Colorado Standards Transforming teaching and learning in the 21 st Century
Colorado Standards Outcomes Gain familiarity with the terminology and structure of the new standards Know the relationship between the Colorado Academic Standards and the Common Core State Standards Learn how the timelines for standards implementation and assessment transition are integrated
Colorado Standards Transitioning to the Colorado Academic and English Language Proficiency Standards Awareness & Dissemination Building Readiness to the New Standards SY Transition Moving to the New Standards SY SY Implementation Putting Standards Into Practice SY Transformation Continuously Refining Teaching and Learning
Colorado Standards What Is Required of Local Education Providers? Review and revise local standards Adopt standards Adopt curricula Adopt assessments
Colorado Standards “In revising its preschool through elementary and secondary education standards, each local education provider shall ensure that it adopts standards, at a minimum, in those subject matter areas that are included in the state preschool through elementary and secondary standards, including but not limited to English language competency and visual arts and performing arts education.” SB212
Colorado Standards Colorado’s Standards: Keys to Transformation Expectations with Greater Depth Designed with the End in Mind Require Application of Knowledge Focus on “All students, All standards”
Colorado Standards Colorado’s Standards: Keys to Transformation Expectations with Greater Depth Designed with the End in Mind Require Application of Knowledge Focus on “All students, All standards”
Colorado Standards Concepts & Skills Content is the vehicle for teaching concepts and skills
Colorado Standards Ending the Culture of Coverage CAS are not a checklist
Colorado Standards Approaches to Standards Implementation Then Mastery standards Standards are unpacked by grades and evidence outcomes Concept connections within and across content areas Now Identify “power” standards “Unpack” standards Content isolation and checklist of skills/content
Colorado Standards Colorado’s Standards: Keys to Transformation Expectations with Greater Depth Designed with the End in Mind Require Application of Knowledge Focus on “All students, All standards”
Colorado Standards Postsecondary Workforce Readiness The concepts and skills that are a part of Colorado’s Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) are woven throughout the standards.
Colorado Standards What Are Prepared Graduate Competencies? The preschool through twelfth- grade concepts and skills that all students who complete the Colorado education system must master to ensure their success in a postsecondary and workforce setting.
Colorado Standards Key Elements PGCs +21 st Century Skills PWR (college, career, citizens) The End in Mind A clear vision for Colorado’s educational system
Colorado Standards Vertical Progression Preschool Preceding grades Current grade Subsequent grades Prepared Graduate Competency
Colorado Standards P-13 Vertical Progression Observe, explain, and predict natural phenomena governed by Newton's laws of motion, acknowledging the limitations of their application to very small or very fast objects Grade LevelNumbering System Grade Level Expectations High SchoolSC09-GR.HS-S.1- GLE.1 Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe the relationships among forces acting on and between objects, their masses, and changes in their motion – but have limitations Eighth GradeSC09-GR.8-S.1- GLE.1 Identify and calculate the direction and magnitude of the forces that act on an object, and explain the results in the object’s change of motion Second Grade SC09-GR.2-S.1- GLE.1 Changes in speed or direction of motion are caused by forces such as pushes and pulls KindergartenSC09-GR.K-S.1- GLE.1 Objects can move in a variety of ways that can be described by speed and direction
Colorado Standards Colorado’s Standards: Keys to Transformation Expectations with Greater Depth Designed with the End in Mind Require Application of Knowledge Focus on “All students, All standards”
Colorado Standards Got Mastery? Students demonstrate mastery when they can apply and transfer their learning.
Colorado Standards Collaboration Self Direction Information Literacy Invention Critical Thinking “Think Deep, Think Different” Collaboration “Working Together, Learning Together” Invention “Creating Solutions” Self Direction “Own Your Learning” Information Literacy “Untangling the Web” 21 st Century Skills
Colorado Standards Colorado’s Standards: Keys to Transformation Expectations with Greater Depth Designed with the End in Mind Require Application of Knowledge Focus on “All students, All standards”
Colorado Standards All Students All Standards
Colorado Standards All Students, All Standards Mathematics Science Social Studies Reading, Writing & Communicating 21 st Century Skills Extended Evidence Outcomes Academic Language English Language Proficiency World Languages Music Comprehensive Health and P.E. Dance Visual Arts Drama & Theatre Arts Personal Financial Literacy Emotional and Social Wellness...Emotional and Social Wellness Emotional and Social Wellness
Colorado Standards CELP Standards Social Instructional Language Language of Language Arts Language of Mathematics Language of Science Language of Social Studies Academic Language
Colorado Standards Colorado’s Standards: Keys to Transformation Expectations with Greater Depth Concepts and Skills Ending the “culture of coverage” Designed with the End in Mind Backward design P-13 vertical progression Require Application of Knowledge 21 st century skills Application and transfer (Mastery) Focus on “All students, All standards” 10 content areas + CELP
Colorado Standards Colorado Academic Standard Template Key terminology and nomenclature
Colorado Standards Content Area Standard: Prepared Graduates: (or PGCs) High School and Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) Concepts and skills students master: Evidence Outcomes (EOs) 21 st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies Students can: Inquiry Questions: Relevance and Application: Nature of the Discipline
Colorado Standards Content Area Standard: Prepared Graduates: High School and Grade Level Expectations Concepts and skills students master: Evidence Outcomes21 st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies Students can: Inquiry Questions: Relevance and Application: Nature of the Discipline: Name of Content Area Topical Organization P-12 Concept and Skill thread students must master Concepts & skills indicating progress to PGC mastery Indicators of student mastery Promote critical thinking Relevant societal context Characteristics of Discipline
Colorado Standards Common Core State Standards Colorado’s Approach
Colorado Standards Colorado’s Approach
Colorado Standards Colorado’s Approach to the Common Core in ELA and Math Use the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) template Align essential components of CAS –21 st century skills (SB 212) –Postsecondary and workforce readiness (SB 212) –Integrate personal financial literacy (HB 1168)
Colorado Standards
Proposed Summative Assessment Timeline TCAP and CoAlt continues as is Field test new social studies and computer based science items 2013 TCAP and CoAlt Reading, Writing, and Math will continue First year of new social studies and science assessments will be operational 2014 New Reading, Writing, and Math assessments Second year of new social studies and science assessments will be operational 2015