1 PCE 4.4 New Development In DC Containment Steve Howell
2 Data Center World – Certified Vendor Neutral Each presenter is required to certify that their presentation will be vendor-neutral. As an attendee you have a right to enforce this policy of having no sales pitch within a session by alerting the speaker if you feel the session is not being presented in a vendor neutral fashion. If the issue continues to be a problem, please alert Data Center World staff after the session is complete.
3 New Development In DC Containment Overview: o Current Data Center Challenges/Initiatives Cooling Efficiency in the White Space (consolidation/expansion) Rise in energy costs Driving down operational costs Maximizing PUE o Existing Containment Best Practice Containment Systems Benefits of Containment Reduction in cooling capacity IT equipment savings
4 New Development In DC Containment Overview: o Challenges with Containment Dynamic DC environments Footprint expansion Aisle consolidation Server virtualization Updated NFPA regulations User Environment Traffic Plug & Play o Virtual Containment Development Development Identifying the need Industry transformation Existing DC Manager containment challenges Science & Engineering
5 New Development In DC Containment Overview: o Implementation Case Study #1 Project Scope Retrofit Thermal Results Annual Savings Simple Payback o Case Study #2 Project Scope New Technology Thermal Results Annual Savings Simple Payback
6 New Development In DC Containment Overview: o Future of the Technology Top Down applications New Build architecture Server closets 2016 projected deployments
7 New Development In DC Containment Data Center Industry Challenges: Globally, Data Center energy costs continue to rise at an exponential rate. On average, the cost of energy accounts for 25% of the total operating costs inside the Data Center. In some areas of the United States, kWh costs have risen over 30% between 2012 and With a rate of change that high within 3 years, energy efficiency will continue to be a high priority in the Commercial & Industrial space. As clients continue to virtualize on new servers, move to co-lo facilities & even expand within their existing Data Centers, airflow management will continue to be an area of concern in such dynamic environments.
8 New Development In DC Containment Data Center Industry Initiatives: o Maximize PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) Direct relationship with cooling during DC space transformation Reducing chilled water usage Cooling maximization with increased/decreased server heat production Decommissioning of Legacy equipment New technology integration
9 New Development In DC Containment Data Center Industry Initiatives: o Maintain ASHRAE Standard Reach optimum inlet temperature while reducing costs Directing the cooling capacity to the server face (Containment) Improved Delta T Controlled heat rejection & return air temperatures Proper CFM delivery per rack kw requirement
10 New Development In DC Containment Current Containment Practice: o Ceiling Mount o Overhead softshell/ rigid panels o End Aisle curtain/ rigid doors o Slide or clip-on panel installation o Hot/Cold Application o NFPA non compliant Figure 1: Thermal Soft Shell Containment
11 New Development In DC Containment Current Containment Practice: o Top of Cabinet Mount o Heat Shrink/Mechanical Drop away panels o End Aisle curtain/ rigid doors o Hot/Cold Application o NFPA compliant Figure 2: Panel Rigid Containment Benefits: Improved rack cooling capacity index Elimination of Hot Spots Energy savings at server fan level Energy savings associated with less cooling
12 New Development In DC Containment Industry Challenges with Containment: o NFPA Regulations o Retrofit containment solutions with Legacy fire suppression o Structural costs associated with new fire suppression/smoke detection o Dynamic infrastructure environment
13 New Development In DC Containment Industry Challenges with Containment: o Managing IT equipment growth Aisle Expansion/Consolidation Installation of new cable trays o Equipment decommissioning/re-location Server re-location & new stack buildouts Removal of racks causing voids in containment
14 New Development In DC Containment Industry Challenges with Containment: Figure 3: Rack removal with physical containment 3 existing racks were decommissioned & moved, leaving voids in the physical containment causing hot air recirculation.
15 New Development In DC Containment Developmental Initiatives: o Solution that meets all NFPA regulations o Dynamic, structure-less solution that can fit/evolve seamlessly within any raised floor DC. o Elimination of physical walls for high traffic DC environments. o Scientific approach utilizing turbulent flow technology which requires less cool air distribution. o Elimination of high cost associated with new/retrofitted architectural changes. Fire Suppression Wall replacement/Curtain modifications
16 New Development In DC Containment New Containment Development: o Understand 90% of existing Data Center’s still sit on a raised floor, the goal was to first develop a solution that could integrate seamlessly into the raised floor space. o The development began in QTR. 1 of 2014, after the revised NFPA 75 & 76 standards were released which states the risks and regulations against fusible links & heat-shrink panels found in modern containment solutions. o Acknowledging the physical limitations of existing Data Centers such as inconsistent rack dimensions, floor space & legacy equipment, the goal was to design a much more “transparent” solution, that could achieve similar or greater results to Physical Containment, but on a much more dynamic level.
