First day of middle school Lockers Classes Lunch Sports Clubs Core block Homework RA Buses Morning TABLE OF CONTENTS
FIRST DAY OF MIDDLE SCHOOL Right when you get off the buses you will walk in to the cafeteria In about 5 minutes you will head up to the auditorium and get your homeroom teacher You will follow your homeroom teacher to your homeroom and get things situated You will go to all classes and learn about their expectations You don’t have to wait for your bus you will just go right out.
LOCKERS You may think that lockers are complicated but they are really not The first 3 days you spend 20 minutes opening your locker Right--- left--- right 3 numbers
CLASSES Math, science, social studies, reading, health, gym, computers, family consumer science, tech ed, careers
LUNCH Lunches are very good better than elementary school One 7 th and 8 th grade team eats together 3 lines pizza, hot lunch, sandwich
SPORTS Spring- Fall- Winter Baseball Football Boys Basketball Girls soccer field hockey Girls Basketball Soft ball Cheer leading Cheerleading Track Boys soccer wrestling Club tennis Volley ball
CLUBS Sadd- students against destructive decisions Intermural- gym games Golf club- runned by health teacher
CORE BLOCK Core block is a time for people to have fun, it takes place every 3 days Activities: Gym games, photography, science, and crafts
HOMEWORK Homework is a big thing in middle school Homework counts for a big part of your grade If you don’t do you homework teachers will get on you And if you don’t do it there going to make it homework for the next day
RA RA is a time for clubs, groups or even could do your homework Clubs are intermural- gym sadd and golf club Its also a time to see a teacher for help
BUSES Buses are better than Elementary school Because you don’t have to wait for your bus to get called At the end of the day you go to your locker than walk right out to buses
MORNING Morning can be tiring You wake up between 6-7 You pretty much wake up and get ready for school Buses come from 7-8
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