FR Garment Comfort September 2014 DuPont Protection Technologies Nomex® Thermal Apparel Oil & Gas Industry
Internal Use Only 22 of employers have observed their workers failing to wear proper PPE in a situation when they should have been wearing it... Data Source: Kimberly-Clark Safety Survey 2011 of these employers have seen this happen not just once or twice, but on numerous occasions. 89% 1/3
Internal Use Only 33 The top three reasons (and percentage of employers who cited them) why their workers did not wear PPE: Data Source: Kimberly-Clark Safety Survey 2011 W ORKER DIDN ’ T THINK IT WAS NEEDED U NCOMFORTABLE T OO HOT 69% 50% 49% Both of these reasons may be attributed to overall comfort.
Internal Use Only 44 Discomfort not only leads many employees to neglect wearing their PPE garments, which jeopardizes their protection from workplace hazards, but it also leads to… …which may cost you as their employer.
Internal Use Only 55 Let’s now take a look at some of these costs in detail…
Internal Use Only 66 Job stress is costly. It carries a price tag for U.S. industry estimated at over $300 billion annually as a result of: Accidents Absenteeism Employee turnover Diminished productivity Direct medical, legal, and insurance costs Workers’ compensation awards as well as tort and FELA judgments If we were to split that across the 142 million working Americans, that’s over $2,100 spent per employee ! Data Sources: The American Institute of Stress, BLS Where work conditions are less comfortable and more stressful, that price tag is sure to be higher. A more comfortable PPE garment can help reduce stress for your employees and reduce costs for you.
Internal Use Only 77 Data Sources: Forbes, Towers Watson, Circadian Job stress and diminished productivity with absenteeism/presenteeism go hand-in-hand: Highly stressed employees take an average of 4.6 sick days per year, while employees with low stress levels take an average of 2.6 sick days per year. Presenteeism (attending work when unwell and unproductive) was 50% higher for highly stressed employees at 16 days per year versus 10 days per year for employees with low stress levels. Unscheduled absenteeism costs roughly $3,600/year/hourly employee and $2,650/year/salaried employee. The chart to the left shows annual cost of lost productivity due to absenteeism. As discussed earlier, discomfort also causes an individual to lose focus, become distracted, become irritable, and more. These feelings can decrease worker productivity, and increase employer costs, even further.
Internal Use Only 88 Decreased morale and increased discontent from discomfort may lead to diminished productivity, which has already been discussed. However, it may also lead to serious mental health and mood issues: Data Sources: Benefits Magazine, American Psychological Association Practice Organization Mood disorders are estimated to cost more than $50 billion per year in lost productivity and result in million lost workdays. Depression alone is estimated to cost $83 billion annually in the United States. In terms of presenteeism, the disorder is the highest cost health condition nationwide. Splitting these costs across all working Americans gives us an average of $937/employee.
Internal Use Only 99 49% of workers do not wear their PPE because they say it’s “too hot.” This shouldn’t be taken lightly, as excessive heat can lead to heat-related illnesses, such as: Heat Exhaustion Heat Cramps Heat Rashes Heat Fatigue Heat Stroke (most severe) Data Sources: OSHA, Cost Helper, Inc. Health, American Academy of Family Physicians In the most severe case of a heat stroke, the employee will need to be taken to the ER. A visit to the ER can cost from $150-$3000. Heat stroke patients will typically need to get blood tests, a CT scan, and possibly an MRI to assess damage to internal organs. These tests will typically cost from $1000-$7000 in total.
Internal Use Only 10 Estimating “Costs” of Discomfort We’ve only just sampled some of the costs associated with discomfort, but let’s stack up their averages: Add in the additional costs we did not discuss, and multiply this by the number of workers in your organization. The result? Comfort matters. Choosing a more comfortable PPE garment can help you reduce some of these costs. $2100 for job stress +$3600 for absenteeism +$937 for mood and mental health disorders +$5,575 for heat-related illness treatment $12,212/employee $2100 for job stress +$3600 for absenteeism +$937 for mood and mental health disorders +$5,575 for heat-related illness treatment $12,212/employee
Internal Use Only 11 While we cannot get around all of the discomfort from PPE (after all, it is meant to protect us from workplace hazards and is bound to be somewhat uncomfortable), Nomex® FR garments offer superior comfort in comparison to other FR clothing in the market.
Internal Use Only 12 DuPont™ Nomex® Comfort Lightweight Highly Breathable Wicks Moisture to Dry Faster Reduces Static Cling
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Internal Use Only 14 Thank you!