C OMMAS Tells the reader where to pause Helps make the meaning of the sentence clear May change the meaning of a sentence
C OMMAS IN A S ERIES PGS Definition- A series is a list of three or more items in a sentence. Rules- A comma is used after each item except the last A conjunction is used before the last item in the series (and/or) Do not use a comma if a sentence only lists two items, for the sentence does not contain a series. Examples- Beth Ann, John Paul, and I are in the same class. Beth, Ann, John, Paul, and I are in the same class. Sara writes poems, short stories, and plays. Sara writes poems and short stories.
I NTRODUCTORY WORDS PGS Definition- Words such as oh, yes, no, and well when they begin a sentence Rules- Use a comma after introductory words Example- Yes, I play the drums. Well, will you play for us? No, I can’t play now.
N OUN IN DIRECT A DDRESS PGS Definition- The name of a person who is spoken to Rule- Use commas to set off a noun in direct address Examples- Myra, will you play the piano for us? Thank you, Myra, for doing a good job. Place your sheet music here, Myra.
I NTERJECTIONS PGS Definition- A word or words that show feeling Rules- Use an exclamation point after the interjection if it shows a strong feeling Use a comma after an interjection if it shows a mild feeling Examples- Wow! That boat is big! Ah, the breeze is nice.
Q UOTATIONS PGS Definition- Direct Quotation- gives a speaker’s exact words Rules- Set off a quotation with quotation marks Statements/Commands - use a comma to separate the statement /command from the speaker’s name whether the name comes before or after the quotation Examples- Heidi announced, “My aunt works in a fire tower.” “Tell me what she does,” said Josh. Questions/Exclamations - When the speaker’s name comes first, use a comma before the quotation When the speaker’s name comes last, use a question mark or an exclamation point to end the quotation. Use a period after the name Examples- Heidi asked, “Would you like to interview her?” “I certainly would!” exclaimed Josh. Divided Quotes - If the quotation is one sentence, use commas to separate the speaker’s name from the quotation If the quotation is two sentences, use a period after the name. Capitalize the first word of the second sentence. Examples- “Do you think,” asked Josh, “that we could see the tower?” “I know that we can,” replied Heidi. “Let’s call my aunt.”
A BBREVIATIONS PGS Definition- Shortened form of a word Rules- Begins with a capital letter and ends with a period Initials are a special kind of abbreviation. They stand for a person’s first or middle name. Examples- Titles- (Mister) Mr. Businesses- (Company) Co. Days – (Friday) Fri. Months- (February) Feb. Addresses- (Avenue) Ave. ; (Post Office) P.O. States – (Pennsylvania) PA Initials – (Elwyn Brooks White) E. B. White
T ITLES PGS Definition- Names of books, CDs, passages, song, newspaper, movie, etc… Rules- Capitalize the first, last, and all important words in a title Do not capitalize a, in, and, of, and the Underline the titles of books, magazines, newspapers, movies, and CDs (In printed material these will be in italics ) Put quotation marks around the titles of short stories, songs, articles, book chapters, and most poems Examples- We are reading Frindle. ( Frindle) I recited the poem “Take Sky.” “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” is my favorite song. Finding Nemo is a Disney movie. ( Finding Nemo)
P UNCTUATION R EVIEW H OMEWORK Pages Multiples of three only!