * first for trauma First remedy for accident and injury Trauma with bruising Shock caused by any kind of trauma Falls, sprains, strains Overexertion Before and after surgery Physical and emotional shock Characteristic sore, bruised feeling Never well since trauma Wants to be left alone. Says he is fine Bed feels too hard.
Arnica Person tosses and turns trying to find a comfortable spot on the mattress. Effects of bullying Bleeding anywhere in the body Concussion, head injury Stroke Nose bleeds Black eye Flu with sore, bruised feeling +Note- Do not use externally on broken skin
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Biddy’s story
Bruising and bleeding from any part of the body
Says he is fine when he isn’t Sends the doctor away
Head injury; concussion
Sticks and stones can break your bones and words can bruise you too!
Sore and achy feeling from overexertion
My story
Bed feels too hard; tosses and turns all night
Before and after surgery
Common daisy Bellis perennis
Common daisy
Bellis perennis * old gardeners’ remedy Like Arnica Injuries to pelvic organs Before and after surgery to pelvic organs Worse from getting chilled after being heated Worse swimming in cold water on a hot day Worse icy drinks after exercise Stiffness from overexertion; digging in the garden
Achy back and stiffness from overdoing it in the garden
Worse from drinking ice cold drinks when overheated
Worse swimming in cold water when overheated
Honey bee Apis mellifica
Honey bee
Heat, redness, swelling and burning, stinging pain
Hives with a lot of swelling, stinging and itching
Red, shiny, balloon like, fluid filled swellings that look as if ready to burst
Bag like swellings especially of face, eyelids and lips
Better for cold and worse for heat
Busy, agitated and restless
Weepy, tearful tendency
Apis mellifica * brings down swelling Inflammations anywhere in the body Bag like fluid filled swellings Burning and stinging pain Allergic swellings Hives with a lot of swelling, burning, stinging and itching Bee stings and insect bites that are red and very swollen Anaphylactic shock call (911 and give Apis) Feels better from cold and worse by heat Angioedema Swelling of lips, face, eyelids
Pot marigold, Mary’s gold, Ruddles Calendula officinalis
Solar powered flower
Calendula officinalis * solar power in a flower First aid kit in a bottle Stops wounds from bleeding Stops nosebleeds Raises natural defenses Prevents infection Promotes healthy granulation of skin Prevents scarring Germs do not thrive in its presence Septic gums Bleeding from dental work
Stops bleeding
Dorothy Shepherd’s A Physician’s Posy
●Remember Calendula for clean cuts ●Clean surgical wounds ●Abrasions ●Bleeding after dental extractions ●Nose bleeds ●Prevents infection ●Sunburn ●Minor burns ●“Homeopathic Penicillin” Calendula
Sunburn Minor burn Clean wounds Abrasions Calendula speeds healing of healthy new skin cells Prevents scarring Use 1 part mother tincture to 10 parts distilled water.
Aconite, Monkshood, Wolfsbane Aconitum napellus
Aconitum napellus * calms fever and fear Sudden fevers and inflammations Worse from cold dry wind Worse chilled, exposure to the elements Dr. Burnett’s Fever Remedy Anxiety and Restlessness Shock of an accident or fearful experience Fear of death Fear that may have been held in the body for years One cheek red, one pale (Cham.) Give before Arnica if fear is uppermost
Worse cold, dry wind
Dr. Burnett’s fever remedy
Two Aconite stories
Anxious expression
Belladonna, Deadly nightshade Atropa belladonna
Belladonna * quenches wildfire Sudden, very high fever (above 103 F) Bright red face; fiery red, hot dry face Child who is normally the picture of health, is suddenly ill. Radiates heat Dilated pupils Glassy eyes with fever Migraines with hot, red face that are worse for jarring Sunstroke Bright red bleeding with fever Worse for getting chilled or overheated
Belladonna Worse jarring, being touched, light and sound Worse lying down Better sitting up in a quiet, dark room Sudden outbursts of anger Sees frightful things such as fire, black snarling dogs, and ghosts (in delirium) Very thirsty for ice water or no thirst May want lemonade Child has a sudden high fever but plays normally Belladonna can bring a high fever down very rapidly
Worse overheating
Angry, wild expression
Bright red face
Face radiates heat like burning embers
Dilated pupils
Sees frightful things such as fire, black snarling dogs and ghosts
Ledum palustre Marsh tea, Labrador tea, Wild Rosemary
Ledum palustre * the wooly caped crusader Smashed fingers or toes Puncture wounds Insect bites and stings including tick bites, often with a lot of swelling Cat bites Stepping on a nail Sprains especially of lower limbs with a lot of swelling and bruising Swollen, purple bruising Amazingly better for ice cold bathing of affected part.
St. John’s Wort Hypericum perforatum
Hypericum * St. John’s wort Injury to nerves Puncture wounds and injuries to areas rich in nerves such as finger tips Injuries or wounds that feel more painful than they appear Injury to the coccyx (tailbone) Concussion of the spine Sharp or shooting pains that travel up the nerve or up the spine Crushed or lacerated fingers or toes Relief of pain after surgery Helps to close wounds
Crushed or lacerated fingers and toes
Hypericum Use externally for bruising and pain instead of Arnica where the skin is broken May have a strange feeling of being lifted into the air or a fearful feeling of falling.
Injury to coccyx (tailbone)
Shooting pains; sharp pains that travel up the nerve pathways or up the spine
Chamomile; German chamomile; Chamomilla vulgaris Chamomilla
Chamomilla* the parents’ hero Great pain with irritability, anger and restlessness Teething children who are cross and contrary Children who demand to be carried constantly Children who are inconsolable Children who are demanding but never satisfied because of pain Green, diarrhea and colic with rotten egg smell One cheek red, one pale Earache especially in teething children Fear of the wind
Inconsolable with pain
Baby wants to be carried constantly
Earaches, especially during teething
Happy baby
Peace and tranquility
Poison ivy Rhus toxicodendron
Rhus toxicodendron* poison ivy Rusty gate remedy Sprains and strains with a lot of stiffness After Arnica when bruising is better and stiffness is foremost Stiffness of joints, relieved by moving or hot baths The person is stiff on first movement like a rusty door but loosens with use. Eventually they get sore and tired. When they stop they stiffen again and so must move. Very Restless Restless legs Better for warmth
Poison Ivy
Rusty gate remedy
Rhus tox Worse in cold, damp conditions Shingles Chicken pox Diaper rash May desire cold milk
Ruta graveolens
Ruta* Rue, the herb of grace Injuries to the periosteum (surface of bone), tendons and cartilage, sprains and strains especially of the wrists and ankles Bruises to the periosteum, such as the shins Straining of the eyes from doing a lot of close detailed work or reading small print Used in ancient Greece and Egypt to strengthen eyesight Sore, bruised feeling of the body
Eyestrain from close work; strained back
Thanks for attending
Allison Douglas-Tourner Homeopathic Master Clinician