17 New Development In DC Containment New Containment Development: o New Containment practices utilize a combination of static pressure balancing & turbulent air flow technology, which cuts through the thermal layers and provides directional cold air delivery further up the face of equipment racks, directly impacting the face of the servers. o Structure-less systems are based on science & intellectual properties which eliminates the need to build a room within a room, and evolve within the data center space as the Data Center space continues to change. Figure 4: Structure-less Containment
18 New Development In DC Containment Science in Technology: Laminar Flow o Existing Raised floor cooling systems/tiles utilize standard Laminar Flow vented tiles. o Laminar Flow naturally has a lower stratification due to the inability to break through heat barriers. o Existing Raised floor systems rely on the principal of greater static pressure=greater CFM delivery through the tile. o Increasing the CFM “throw” inside containment simply enhances wasted cooling. Figure 5: Airflow path comparison chart
19 New Development In DC Containment Science in Technology: Turbulent Flow Figure 5: Airflow path comparison chart o Utilizing Turbulent Flow technology in the data center helps maximize the AUE (Airflow Utilization Efficiency) in breaking down the thermal heat layers much more effectively. o Turbulent flow produces air streams in 360 degrees, which allows the servers to pull airflow throw the device with 50% less force at the fan level. o In addition to standard containment results, By improving the AUE, studies have shown you can decrease the usable cooling by 20%.
20 New Development In DC Containment Case Study #1 Overview: o 1,500 Sq. Ft. Raised Floor o 18” Plenum Depth o (2) 20 Ton DX Down-flow CRAC units o 34 kW IT Load Client Initiatives: o Eliminate Critical Rack Temperatures o Reduce Costs Associated with Cooling & IT o Become N+1 redundant Deployment: o Samurai Containment™
21 New Development In DC Containment Case Study #1 Model: Current Conditions Installation Results X Figure 6: Physical containment with 9 tiles in cold aisle. Figure 7: Structure-less containment with 1 unit cycled off, drop in inlet temperature and 7 tiles in cold aisle.
22 New Development In DC Containment Case Study #1 Results: Current Future (1 unit off) Vented Tile Production (CFM) 20,92811,952 Inlet Temperature Avg. (°F) Static Pressure (wg) Annual Cooling Reduction Savings:$17, Annual IT Consumption Savings:$1, Simple Payback:14 Months
23 New Development In DC Containment Case Study #2 Overview: o 10,250 Sq. Ft. Raised Floor o 24” Plenum Depth o (9) 30 Ton CW Down-flow CRAH units Client Initiatives: o Eliminate Rigid Containment due to dynamics/shifting of equipment inside DC o Reduce Costs Associated with Chilled Water cooling o Eliminate hot spots in critical areas Deployment: o Samurai Containment™
24 New Development In DC Containment Case Study #2 Model: Current Conditions Figure 8: Physical containment deployed with gaps & voids inside rows due to dynamic changes inside the DC environment. Significant hot spots inside cold aisle. Figure 9: Structure-less containment with elimination of all critical hot spots inside cold aisle. Installation Results
25 New Development In DC Containment Case Study #1 Results: Current Future Vented Tile Production (CFM) 170,478181,440 Inlet Temperature Avg. (°F) Static Pressure (wg) Annual Chilled Water Savings:$36, Annual IT Consumption Savings:$6, Simple Payback:20 Months
26 New Development In DC Containment Future of the Technology: o Development of ceiling plenum solution utilizing turbulent flow technology. Suitable environments to include all top down applications: New Build Slab Infrastructure Existing Ceiling plenum HVAC Office space retrofit Server Closet new build Server Closet retrofit Release 1.0 expected Q3 2016
27 New Development In DC Containment Future of the Technology: o Based on fire code compliancy, expected to become new Data Center standard by o 72 implementation deployments expected in o Integrated step in all “new build” data center designs.
28 New Development In DC Containment Summary: o Existing Data Center containment practices: Efficiency gains to be had through proper cold/hot air separation. Some applications do not meet new NFPA standard. As Data Centers become much more dynamic, the difficulty in maintaining the integrity of physical containment is an uprising issue.
29 New Development In DC Containment Summary: o New Structure-less containment practices: Efficiency gains while meeting NFPA requirements. Ability to evolve and change with the up-rise in dynamic data center environments. Integrating science with existing best practices allows for much more efficiency & eco-friendly cooling. Less overhead cost associated with architectural work needed for existing containment practices.
30 3 Key Things You Have Learned During this Session 1. Existing Industry Practices 2. New Containment Practices 3. Future of the Technology
31 Thank you Steve Howell, CEO Technology Connection, LLC