Meet the Teacher Grafton Primary School 22 nd October 2015
Aims To begin to create a shared understanding of how crucial the relationship between home and school is and the impact that this has on a child. To share our vision of ways that we can improve the ways we work with families/parents. To run workshops for families today to share teaching methods. To get to know our families better. To evaluate our current practice, gathering our families'/parent’s voice.
Life goes by in a flash!
When does learning begin? ‘Families/Parents are a child’s first and most enduring educator. Your role in your child’s learning will never be over or complete, it is a life-long relationship. We recognise that before children join our school, families/parents have taught them so much already. We do know that families/parents are responsible for their child’s learning, care and well-being, but we want to share in that responsibility – we want to work together to make sure that the children experience as much success as possible, achieve their goals and are educated to the highest standard. Families/Parents have the greatest influence on the achievement of their child through supporting their learning in the home. A child whose family support their learning at home (and has a positive relationship with the school) he/she can score significantly higher in attainment tests and make greater progress. In the primary age range the impact caused by different levels of parental involvement is much bigger than differences associated with variations in the quality of schools. The scale of the impact is evident across all social classes and all ethnic groups. (Desforges 2003).
At Grafton, we have an environment which is welcoming and staff that are approachable, dedicated, trustworthy, who will go above and beyond to support families/parents. Our staff desire the best outcomes for the children. Transition programs at the end/beginning of every year to support the children in the changes that they face. These programs can include home visits, children visiting schools with parents and sharing a lunch, attending meetings, etc. Parent workshops, e.g. Maths, Reading, Phonics, SATs. Meet the parent opportunities. Communication systems such as letters, notes in reading records, weekly newsletters, etc. Open to be challenged by parents. We take the time to listen to concerns and respond. Set homework, sending home games to develop specific skills. Fund raising and social events such as Christmas/Summer Fayre. Parent Governors. HOWEVER, we know that this is not enough! We want to do much more and be much better at working with parents, which is why we decided to try this different approach today. We want the BEST for your children. What is already happening?
Our vision of ways to move forwards Establish a ‘Parents Council’. This is a new role and opportunity within our school. The role of the Parent Council will be to establish a policy as to how Grafton will communicate with families/parents, review key documents such as the ‘Home School Agreement’ and be a part shaping the vision of the school. We would invite all to consider putting their name forward for the opportunity to be chosen for this exciting role. To do this, please give your name to Mrs Salter who is based at the uniform sale today. When we return, we will invite parents who have put their name down into a meeting to discuss this role in more detail. The children will then pick names out of a hat. Carryout more feedback surveys to gather everyone’s views. Today is an ideal opportunity to feedback to us as to how much you enjoyed today and the impact this will have for your child. You can do this online in the ICT suite or there are paper copies which can be deposited in one of the designated boxes Use ICT more to enhance communications. In the Nursery/Reception, they will begin ing home observations of your child’s learning in school (those significant moments). We are considering having a ‘Twitter’ account or using other social mediums (we want to know from you as to which you feel would be better).
Our vision of ways to move forwards Run coffee mornings with the Learning Mentors, who you can meet (see maps).This is an opportunity to come and just chat and get to know us better. Run more workshops and provide a greater number of opportunities for families/parents to come into school during the school day and watch our teachers teaching the children. This will allow you to pick up on key skills and approaches for teaching your child. Increase the number of parent readers/helpers in school. Some parents already come in regularly to hear children read, but we need more. If this is something you are interested in, then please speak to Mrs Harding who is based in the book fair today. We will provide training for you, so that you feel confident to take on an important role within our school. Create a space in the school which families/parents can take responsibility for – a way of sharing the good work that our families are doing.
What to expect from today? Enjoy the workshop that teachers have prepared for you today. Ask questions. The workshops will last from 15 – 20 minutes in duration. You then all have an individual meeting with the teacher/TA to discuss how your child is progressing in school. Visit the French Café, Book Fair, Gardening Club, etc. Use your maps to navigate round the school, taking the opportunity to see as much as possible. Look at the work on display in the corridors and classrooms. Some of this work has been completed at home, some in school. We’re very proud of the children’s work, especially the projects that you will see on table tops, which was completed at home. Visit Governors and talk to them about their role in leading the school. Consider putting your name forward for being a Parent Council member. Visit Mrs Salter if you would like to do this. We do really want to improve, so do take the opportunity to complete the evaluation feedback form, either online in the ICT suite or paper copies.
A few little thoughts to leave you with…
At Grafton we believe: Together we learn. Together we achieve. This is our school moto. It is what we believe. Together we can give the children the roots to grow and the wings to fly. At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is us working together – and that is the future!