Appraisal & Revalidation Miss Priya Bhatt Consultant Ophthalmic & Oculoplastic Surgeon Clinical Lead for Medical Appraisal & Revalidation
Why do we have appraisals/ revalidation? What is required of me? How to build your portfolio. How to get the most out of your appraisal. Personal Development Plans (PDP).
WHY???? To practise medicine in the UK all doctors are required, by law, to be both registered and hold a licence to practice. This applies to practising full time, part time, as a locum, privately or in the NHS. Licences are issued, renewed and withdrawn by the GMC. Revalidation is the process by which doctors will have to demonstrate to the GMC, normally every five years, that they are up to date and fit to practice. Licensed doctors must participate in annual appraisal in order to revalidate.
The Appraisal Process Appraisal should be a positive process that gives doctors feedback on their past performance, to chart their continuing progress and to identify their development needs. Appraisal is at its heart a reflective process allowing the doctor to review his/her development professionally with a trained colleague as appraiser - involving challenge where necessary.
The Good Medical Practice Framework for appraisal and revalidation sets out the broad areas which should be covered in medical appraisal. The framework consists of four domains which cover the spectrum of medical practice. They are: 1. Knowledge, skills and performance 2. Safety and quality 3. Communication, partnership and teamwork 4. Maintaining trust
Each domain is described by three attributes. The attributes define the scope and purpose of each domain. These attributes relate to practices or principles of the profession as a whole (handout). You should use the framework to: reflect on your practice and your approach to medicine reflect on the supporting information you have gathered and what that information demonstrates about your practice identify areas of practice where you could make improvements or undertake further development demonstrate that you are up to date and fit to practise.
Supporting information/Building your portfolio Falls under 4 broad headings: General information - providing context about what you do in all aspects of your work Keeping up to date - maintaining and enhancing the quality of your professional work Review of your practice - evaluating the quality of your professional work Feedback on your practice - how others perceive the quality of your professional work
General information A.Personal details B.Scope of work C.Record of annual appraisals D.PDPs and review E.Probity F.Health
Keeping up to date - maintaining and enhancing the quality of your professional work Continuing professional development: -Need based -Varied -Include reflection -Focused on outputs/ outcomes
Review of your practice Outcome data Mortality/morbidity data Audit (clinical practice, record keeping) Case reviews/ MDTs Performance against quality targets Production of new clinical guidelines Significant events
Feedback on your practice How others perceive the quality of your professional work: -Colleague feedback -Patient feedback -(GMC questionnaires, at least once in every 5 year revalidation cycle) -Review of complaints, compliments
Personal development plan Doesn’t need to be a long list 1-2 points are adequate What are your development needs? How would you like to progress in your career? Any issues/ problem areas raised in the appraisal that could be addressed? How will you achieve this. Time frame
A lot of information….. Lots of paperwork to complete. Use the supporting information checklist to guide you (handout) Appraisal folders – forms 1-3, (5) should be done by appraisee and form 4 completed by your appraiser. The bar for revalidation is set much lower than for appraisal
What do I need to do for revalidation 6 things at least once in each 5 year cycle: 1. Continuing professional development 2. Quality improvement activity 3. Significant events 4. Feedback from colleagues 5. Feedback from patients 6. Review of complaints and compliments
Common problems Reflect, reflect, reflect (handout) Inadequate raters for MSF Inadequate PSQs Inadequate CPD No audit No mention of complaints/ SUIs or no reflection/ lessons learnt/ change in practice Not enough information
Help is at hand… Rabeya Rashid Myself Departmental appraisers, clinical leads Royal colleges GMC website: – Bolton learning portal website: –
The future
Why do we have appraisals/ revalidation? What is required of me? How to build your portfolio. How to get the most out of your appraisal. Personal Development Plans (PDP).
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