1 Notice : This technical data is furnished on the condition that it will be used by and disclosed to the receiving Cooperating agency and its contractors and sub contractors only for the purposes of fulfilling the cooperating agency’s responsibilities under the Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). It shall not be used for any other purpose, nor disclosed or retransferred to any other entity or government without prior written permission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Increment 31 and 32 JAXA Utilization Overview POIWG #30 July 26-28, 2011 Keiichiro Sakagami / JEM PAYLOADS Yuji Abiru / JEM PAYLOADS
2 Objectives Provide big picture for the JAXA utilization. State the overview of each experiments and activities. State the operational key points.
3 Increment 31 and 32 JAXA utilization
4 New
5 Increment 31 and 32 JAXA utilization New
6 Increment 31 and 32 JAXA utilization New
7 Crystal growth mechanisms associated with the macromolecules adsorbed at a growing interface - Microgravity effect for self-oscillatory growth - Ice Crystal 2 Ice Cell 2 (mockup). Phase-contrast (upper) and interference (lower) image. Inc 31/32 Crew activities: Cell installation to SCOF, removal will be done in Inc 33. # of crew: 1 Facility/Interfaces: SCOF, IPU, MMA Experiment lasts a few months. Crystal quality will be sensitive to g-disturbances. Experiment will be performed at GMT night time frame from ground. (Avoid docking time period or when there is a g-disturbing crew event in KIBO. ) #activities 1Ice Cell 2 installation to SCOF 2100 experiment runs (40 days) 12
8 In-situ observation of growth mechanisms of protein crystals and their perfection under microgravity Nano Step Interferometer image Nano Step Cell (mockup) Crew activities: Cell installation to SCOF, removal/exchange of specimen cell # of crew: 1 Facility/Interfaces: SCOF, IPU, G1, MMA Experiment should be done within a few months. Crystal quality will be sensitive to g-disturbances. Experiments require quiet period concerning gravitational environments. (Avoid docking time period. The critical phase of crystal growth is about 48 hours, so we would like the critical experiment to be scheduled when the g-environment is good.) #activities 1MMA setup 2Nano Step Cell launch lock removal and Nano Step Cell installation to SCOF 35 experiment runs (specimen cell 1) (35 days TBD) 4Remove Nano Step Cell from SCOF, exchange specimen cell, and re-install Nano Step Cell to SCOF 55 experiment runs (specimen cell 2) (35 days TBD) 6Remove Nano Step Cell from SCOF, exchange specimen cell, and re-install Nano Step Cell to SCOF 75 experiment runs (specimen cell 2) (35 days TBD) 8Nano Step Cell removal HTV Inc 31/32Inc 29/
9 3D-Camera IR imager 2D-Camera TC Insertion Liquid Bridge Marangoni Exp / Dynamic Surf Crew activities: Cell installation to FPEF, removal/exchange of specimen cell # of crew: 1 Facility/Interfaces: Ryutai Rack, FPEF, IPU, Ar, Vacuum, MMA, MWA Liquid Bridge will be sensitive to g-disturbances. Will be performed during crew sleeping time and quiet periods of the gravitational environment. The setup/maintenance activities of the experiment cell need MWA. #activities 1Experiment execution with MS (30days) 2VRU-HDD exchange [Crew task] 3Maintenance, Assembly and Installation of Experiment Cell, MMA Setup [Crew task] 4Experiment execution with MD30 (30days) 5VRU-HDD exchange [Crew task] 6Maintenance, Assembly and Installation of Experiment Cell, MMA Setup [Crew task] Inc 31/32 13 Marangoni Exp3Dynamic Surf
10 High Quality Protein Crystal Growth Experiment JAXA PCG High Quality Protein Crystal Growth Experiment Canister Protein Crystallization Resaerch Facility (PCRF) Crew activities: PCG install, removal # of crew: 1 Facility/Interfaces: PCRF Continuation from Inc29/30 for 5 th run. Start 6 th run from this increment. #activities 1Cell setup and Experiment Activation 2Experiment Execution (2-4 months) 3Experiment Deactivation and Stow 12 Inc 31/32 49P29S 23
11 Microbe-III Air Sampler Particle Counter Crew activities: Sampling, MELFI insertion. # of crew: 1 Facility/Interfaces: MELFI (+2 deg. C) #activities Count particle in JEM and Air Sampler, Insert air filter to MELFI 7 Transfer from MELFI to SpX, keep cooled Inc 31/32 7 SpX
