1 Human Services & Recreation FY 2014 Sources - $9.369 million General Fund Budget - $9.369 million FY 2014 Uses - $9.369 million >Total Personnel - $6.186 million >Total Services / Supplies - $1.356 million >Total Internal Service Charges - $1.589 million >Transfer Out (for Park Security) - $0.238 million FY 2014 Sources and Uses
2 Human Services & Recreation Budget History By Division or Major Budget Area
3 Human Services & Recreation FY 2014 Key Issues and Strategies Key IssuesStrategies Improve efficiency of Department operations and incorporate best practices Policy development responding to community needs New and improved programming Increase broader and more inclusive staff training program Establish Business/ Administrative Division to centralize services Update policy on Children, Youth and Families; coordinate with Commissions to develop work plans around issue areas identified in the 2012 needs assessment, support implementation of School / City Work Plan Introduction of new programs (such as Before School Care) and further expansion of current programs (including Summer activities, summer youth employment and Parks after Dark) Opportunities to include comprehensive, department-wide anti-bias training, continue child development training with Pacific Oaks and institute ongoing customer service training
4 Human Services & Recreation Personnel A total of FTEs are included in the FY 2014 Budget Net Decrease of 1.93 FTEs: elimination of 6.27 part-time and addition of 1 full-time. Additionally, former contract workers were transitioned into regular, part-time City employees including those working in Summer ROSE, Adaptive Recreation and Facility Management Significant Changes From FY 2013 Budget
5 Human Services & Recreation Year-Over-Year Budget Changes Personnel costs increased $121,133 as a result of benefit cost increases and transitioning former contract service staff Services and Supplies increased $203,146 as a result of transferring two Non-Departmental contract services (Americafest and the Turkey Tussle) and transitioning two revolving deposit accounts into General Fund operating budgets to be offset by corresponding revenue accounts – No Net Increase to General Fund Department’s Internal Service budget increased by $309,034 as a result of increased costs in Building Maintenance, IT internal service charges, and increasing the department printing budget. Park Security staff will be also be funded at a cost of $237,620 Significant Changes From FY 2013 Budget
6 Human Services & Recreation Increase Funding For Flintridge Center Agreement Continued funding of $50,000 annually to the Flintridge Center to serve as Pasadena’s / Altadena’s Institutional Home for Youth Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs Amendment to the Current Agreement – staff proposes appropriating an additional $25k (not currently included in FY2014 recommended operating budget) to support new services provided by the Flintridge Center including: Intervention Institute Reintegration Council Apprenticeship Preparation Program Approval of recommendation would bring annually funding to $75,000 Additional Budget Request
7 Human Services & Recreation Modification to the Scholarship Program for FY 2014 Passport to Fun Youth Scholarship Program update was approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission on May 7, 2013 (pertains ONLY to the After School Adventures Program) and no changes to recreational classes or camps are proposed: Establishes a fee for families who meet the extremely low-income criteria of $50 per family per semester with payment plan instead of 100% discount 100% discounts available for families with circumstances that prohibit them from paying fees Reinstates the fee charged prior to FY , but has been re-established as a family rate rather than per child rate Fee was reviewed with parents and was established to: Help bolster equipment and supply resources Assist in lowering student-staff-ratio Updated to Scholarship Policy