多元評量教學 台北市英語輔導團 仁愛國小 張齡心 Isabel
評量 ????
有一次小明在考試卷發下之後,問了老 師一個問題:「老師,日期要寫什麼?」 老師回答:「今天啊!」 結果小明在考卷上的日期空格裡寫了 『今天』兩個大字!
Testing vs. Assessment vs. Evaluation Testing: Assessment: Evaluation:
Why assessing young learners? To monitor and aid children’s progress. To provide children with evidence of their progress and enhance motivation. To monitor your performance and plan future work. To provide information for parents, colleagues, and school authorities.
How do we assess students? Formal vs. Informal Formative vs. Summative Portfolio assessment Task-based assessment Peer assessment Self assessment Take-home tasks Observation conferencing
多元評量 Alternative Assessment Comprehensive Assessment Authentic Assessment Performance Assessment 評量形式上的多元 內容上的多元 工具上的多元 評量者的多元 時間上的多元
Assessment tasks vs. Classroom activities They differ in the following ways: Aims Measurable results Assessment criteria Children’s predisposition towards the activity Timing Children’s participation Record keeping / learner profiling From Assessing Young Learners
Performance assessment What? Direct, systematic observation How? Task, goal-oriented activities Why? Judged by teachers, self and peers. Self assessment; demonstrate what they have learned; combine teaching and assessment.
Tasks for performance assessment Games, Oral reports Puppet show Role play Interviews Recipes …………..
Dictado Tengo 2 _ _ _ _ y 1 _ _ _ _.
Mi monstruo Mi monstruo tiene _____________________________ _____________________
El monstruo de mi amigo/ amiga
我會用西班牙語說以下哪個字? 自己說說看再勾選 眼睛 鼻子 嘴巴 耳朵 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 寫寫看,我記得哪些字? 在畫怪物的活動中,我的同伴 (amigo / amiga) 是: _______________ 他 / 她 能聽得懂我的描述。 ( 請圈選 ) 是 還好 不是 在畫怪物的活動中,我能聽懂我的同伴的描述。 是 還好 不是 我覺得我今天上西班牙文課很認真。 是 還好 不是
Let ’ s go shopping! Step I: Worksheet 1: draft for opening a store Step 2: Making a poster for advertisement Step 3: Presenting a TV commercial Step 4: Self evaluation and peer evaluation
What is a portfolio? Compilation of a student’s work, showing his/her language abilities, effort and language development over time.
What can a portfolio contain? Written work Audio or video recordings Drawing Teacher’s notes Tests Peer and self assessment forms Reviews of books read
Why portfolio? Link instruction with assessment Record of each student’s language development, through continuous observation and information gathering. Global view of the student’s progress (language development, attitude, learning strategies, interests and talents) A way of involving parents in the learning and assessment processes. Regular conference with the students promotes strong relationship.
Benefits of a portfolio Individualization Children are in control Children’s involvement in learning and assessing processes Increase in motivation and excitement for learning Child-centered and collaborative (children and teacher become partners in learning) Invite parents to participate in the kid’s learning
Guidelines for using portfolios Ideally portfolios should be kept in the classroom. Work with the children to set criteria for choosing work for their portfolios. Encourage students to review and go over their entries in the portfolio. Portfolio assessment can take place 2- 3 times a year. Forms for assessment
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