12 Mechanisms of Gravity Resistance in Plants - From Signal Transformation and Transduction to Response Resist Tubule Meas Exp Unit B CBEF #activities 1Induction of Germination 2Incubation of Seedling 3Fixation of Seedling 4Transfer from MELFI to SpX, keep cooled 5ELT2 Check Out 6Incubation of PEU Plant 7Fixation of PEU Plant 8Move KFTs from MELFI +2C Crew activities: watering, set Meas Exp Unit B into CBEF, microscopic observation, sample fixation, MELFI insertion # of crew: 1 Time critical experiment. Facility/Interfaces: CBEF, CB, IPU, MELFI (+2 deg. C) SpX-3 76 SpX-1 8 Run #3 Inc 31/32Inc 29/30 Run #1 SpX Run #2 45 KSC Fixation Tube
13 Crystal Growth of Alloy Semiconductor Under Microgravity Alloy Semiconductor GHF/ Kobairo Rack in JEM Alloy Semiconductor Sample Cartridge BossSupportCartridge 5 cartridges (100 x 600 mm, 3.4 kg) will be launched (HTV3). Crew activities: Experiment(3), uninstall cartridges(5) and insulation measurement. # of crew: 1 Crystal quality will be sensitive to g-disturbances. Facility/Interfaces: GHF, MMA, IPU, N2, Vacuum, MPC, G1 Max. power: 4.2 kW #activities 1Experiment of Cartridge #3 2Experiment of Cartridge #4 3Experiment of Cartridge #5 4HDTV downlink setting and stow 5Uninstallation of five Cartridges 6Heaters Insulation Measurement SpX-2 Inc 31/
Aquatic Habitat (AQH) MEDAKA OSTEOCLAST Aquatic Habitat (EM). medaka (Oryzias latipes). Aquarium. Crew activities: AQH C/O, experiment start, fish fixation, water quality check, water exchange. # of crew: 1 Facility/Interfaces: MSPR, MELFI(+2/-95 deg. C), CCD camera (HRDL) Medaka will be sampled from the Aquatic Habitat Aquariums and chemically fixed for the retrieval after approx. 2weeks, 1month, and 2months from the experiment start. The Aquatic Habitat maintenance operations, such as water sampling, water quality check, water exchange, and ORU exchanges are planned. #activities 1Aquatic Habitat Checkout 2Transfer Fish from SpaceX to ISS 3Aquatic Habitat Experiment Start 4AQH Initila Fish Fixation (RNAlater) 5-24Aquatic Habitat Water Quality Check #1-# AQH Fish Fixation (PFA) #1-# AQH Water Exchange #1-# AQH Gas Exchanger Exchange #1-# AQH Waste Filter Exchange #1-#2 35 AQH Fish Fixation (RNAlater) 36AQH Disassmbly and Stow 37-38Transfer Sample from ISS MELFI to SpaceX SpX-3 Inc 31/ New SpX
15 Aquatic Habitat (AQH) Microscope Checkout Crew activities: Microscope assembly and C/O. Microscope disassembly and stow. # of crew: 1 Facility/Interfaces: MSPR, MWA, Ryutai UDC Microscope is assembled in the MSPR Work Volume or on MWA. #activities 1Aquatic Habitat “Microscope” Assembly and Checkout 2Aquatic Habitat “Microscope” Disassembly and Stow Inc 31/32 12 CCD Camera Fluorescence LED Module Bright Field LED Module Condenser Scanning Stage Leica DMI6000B Base Stand New
16 Stem Cells Crew activities: MELFI ins. # of crew: 1 (Public Service) Facility/Interfaces: MELFI (-95 deg. C) After about one month, six months, 12 months, 24 months, 36 months, the case will be retrieved to the ground. Two of five cases will be returned in Inc 31/32. #activities 1Transfer from SpX-2 to MELFI, keep frozen (Five Sample Cases and One PADLES) 2Transfer from MELFI to SpX-2, keep frozen (One Sample Case) 3Transfer from MELFI to SpX-3, keep frozen (One Sample Case) # three cases will be remained at MELFI SpX-2 Inc MELFI Stem Cells Sample Case A “Stem Cells Sample Case” in a mock up of MELFI 1/2 box module Cryo tubes in the Case New Inc 32 SpX-3SpX-2
17 Plastic alteration of vestibulo-cardiovascular reflex and its countermeasure V-C REFLEX Crew activities: No. # of crew: 2 (Max.) Facility/Interfaces: N/A Only pre/post-flight Baseline Data Collection will be required. Contribution of the vestibulo-cardiovascular reflex in controlling arterial pressure (AP) upon posture transition is examined before and after spaceflight. #activities No experiment on board Inc 31/32 New Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) BDC pre Inc 33 BDC post Inc 30
18 Biomedical analyses of human hair exposed to a long–term space flight HAIR Hair Sampling with Tweezers. Crew activities: Sample collection, MELFI insertion # of crew: 2 # of in-flight sessions: 4 Facility/Interfaces: MELFI (-80 deg. C) Must be performed in L+20~37 days and R-25~7 days. Samples must be inserted into MELFI within 30 minutes after sample collection. Pre, In, and Post-flight data collections are required. #activities 1Preparation 2Sample collection 3MELFI (-80 ˚C) insertion 4Stow Inc 31/32 Hair Sampling Holder. SpX SpX-4
