Art Media
Drawing 2D process of portraying an objective scene or form of decoration or symbolic meaning through lines, shapes, values, textures in one or more colors Involves moving a painted instrument over a smooth surface, leaving a mark. 2 types of drawing media: 1. dry- media applied dry (ex. Pencil, crayon, chalk, charcoal, pastel) 2. Wet- media in which color is suspended in liquid (inks and paints)
Painting Oldest and most important of the visual arts Subject matters: 1. landscapes (without figures or used as a background) 2. nature (Japanese) 3. people 4. still lifes (arrangements of inanimate objects) 5. historical subjects
Painting Subject Matter Landscapes Andrew Wyeth PA Landscape
Media of Painting 1. Pigment- finely grounded powder that gives paint it’s color (chemical or natural) 2. Binder- liquid holding grains of pigment (ex. Tempera paint with egg whites, oil and linseed, watercolor and water) 3. Solvent- material used to thin binder (ex. Turpentine)
Media of Painting solvent binder pigment
Printmaking, Photo, Video and Digital Art -different from other media 1.Involved creation of an image through an indirect process 2.Gives an artist a chance to create multiple images
Printmaking Chinese carved wooden blocks 1,000 years ago Illustrations were done during the 15 th Century in Europe Movable type printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg
Printmaking 4 basic methods: 1. relief- image printed is raised from background (stamp) 2. intaglio- Italian word meaning “to cut into” -ink is forced to fill lines in to a metal surface (ex. Etching) 3.lithography- image to be printed is drawn on a porous stone wit ha grease pencil/ crayon 4. screen printing- (most recent) ink is forced through a screen onto paper or fabric
PHOTOGRAPHY (everywhere) popularity is the main reason it had difficulty being accepted as an artform -technique of capturing optical images on light sensitive surfaces -famous photographers- Steiglitz, Adams, Cunningham
Alfred Steiglitz
Ansel Adams
Imogen Cunningham
VIDEO -artists use camera to record images -patterns of light beams translated into electric waves, imprinted magnetically -1st used artistically by Nam June Paik in 1960’s -provides excitement of recording events as they happen
DIGITAL MEDIA -any kind of material used, processed and transformed by computer (ex. PSD)
SCULPTURE exists in space; can be seen, touches and viewed from all sides 2 types: 1. relief- designed to be viewed form the front a. bas relief- sculptured forms projecting slightly from background b. high relief- sculptured forms extending boldly into space 2. sculpture in the round- freestanding -surrounded on all sides by space
SCULPTURE High Relief sculpture Relief sculpture Bas Relief sculpture
Sculpture in the Round
SCULPTURE processes: modeling (additive process) process where soft pliable material is built up and shapes into a sculpture carving (deductive process) cutting or chipping a form from a given mass of material casting- melted down metal is poured into a mold to harden -allows artist to duplicate original Complex process: clay mold is created plaster applies to model in sections layer of melted wax is brushed on inside surface of plaster -thickness of plaster determines thickness of bronze in finished piece 4. wax-lined plaster is reassembled and filled with solid fireproof material (investment) 5. wax layer melted and replaced with melted metal assembly- artist gathers and joins together a variety of different materials Kinetic Art- sculptural form that moves in space
ARCHITECTURE Art and science of designing and constructing structures that enclose space for a variety of reasons to fit human needs -involves organization and manipulation of 3D forms in space -differs from sculpture~can be viewed outside and in and is a functional art form (serves practical purpose) -many examples are thought of as large sculptural pieces
Types of Construction 1. Post and Lintel- earliest ansd simplest; involves placing a horizontal beam (lintel) across 2 posts (ex. Stonehenge) -Egyptian temples dating back to 2700 BC used this -stones as material have limitations- lack of tensil strength (capacity of material to withstand bending) lintel posts
Types of Construction 2. Arch and Vault- same as post and lintel but with arch at top - arch transfers weight outward from center to vertical supports Barrel Vault- several arches placed front to back to enclose space making it possible to have a stone roof -limitations- no windows -3 rd C. Romans began using Groin Vault- 2 barrel vaults placed at right angles -Middle Ages-pointed arch which is more vertical with weight directed downward to supporting columns Groin Vault Arch and Vault Barrel Vault
Types of Construction Additional support on a building is provided outside by buttresses Flying Buttress- supports on outside reaching over side aisles of church 3. Dome- hemisphere placed on walls that enclose a circular or square place (Ex. Roman Pantheon) Flying Buttress dome
Modern Construction Wood framing, iron steel, reinforced concrete and light weight structure
CRITICISM and AESTHETICS Learning to see and understand a work on their own requires that viewers know how to look and what to look for -these two things are learned through criticism and aesthetics AESTHETICS Branch of philosophy concerned with identifying clues within artworks that can be used to understand, judge and defend those judgements AESTHETIC THEORIES Imitationalism- realistic presentation of subject matter (imitates life) Formalism- doesn’t have to look real but be organized and good quality -effective design uses elements of art Emotionalism- ability to communicate an emotion or idea to the viewer -expressive qualities- feelings, mood and ideas Non-Objective Art- artwork that contains no representation to reality
ART CRITICISM -uses description, analysis, interpretation and judgement to gain info from the artwork rather than about the artist 1. Description-identify’s literal qualities (realistic presentation of subject matter) -identify elements of art 2. Analysis- principles of art are used ot look at the design qualities (how well art is organized and put together 3. Interpretation- identify’s expressive qualities (meaning, mood or idea communicated to the viewer 4. Judgement- art of making a judgement and defending that judgement with good reasons; demonstrates that a person knows and appreciates a work of art
AESTHETICS Branch of philosophy concerned with identifying clues within artworks that can be used to understand, judge and defend those judgements AESTHETIC THEORIES 1. Imitationalism- realistic presentation of subject matter (imitates life) 2. Formalism- doesn’t have to look real but be organized and good quality -effective design uses elements of art 3. Emotionalism- ability to communicate an emotion or idea to the viewer -expressive qualities- feelings, mood and ideas Non-Objective Art- artwork that contains no representation to reality