Competitive/Collaborative Strategies for Success in Your Online Class Part 3
Collaborative Learners Learn best by sharing ideas and talents with others Enjoy group work Enjoy working with teachers to complete projects or papers Like to encourage others and to be encouraged by others
Competitive Learners Learn best by competing for grades or attention from teacher or classmates May dominate or disengage from group work, rather than participate See the teacher in a judging role Uses the successes or failures of other students to measure own success or failure
Online Courses Some online courses require group work Most online courses require students to interact virtually—via discussion board, , and/or chat Online courses provide fewer opportunities for competition, in most cases Online communication is more easily misunderstood
Strategies for Success Read the syllabus and schedule. What kinds of interactions, group work, etc. will be taking place?
Strategies for Success Get to know your classmates. Post on “off topic” discussion boards; get to chat a few minutes early and start some conversations. Meet in person with your instructor.
Strategies for Success When responding to the teacher and other students, check your communication for respectfulness and friendliness. If you are upset or angry, don’t send anything until you have calmed down.
Strategies for Success Compete with yourself, not with others. Set specific performance goals for yourself at the beginning of the class, and strive to meet them.
Strategies for Success Listen to what your classmates have to say. In group projects, work to be a contributing team member.
Strategies for Success Don’t help other students too much. It’s fine to collaborate, but it’s not OK to cheat or plagiarize.