Agadir Riad Imsouane Marrakech Bouzikarne North Africa Jennica Siddle, MS2
Quick Facts: Morocco 99% Islamic Languages: French, Arabic, Amazigh (Berber), students also learning English “Developing Country” 6.2 physicians/10,000 population North African country directly across from Spain, heavily influenced through history by Islam and the Middle East, European colonization by France, and Berber desert trading
What VM Does Aziz El Madi is the program director, he is originally from Morocco. He is a professor at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Heath Sciences, he has been leading trips since Who Volunteers: Anyone but mostly future health care workers. What Kind of Work is Done: Volunteer work in an urban hospital, rural health clinics, tooth brush clinics at rural schools, and a sustainable organic farming village project. At rural health clinics VM volunteers took blood pressures, blood sugar measurements, worked in the pharmacy, and shadowed the Moroccan doctors during exams, giving shots, during surgery, helped with casting/splinting, and suturing. Structure of the 2 Weeks: During the first week you will participate in a few rural health clinics alongside of Moroccan doctors and nurses. Other village improvement projects also happen. Week 2 is in the city of Agadir where volunteers shadow doctors and nurses in a 500-bed hospital. You will witness health care delivery system in a developing nation. There is also volunteer work in a hospital run orphanage.
About the program Accommodations: During the first week, volunteers “live” in the countryside staying in a family’s traditional Moroccan home. They cook traditional Moroccan food during your stay. During the second week in the city volunteers stay in a hotel. Several of the Moroccan staff volunteer and travel with you throughout. Culture & Language : A huge strength of the program is highly supported by Moroccans who translate, cook, and welcome the volunteers into their homes and culture. What else? A good deal of sight-seeing opportunities, amazing food, sights, hiking, beaches, surfing, shopping, and culture. Apply for Course Credit (Foundations in Global Health, GLBE 201) 2 week international experience and online global modules, satisfies 3 credits) Apply for UNC Office of International Activities Funding Funding applications due in Spring
About the Program When: Dec.27th 2012 to Jan. 9th, 2013 2 weeks ~mid-June 2013 2 weeks ~mid-July 2013 Where: The city of Agadir, Morocco and rural countryside north of Agadir (1 week in each location) Cost of program: $1745, includes all meals, transportation, hotels/sites, and program expenses. You buy your own flight, approx. $1400. Application: is accepted on first come first serve basis. Easy.
Providing rural Moroccans with little access to healthcare a chance for screening and referral
Feast for the senses – sights, smells, delicious Moroccan FOOD & MINT TEA !
Amazing History, Religion, Culture, Architecture Ben Youssef Madrassa (bottom, top right) & Merchant’s Mansion (upper left) Marrakech
Hiking, Biking, Playing!
Staying in a traditional Moroccan house, and spending a night under the stars along the shore
My Experience Non- Clinical: Pictures should say enough, wonderful cultural, rugged, experience. Short amount of time leaves your options open for rest of summer Once in Morocco, your have very little to no expenses but you will want to shop at the souks! Clinical & Volunteering: 1 toothbrush clinic, played for hours at Riad Imsouane school 1 large general clinic, 1 women’s only health clinic in rural Riad Imsouane 1 huge general health clinic, 1 pediatric health clinic in rural Bouzikarne Visited the Hassan II orphanage in Agadir Toured Hassan II hospital in Agadir “developing” hospital Shadowed at Hassan II in minor trauma ER Shadowed a private surgeon’s clinic and watched 4 surgeries Interest in global medicine has REALLY been challenged and piqued. GLBE 201 elective is giving me a good foundation and connections to go forward
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