CHATTING When you are chatting to people online, try not to give out any personal information about yourself unless you are absolutely sure who it is. If someone you know has texted something that upsets you or is inappropriate, take a screen shot or save it and share it with a responsible adult, asking for help. If someone is bullying you tell an adult, carer or teacher.
If you get an from someone you don’t know, don’t open it. Ask an adult to have a look at it with you, or just delete it. Never give out personal information by .
INSTANT MESSAGING If there is someone in your contact list that you don’t know, block them straight away. If you see a message that upsets you, tell a trusted adult straight away. If someone tries to add you as a friend and you don’t know them, don’t accept them or block them straight away. Don’t ask anyone to be your friend if you don’t know them.
MOBILES Never arrange to meet up with someone you don’t know. It might put you in a dangerous situation. Don’t give people your mobile number unless you know them well and can trust them. If in doubt, check with an trusted adult before giving anyone your number. Don’t store any passwords in your phone in case someone gets hold of them. Put a password or code on your phone so someone else can’t pick it and use it.
BEING RESPONSIBLE Always let your adult check your accounts. Don’t keep anything secret from those who care about you. If you are unsure about downloading anything ask an adult to do it for you or with you.
CHAT ROOMS When you are chatting to people online, do not to give any personal information about yourself. Use a nickname not your real name.
SOCIAL- NETWORKING Some people who you meet online may not be who they say they are. It’s easy for people to lie when they’re chatting over the internet so don’t arrange to meet up with someone who you have met online. Don’t forget to use the privacy settings correctly so only your friends can see your details. Don’t post photos of yourself in your school uniform. People can identify which school you go to and where you might live.
GAMING If you log into a website to play a game, use a nickname not your real name. Don’t give anyone your personal details and tell someone if you are worried about anything you see or read. Only play games which are appropriate for your age. Don’t download games which are advertised and you don’t have all the details about them.
CYBER BULLYING If you are being bullied, tell someone you trust. If you are not confident in telling people about what is happening, you can: Call Childline on and tell someone what is worrying you
SCAMS When you are older you will need to be careful buying things online. Only use professional, reputable websites or you may find yourself being scammed and not getting what you think you have paid for.
STAYING IN CONTROL Staying in control is knowing that some people use the internet to be nasty to others and that you need to have control over who sees your details, images and information. Once something has been posted online, you have lost control of it. You don’t know where it will go or who will see it. Only contact people online who you know and really trust.
DON’T FORGET…. The Internet can be wonderful too. The internet can use it to find out information or find pictures. You can play great games. You can keep in touch with friends and relatives. It isn’t always bad or dangerous – you just need to use it carefully, correctly and responsibly.