The EU e-Maritime Initiative Short Sea Shipping (SSS) and Motorways of the Sea (MoS) Focal Points meeting Brussels, 18 March 2010 DG MOVE C.2 Christos.


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Presentation transcript:

The EU e-Maritime Initiative Short Sea Shipping (SSS) and Motorways of the Sea (MoS) Focal Points meeting Brussels, 18 March 2010 DG MOVE C.2 Christos Pipitsoulis – Project officer EUROPEAN COMMISSION

What is e-Maritime  e-Maritime is the use of advanced information technologies for working and doing business in the maritime transport sector

3/20 What is the EU e-Maritime initiative  the EU e-Maritime initiative will embody European policies, strategies and capabilities facilitating the development of upgraded “e-Maritime” solutions  in support of an efficient and sustainable waterborne transport system fully integrated in the overall European transport system.

The EU e-Maritime aims (1)  The ultimate goal for the EU e-Maritime initiative is to make maritime transport safer, more secure, more environmentally friendly and more competitive by improving knowledge, facilitating business networking, and dealing with externalities.  It aims to promote “coherent, transparent, efficient and simplified solutions in support of cooperation, interoperability and consistency between Member States, sectors, businesses and systems involved in the European Transport System”

The EU e-Maritime aims (2) Upgraded e-Maritime solutions should facilitate networking, decision making and information exchange between different stakeholders for:  Improving the safety and security of maritime transport services and assets and environmental protection  Increasing the competitiveness of the EU maritime transport industry and strengthening the EU presence on the international scene  Integrating sustainable waterborne transport services into efficient door-to-door transport services in Europe and beyond  Supporting competence development and welfare for seafarers.

Suggested approach for EU e-Maritime (1) We propose that is implemented through a Framework Directive, which provides a coherent view of the way Maritime Transport could operate at a future date (say 2020). It sets  scope, context, definitions and minimum requirements  general rules seeking the active encouragement of best ICT practices throughout the industry.  key application domains where safety, security and environmental risk management as well as competitiveness and performance can be strengthened and enhanced  objectives, structure and mandate for policy and technical bodies that would facilitate or undertake the development of solutions and the regulatory/enabling framework to support them (through subsequent Directives).

Suggested approach for EU e-Maritime (2)  “Daughter” Directives will follow with implementation roadmaps of e-Maritime applications in: 1. administration and compliance management; 2. ship operations; 3. port-terminal operations; 4. integration in the transport chain; 5. seafaring promotion  Pilot implementations (possibly utilising a common platform linked to SSN) will facilitate evaluation and determination of specific future policy, standardisation, research and development needs.

8/20 EU eMaritime application domains

The EU e-Maritime components

Related Initiatives  VTMIS and other directives; e-Customs; e- Freight; ITS; RIS; EUROSUR; CISE  e-Navigation (IMO)

11/20 The context 1. The EU e-Maritime initiative is seen as a cornerstone for the achievement of the strategic goals of the EU Maritime Transport Strategy 2018 and related policies, recognising the critical role of ICT for productivity and innovation, and anticipating a new era of e-business solutions, based on integrated ICT systems and tools. 2. The EU e-Maritime is closely aligned with the objectives of the Motorways of the Sea programme, which relies on advanced ICT integration technologies. Therefore, the TEN-T is an important route to the actual implementation of e-Maritime solutions in the development of the trans-European transport network.

12/20 The underlying problems 1. Complex and time-consuming administrative procedures 2. Inefficiency and increased costs in logistics and in the chain of services due to interoperability deficiencies 3. The lack of integration of ship, cargo and inspections information systems making difficult to optimise network performance 4. Ineffectiveness due to fragmentation of monitoring and surveillance systems and the management of cross border operations 5. Failure to attract qualified EU seafarers and to offer career development options

e-Maritime next steps (1)  Studies elaborate on the different aspects of the EU eMaritime; July 2009 – June 2010;  Extended consultation and an Impact Assessment will be delivered in 2010;  The draft Communication and the Directive including a roadmap will be ready for adoption by the Commission early in 2011

e-Maritime next steps (2)  Develop a vision for the EU e-Maritime;  Harmonize the relevant Commission’s ICT-initiatives and those from the port- and transport sector itself. Align with IMO’s eNavigation timing and strategy and the plans of other international organisations and professional associations.  Elaborate on the basic principles: u Common objectives for the associated DG’s of the Commission; u Harmonization of current associated EU Directives; u A clear legal framework for sharing maritime data within the EU; u Public-private collaboration and a market oriented approach, allowing public and private funding of the information infrastructure u the subsidiarity principle to define responsibilities between EU and MS, to avoid distortion of competition and to deal with the gray areas of responsibilities such as in cross-border operations.

15/20 Proposed Measures for the IA Main measures: u M1 Guidance / information on benefits of interoperable ICT systems u M2 Actions to define a common minimum standard for e-Maritime u M3 Measures to support the implementation of National Single Windows (NSW) u M3-bis Measures to implement a European Single Window (ESW) (alternative to M3) u M4 Measures to support stakeholders in implementing ICT u M5 Actions to support e-learning initiatives for seafarers Support measures: M6 Actions to support R&D in intelligent use of data M7 Actions to support R&D in port congestion monitoring systems for road and rail operators M8 Measures to support R&D in terrestrial broadband communication link between ship and shore M9 Measures to support installation of the shore terrestrial broadband communication infrastructure

16/20 Questions for consultation 1. How clear the scope and the approach presented is; 2. Comment on the importance of eMaritime to your job and your organisation’s mission; 3. Identify the potential risks for this initiative; 4. State the most important drivers for change; 5. State the aims in which e-Maritime should be focussed from your own business perspective; 6. Identify alternatives for achieving “e-Maritime” aims; 7. How one could establish a better understanding of the different practices between the different EU actors?

References  Maritime Transport Policy:  Logistics:  Customs:  Integrated Maritime Policy:  SafeSeaNet:  SKEMA: A study on the scope of the EU eMaritime initiative from the SKEMA project is reported at SKEMA Knowledge Platform:

18/20 Reference Projects

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