The sentences
A sentence is an arrangement of a group of words that makes a complete and meaningful sense. as Please shut the door. The earth moves round the sun.
Kinds of Sentences
There are five kinds of sentences
A. Assertive/statement/declarative B. Interrogative C. Imperative D. Optative E. Exclamatory
A. Assertive/Statement/Declarative: When we need to give some facts or to describe events or things whether negative or positive, we use assertive sentences. An assertive sentence makes only a statement, an assertion and ends with a full stop.
Examples Guddu went to Delhi yesterday. She may win the prize. Abhishek has done his M.B.B.S. form Kolkata. Komal is not living in Patna these days.
B. Interrogative sentences: When we need to ask someone a question, we use an Interrogative sentence. It ends with a mark of interrogation (?).
Examples Who discovered the laws of motion ? What happened ? Do you read newspaper ? Will he pass the examination ?
C. Imperative Sentence When we need to express some command, request and advice we use imperative sentences.
Examples Come on. Help the poor. Please lend me fifty rupees. Never tell a lie.
D. Optative Sentences When we need to express a wish/prayer/curse to someone, we use optative sentences.
Examples Wish you a happy new year ! May you be successful ! May that building collapse ! Would that he were here !
E. Exclamatory Sentences When we need to express some strong and sudden feeling of surprise, sorrow, joy, anger, regret, contempt, hatred etc. we use exclamatory sentences.
Examples What a boy ! (surprise) How beautiful ! (joy) Alas ! I am undone ! (sorrow) What a tragic end ! (regret)