ES1 Notes Mapping
Latitude and Longitude Latitude and Longitude form a grid system used to locate points on the Earth.
Distances north or south of the equator are measured by ________of ___________. parallels of latitude
0 degrees The latitude of the equator is ______.
The latitude of the North Pole is ______________ North
The latitude of the South Pole is ______________ 90 0 South
Everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere you can determine your latitude with a device called a _____. sextant
In order to do this you must find the star Polaris, also called the _______. North Star
This star is directly over head of the __________. axis of the north pole.
Meridians of Longitude measure distance as east or west of the Prime Meridian.
The longitude of the Prime Meridian is ____. 0
The eastern and western hemispheres meet at the ____________________. International Date Line (180 degrees)
Any point on earth can be described by latitude and longitude coordinates. Latitude must be given first.
This would be incorrect:_________ W, 25 0 N
This would be correct:___________ N, W
Latitude and longitude coordinates are given in degrees, ___________, and _______________. minutes and seconds
54 55
Each degree ( o )is broken into 60 smaller pieces, each piece is called a _______. minute (, )
’ ’
’ ’ ’35,,
Each minute (, )is broken into 60 smaller pieces, each smaller piece is called a _______. second (,, )
30 o 45’ 30’’ would read as _______. 30 degrees, 45 minutes, and 30 seconds
wE N S 40N, 90W
L60 N 30 E B40N 150W Q 30S 90E H20S 60W
Modern Map Making Today most maps are made using ____. remote sensing (using objects that are not in direct contact with the earth)
Methods of Remote Sensing include 1)Aerial Photographs 2)Radar Imaging 3)Sonar 4)Satellite Imaging
_______________ are maps. These are often used by military. Can be used to give 3D effect commonly used to update topographic maps. aerial photographs
Airplanes fly over area and beam down _____________ that is echoed back to the plane. imaging radar
Advantages of imaging radar are that it can be used _________________. day or night and under any type of weather conditions.
Imaging Radar
The ocean floor has been mapped using ____________. sonar (this uses sound waves)
Large areas are mapped using ____. satellite images
Satellite images are often given false color to more easily recognize different land features and surfaces.
Geologic Maps and Geologic Cross sections Geologic maps show the surface rock type if layer of soil is removed.
Geologic Cross Section A B C D E
The oldest rock layer is ________. The youngest rock layer is _______. E A
Information in a topographic maps includes _______________ roads, buildings, water bodies, landfills, rail roads, etc.
Topographic maps show _________ elevation. (measured in height above sea level)
Topographic maps show elevation by the use of ________________. contour lines.
A contour line connects ________________________. points of equal elevation.
x12 x39
The difference in elevation between contour lines next to each other is known as the ________________ contour interval.
CI = 2
CI = 25
CI = 10
CI =40
CI = 20
CI = 40
A darkened line on a topographic map that has the elevation written on it is called an _________________. index contour.
A point on a map that has the actual surveyed elevation at that point is called a ___________. benchmark.
There are 3 rules for using topographic maps.
Rule 1) ___________________. Contour lines “close” around elevations and depressions.
X = more than 10,400 and less than 10,500
X = 40 Y = 20
2) Rule 2: ____________________ contour lines never cross or touch each other.
3) Rule 3: _________________ contour lines form V’s when they cross a river.
The “V” always points uphill to a higher elevation. This means that the if the river flows downhill, it MUST flow the opposite direction of the V.
X = 110
Map Information
A __________ or _______ tells the meaning of symbols on a map. legend or key
The relationship between map distance and actual distances is shown by a ____. scale
Types of scales
Use the graphic scale to determine the length of line A.
The length of Line A is _______. 47 kilometers
Use the graphic scale to determine the length of line B.
Line B is ______ 7.3 miles.
Verbal Scale: 1” = 1 mile means ______________. 1 inch on map = one mile on land
What is the length of line C? 1” = 2000’
3.5 inches x 2000 feet/inch = 7000 feet
Line C is ________ 7000 feet.
What is the length of line D? 1 cm = 2000 feet
12.3 cm x 2000 feet/cm = 24,600 feet.
Line D is ________ 24,600 feet.
If the representative fraction is 1:24000, - this means _____________ one unit of anything on map = of those units in actual distance
x y 1 inch