Stress.  Content Objectives  Differentiate between good stress and bad stress.  Describe the effects of stress on the body systems.  Identify effective.


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Presentation transcript:


 Content Objectives  Differentiate between good stress and bad stress.  Describe the effects of stress on the body systems.  Identify effective ways to manage stress.  Language Objectives  Copy and discuss key concepts and vocabulary.  Create a concept map regarding the general adaptation syndrome.

 Complete the following sentence.  When I get stressed out it is because….. You may have more than one reason.

 The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands.  Stressor:  anything that causes stress.  Does everyone respond the same way to every stressor??  Perception: The act of becoming aware through the senses.

 Eustress:  Positive stress. Under which health and performance continue to improve, even as stress increases. Examples:  Distress:  Negative stress. Unpleasant or harmful stress under which health and performance begins to deteriorate. Examples:

 General Adaptation Syndrome  A three-stage response by the body’s nervous and endocrine system to deal with stress.  Controlled by two main body systems:  Nervous System Coordinates all activities in your body.  Endocrine System Body system that secretes hormones and regulates growth and development.

 Stage 1: Alarm Stage  Body recognizes the stressor.  Adrenaline (Emergency Hormone) is released to help respond to stress.  Stage 2: Resistance Stage  Body uses adrenaline to either adapt and “FIGHT” or resist the stress.  Body uses the adrenaline to “FLEE” from the stress.  Stage 3: Exhaustion/Fatigue Stage  When exposure to stress is prolonged the adrenaline is used, and the body becomes unable to respond to the stress and becomes fatigued.

 Using pages with a partner create an at least 3 pane comic strip illustrating the Fight or Flight response

 Physical Fatigue:  results when muscles have been worked for a very long time. They become sore and painful, and the ability for them to function becomes impaired.  Psychological Fatigue:  can result from constant worry, being overworked, depression, boredom, isolation, or feeling overwhelmed by too many responsibilities.  Pathological Fatigue:  tiredness brought on by overworking the bodies defense mechanism against fighting disease. Drugs, alcohol, poor nutrition, anemia, obesity can cause pathological fatigue.

 Physical Health  Psychosomatic Response A physical reaction that results from stress rather than an injury or illness. Examples: Headache Asthma High Blood Pressure Weakened Immune System  Mental/Emotional and Social Health  Difficulty Concentrating  Mood Swings  Risks of Substance Abuse

 Stress associated with long-term problems that are out of a person’s control.  The effects of this type of stress are less intense, but can last longer.  Symptoms: insomnia, upset stomach, headache, change in appetite, feeling anxious  What are some strategies for dealing with chronic stress?  Engage in physical activity  Look for support  Find a hobby that helps you relax  Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

 ____________ is known as the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands.  _________ is anything that causes stress. __________________ response is a physical reaction that results from stress rather than an injury or illness. ________________ results when muscles have been worked for a very long time. _______________ can result from constant worry, being overworked, etc.

 Complete the word search on your own using your notes