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New socioeconomic conditions affecting agriculture in Europe and worldwide include include: globalisation of the agricultural products market expansion of the European Union, development of a new Common Agricultural Policy within the European Union and consumers demand for food control & safety
NAGREF, 2003 In addition, environmental protection measures dictate sustainable management of natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity. The need to encompass all these factors has resulted in a major change from quantitative to qualitative production.
NAGREF, 2003 Greek agriculture today is mainly focused on the production of high quality, competitive, certified, labeled products produced by innovative procedures compatible with sustainable development principles. Improved quality and the resulting increase in value of Greek agricultural products will be achieved through technological innovations resulting from focused and well-coordinated agricultural research.
NAGREF, 2003 The National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.) includes a specialized scientific staff of significant research capacity with modern laboratory and field infrastructure at their disposal. N.AG.RE.F. supports and coordinates initiatives for development suggested by the Ministry of Agriculture, the agricultural cooperatives, product distributors, producers’ groups etc. New scientific knowledge and technical innovations are directed towards creating a dynamic and competitive agriculture which is protective of the environment and capable of providing excellent and inexpensive nutrition for the people.
NAGREF, 2003 N.AG.RE.F. strives for constant improvement in competitiveness of Hellenic agricultural products in the international market. it works to symmetrically upgrade the quality of life in the Greek countryside by introducing multifactionality, with the aim of cohesion and reversing migration and preventing the degradation of our unique environment
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… the national body responsible for agricultural research and technology in Greece, functioning as a Legal Private Entity sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture. It was established in 1989 under the Decree 1845/1989 entitled “Development and Exploitation of Agricultural Research and Technology”. N.AG.RE.F. is
NAGREF, 2003 …. of research for innovative technological improvement and development in agricultural, forest, and fish production, it is also concerned with topics of veterinary, management of marine resources, soil science, land reclamation, processing and preservation of agricultural products, as well as agricultural economy and sociology. N.AG.RE.F. is also in charge
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Cereals Institute Cotton Institute Olive tree and Olive-Oil Institute Floriculture Institute Vine and Wine Institute Sylviculture and Citrus Institute Vegetable Crops Institute Industrial and Aromatic plants Institute Livestock Breeding and Forage Institute Dairy and Dairy Products Institute Apiculture Institute Ichthyology Institute Forests and Ecosystems Institute Veterinary Institute Tobacco Institute Plant Protection Institute Water Resources Institute Soil Science and Agricultural Machinery Institute Food Technology Institute Biotechnology Institute Rural Economy and Countryside Development Institute 21 NATIONAL AGRICULTURALRESEARCHINSTITUTES
NAGREF, 2003 Ministry of Agriculture + Greek citizen (farmer + …) Local and Regional government District Non governmental organizations Co-operatives, Farmers groups, Inter-professional Organizations, Agricultural Associations Agricultural Training Organization, Agricultural Products Certification and Supervision Organization… Oriented research Applied as well as fundamental research Aiming to agricultural development “Customers”
NAGREF, 2003 Application of new technologies in all the stages of the agricultural production process of the agricultural production process Biotechnology G.I.S.,G.P.S “Precision Agriculture” DSS (Decision Support Systems …) Innovative research Research “prestige” and research “flexibility” “Research alliances” of high level Increase of capital inflows Attractive work environment for young researchers High-quality research
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Investing on international partnerships
NAGREF, 2003 N.AG.RE.F. has also co-financed 45 research projects from 1997 until today, with the following Research Institutes: British Council British Council: 22 research projects INRA INRA: 6 research projects Agricultural Research Institute of CyprusAgricultural Research Institute of Cyprus: 8 research projects State Science and Technology Agricultural Commission of ChinaState Science and Technology Agricultural Commission of China: 3 research projects Agricultural Academy of BulgariaAgricultural Academy of Bulgaria: 6 research projects
NAGREF, 2003 Hungary Bulgaria Czech Poland Malta Slovenia Hungary “Development of implementation capacity concerning phytosanitary protection acquis” Budget: euro Bulgaria “Improving veterinary control” Budget: euro Czech “Strengthening Food Safety Policy” Budget: euro Poland “Agriculture Early Retirement Scheme” Budget: euro Malta “Institution Building of the Dept of Fisheries and Aquaculture” Budget:Twin.Light, euro Slovenia “Implementation of the acquis in the phytosanitary sector” Budget: euro PHARE - INSTITUTION BUILDING N.AG.RE.F. as mandated body of Ministry of Agriculture of Greece has the responsibility of implementing the following projects in the framework of PHARE PROGRAM “Institution Building”
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“The Mediterranean Model and Cooperation to Promote the International Trade of Mediterranean Agricultural Products” Mediterranean Conference for Agricultural Research Cooperation “The Mediterranean Model and Cooperation to Promote the International Trade of Mediterranean Agricultural Products” The Conference on Cooperation in Mediterranean Agricultural Research, organised by N.AG.RE.F. in cooperation with INRA, was held in Athens on 1-2 December The aim of this conference was the advancement of cooperation in agriculture between Mediterranean countries, harmonised with the relevant European Union policy and the national policies of Greece and France.
NAGREF, 2003 Balkan Conference on Agricultural Research Taking advantage of the opportunity provided by the international trade fair “AGROTIKA 2002” in Thessaloniki, N.AG.RE.F. organised the Balkan Conference on Agricultural Research in this city on 1-2 April 2000.
NAGREF, 2003 Within the same framework, preparation has begun of the second Mediterranean Conference, in cooperation with INRA, CIHEAM, the Egyption Ministry of Agriculture and the EU, which will cover 50% of the costs. The conference will take place in Cairo on January, nd Mediterranean Conference for Agricultural Research Cooperation “Strategies for the Quality and the Promotion of Mediterranean Agricultural Products”
NAGREF, 2003 During the Greek presidency of the EU, N.AG.RE.F. has undertaken to organise the yearly EUROAGRI conference, which will take place during the first fortnight of May, This is an important event that will promote our country and is likely to ensure the adoption of policies favourable to it at EU level. EURAGRI conference “Future trends in agri-nutritional research in Europe” “Future trends in agri-nutritional research in Europe”
NAGREF, 2003 NAGREF supports and implements the development efforts and initiatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, producers, groups of producers etc. using the new knowledge and technology innovation that it produces, firstly for an environmental friendly, as well as dynamic and competitive agriculture, which apart from providing qualitative and non expensive nutrition to Greeks, also ensures the resources for improving constantly the quality of life throughout the Greek countryside in a balanced way, in the objective to reverse the abandonment and general degradation of this unique environment that we have inherited.NAGREF supports and implements the development efforts and initiatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, producers, groups of producers etc. using the new knowledge and technology innovation that it produces, firstly for an environmental friendly, as well as dynamic and competitive agriculture, which apart from providing qualitative and non expensive nutrition to Greeks, also ensures the resources for improving constantly the quality of life throughout the Greek countryside in a balanced way, in the objective to reverse the abandonment and general degradation of this unique environment that we have inherited. NAGREFs’ VISION