19 The effect of long-term microgravity exposure on cardiac autonomic function by analyzing 48-hours electrocardiogram Biological Rhythms 48hrs Crew activities: ECG recording, data transfer # of crew: 2 # of in-flight sessions: 4 48-hour electrocardiogram data recording. In-flight data collection timings. Case1: Mission Duration = or < 100days FD21(+/-7), FD42(+/-7), FD75(+/-7) Case2: Mission Duration > 100days FD21(+/-7), FD75(+/-7), 1 to 3 weeks before return Pre, In, and Post-flight data collections are required. #activities 1Don the digital Holter ECG 2Data collection 3Exchange battery and media card 4Data collection 5Doff the digital Holter ECG 6Data transfer/dump Inc 31/32 Digital Holter ECG. Locations of electrode to be attached
20 Evaluation of Onboard Diagnostic Kit 2 Crew activities: medical measurements # of crew: 1 Execution timings. C/O#1: FD21+/-7and FD75+/-7 C/O#2: FD21+/-7and FD75+/-7 #activities 1Transfer from vehicle to ISS 2Initial checkout 3C/O Medical Equipment #1 (FD21+/-7and FD75+/-7) 4C/O Medical Equipment #2 (FD21+/- 7and FD75+/-7) Stethoscope. Medical Laptop. Digital Holter. Pulse Oximeter. USB Camera. Electroencephalogram. 31S Inc Inc 31 Day 1Day 2Day 3 Data DL
21 Area Passive Dosimeter for Lifescience Experiments in Space 8 Area PADLES 8 The location of Area Dosimeters in KIBO. Area Dosimeter package. Crew activities: Area dosimeters installation, removal # of crew: 1 Total planned duration: 5 months Must be installed for duration above 90 % or more in total flight duration over launch to landing. #activities 1Install Area dosimeters on JPM and JLP wall. 2Radiation Measurement 3Remove Area dosimeters and stow in zip bag. Inc 31/32 30S
22 JAXA EPO9 5 activities are planned for Inc 31/32. JAXA Try ZERO G JAXA Educational Contest JAXA REPORT JAXA VIDEO Educational Activity1 #activities 1-1Educational Activity1 1-2Educational Activity1 2 to 5JAXA Try ZERO G JAXA Educational Contest JAXA REPORT JAXA VIDEO Inc Inc 32 SpX-3
23 Temperature data logger DS1922L. (mm) Transport environment monitor TEM TEM package. Inc 31/32 SpX-2 Automatic measurement and recording of temperature during transportation to the ISS.
24 Small Sat Deploy-Demo Adapter and satellite deployer base will be launched by HTV3. This new device is a capable of launching small satellite into the space from JEM exposed section. Facility/Interfaces: Airlock, JEMRMS, Satellite Deployer Inc 31/32 New #activities 1Small Sat C/O 1
25 Multi-mission Consolidated Equipment MCE MCE is an experimental equipment consists of 5 individual devices. IMAP (Ionosphere, Mesosphere, upper Atmosphere, and Plasma sphere mapping) GLIMS (Global Lightning and Sprite Measurement Mission) SIMPLE (Space Inflatable Membranes Pioneering Long-term Experiments) REXJ (Robot Experiment on JEM) COTS HDTV-EF HTV3 New MCE “Airglow” and “plasma resonance scattering light” at upper atmosphere. Sprite, elves, and blue jet. Inflatable Membranes. Robot arm with extension arm work function. COTS HDTV-EF. Inc 31/32Inc 29/30 #activities 1MCE Checkout(cont’d from Inc 30) 2MCE Experiments &Observation 12
26 SEDA-AP RESEARCH OBJECTIVES SEDA-AP will measure space environment (neutrons, plasma, heavy ions, high-energy light particles, atomic oxygen, and cosmic dust) in ISS orbit and environmental effects on materials and electronic devices to investigate the interaction with and from the space environment at the JEM exposed facility (JEM EF). At the same time, it is also expected to conduct on-orbit verification of APBUS (Attached Payload BUS) technology, which furnishes necessary functions when mounted on the JEM EF. PLAM HIT SDOM
27 MAXI ATCS Electronics Grapple Fixture PIU (KIBO-EF Interface) Carrier Interface Optical Star Sensor Ring Laser Gyro Gas Slit Cameras (GSC) Solid-state Slit Cameras (SSC) Radiator for X-ray CCDs RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) is an X-ray camera with a wide field of view designed to monitor active astronomical objects and the universe. It will monitor the variations of the X- ray intensity of various sources in the entire sky, at the highest sensitivity so far achieved with such an instrument.
28 SMILES RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Superconduction Submillimeter-wave Limb- emission Sounder (SMILES), is aimed at global mappings of stratospheric trace gases by means of the most senseitive submillimeter receiver. Such sensitivity is ascribed to a Superconductor- Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) mixer, which is operated at 4.5 K in a dedicated cryostat combined with a mechanical cooler.