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Southeast Texas Cooperative for Special Services
Child Find Procedural Safeguards Evaluation IEP/ARD Meeting Placement/Services Eligibility 3
The State Education Agency and local school districts must identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities in the state who need special education and related services. A referral for evaluation can be made by a parent, teacher or a third party. 4
Response to Intervention ls0M 5
◦ The Notice of Procedural Safeguards: Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities (Procedural Safeguards) explains parents’ specific rights and responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Procedural Safeguards fulfills the current legal requirements for the federally prescribed content of this notice. When districts distribute this guide, other than adding local contact information in the designated space, they must not change the wording and format of the document. Notice of Procedural Safeguards: Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities 6
IDEA requires that school districts and charter schools provide the Procedural Safeguards to parents. They must disseminate it once a year and on the following occasions: upon initial referral or on request for evaluation; upon the first occurrence of the filing of a due process hearing complaint or special education complaint during a school year; upon a disciplinary change of placement; or upon a request by a parent. 7
◦ Districts must continue to document the provision of Procedural Safeguards in a student’s eligibility folder. ◦ Documentation is subject to compliance review through the State’s monitoring system. 8
Procedural Safeguards in Special Education Child Find Prior Written Notice Parental Consent ◦ Initial Evaluation ◦ Initial Service ◦ Reevaluation ◦ Override Procedures 9
Independent Educational Evaluation Discipline Procedures ◦ Removals of 10 School Days ◦ Change of Placement ◦ When Behavior is a Manifestation ◦ Special Circumstances ◦ When Behavior is NOT a Manifestation ◦ Protection for Children Not Yet Determined Eligible ◦ Referral to and Action by Law Enforecement 10
Educational Records ◦ Access and Timelines ◦ Access by Others ◦ Amending Records Voluntary Private School Placement by Parents Private School Placements for FAPE Transfer of Rights When your Child Turns 18 11
Resolving Disagreements ◦ 7 pages dedicated ◦ Phone Numbers ◦ Facilitation ◦ Mediation Services ◦ Complaint Resolution Process ◦ Due Process Hearing Program 12
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Employee must have legitimate educational interest to review the record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility Confidentiality includes discussing a student’s personally identifiable record All students have a right to their privacy 14
Written notice to parents must be 5 school days before the school proposes or refuses to initiate or change a student’s: ◦ Identification ◦ Evaluation ◦ Educational placement ◦ Reception of a free, appropriate, public education ◦ A new IEP is put in place 15
A parent or surrogate parent A student’s general education teacher or one representing general education A special education teacher A person knowledgeable about evaluation and the implications for instruction Administrator ZIDE 16
Draft Goals and Objectives Updated Goals and Objectives Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Draft Accommodations Page Documentation to involve parent in ARD 17
Progress Report Documentation of Restraint Classroom Observation 18
Present levels of educational performance Annual goals and short term objectives Special education and related services Supplementary aids and services Program modifications and supports 19
Extent of participation with nondisabled students Modifications or exemptions to state and district tests Dates and frequency, duration and location of services How progress will be measured and parents informed 20
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BIP- Behavior Intervention Plan FBA- Functional Behavioral Assessment ECI- Early Childhood Intervention FIE- Full and Individual Evaluation LRE- Least Restrictive Environment MDR- Manifestation Determination Review 22
PPCD- Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities AT- Assistive Technology ESY- Extended School Year O&M- Orientation and Mobility OT- Occupational Therapy PT- Physical Therapy 23
-The goal in the meeting is for the school and the parent to come to an agreement regarding the proposed IEP goals and objectives, instructional arrangements and related services. -If no agreement appears possible at the meeting then a one time recess, not to exceed 10 school days, is to be offered to the party (the parents or adult student) who disagrees. 24
If agreement is still not met the parent or adult student may: ◦ File a complaint through TEA ◦ Request mediation from TEA ◦ Request a due process hearing from TEA 25
Students with disabilities must be educated with students without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate 26
Least Restrictive ◦ Full time general education classroom ◦ General education class support Consult Supported facilitation Accommodations Special Materials 27
More Restrictive ◦ Resource Class ◦ Self Contained with integrated in select areas ◦ Self Contained Examples: Life Skills, ABU,PP 28
Most Restrictive ◦ Special Class/ Special Center/ Separate Campus ◦ Homebound instruction ◦ Non-public day school ◦ Residential placement (full time) 29
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Parents are asked to give consent to initial testing and to participate in utilizing evaluation results to determine the student’s eligibility and need for special education placement and services. 31
In Texas, the committee that reviews the evaluation and determines the child’s eligibility and need for special education services is known as the Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee. 32
TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury OI – Orthopedically Impaired DB – Deaf Blind MD – Multiple Disabilities NCEC – Non-categorical Early Childhood PDD-NOS – Pervasive Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified 53
LD – Learning Disability ID – Intellectually Disabled ED – Emotionally Disturbed AU – Autistic SI – Speech Impairment VI – Visual Impairment AI – Auditory Impairment OHI – Other Health Impairment 54
Assess in the areas of: ◦ Basic Reading ◦ Reading Comprehension ◦ Reading fluency ◦ Math Calculation ◦ Math Reasoning ◦ Written Expression ◦ Listening Comprehension ◦ Oral Expression 55
Difficulty in any of these areas must be tied to cognitive weakness in assessment and lack of response to interventions in those areas. 56
Below 70 Intellectual Ability level Far below grade level achievement ability Two deficits below 70 on an Adaptive behavior scale ◦ Communication ◦ Daily Living ◦ Socialization ◦ Motor Skills ◦ script-on-why-we-need-to-stop-using-the-r- word/ 57
Receptive Language- Student can understand heard or read language Expressive Language- Student can put thoughts into words or sentences that make sense 58
◦ A student that exhibits one or more characteristics over a long period of time at to a marked degree that adversely affects a child's performance: Inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or other health factors Inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers Inappropriate types of behaviors and feelings under normal circumstances A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression Tendency to develop physical systems or fears associated with personal or school problems 59
Includes schizophrenia Does not apply to children who are socially maladjusted, unless they also have an emotional disturbance 60
Student with autism is one who evidences a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before three, that adversely affects the educational performance 61
Characteristics associated are: ◦ Engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements ◦ Resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines Children with pervasive developmental disorders are included in this category. 62
Region 13 ESC Online workshops ne-workshops/ 63
Questions?? 64