EOLEO = Aerodynamic s + Solar Energy + Wind’s Energy
The best aerodynamic shape has been chosen, no turbulent flux, but laminar… It’s well known that the best aerodynamic shape is close to a drop’s shape. That’s why the human being has tried many times to make such a design, as cyclists’ helmets… It makes the wind’s layer to remain attached to the car and doesn’t create turbulent flow, but helps to make the car more stable and ease its trajectory.
While the car is parked or is driven during the sunlight, it’s capable of charging its solar batteries Solar cells are installed on the car’s roof so sun’s energy can be caught and stored in its batteries. With this energy, the car is able to start. Furthermore, if it’s a sunny day solar panels will contribute to energy storing while being driven.
Takes advantage of the wind that goes through its turbines while running Five turbines are installed. The main one is centered so it can get as much wind as possible, so it’s the main energy contributor while the car is running. The other four help to support this one so the car never lacks of energy. Thank to this system there is no distance limit, cause the car doesn’t have to be charged at home nor at the street. It charges while it goes.
Aerodynamic Design together with beauty and Zero fuel nor electricity consumption