ESD in Agriculture Training in ESD through an inter-regional perspective – The Baltic Sea and Mediterranean regions Uppsala, 6-11 October, 2008 Christine Jakobsson The Baltic University Programme Uppsala University Training in ESD through an inter-regional perspective – The Baltic Sea and Mediterranean regions Uppsala, 6-11 October, 2008 Christine Jakobsson The Baltic University Programme Uppsala University
The Baltic Sea & eutrophication N or P? N or P? Coastal areas Coastal areas Nitrogen fixation in the sea Nitrogen fixation in the sea P in organic material e.g. manure, plant material, is very reactive P in organic material e.g. manure, plant material, is very reactive Algal blooms Algal blooms Waste water treatment plants Waste water treatment plants Agriculture Agriculture
3 Non-sustainable issues of present day agriculture Production · Contaminants and residues in food · Unfavourable market conditions for agricultural production Excessive livestock density Natural resources · Dependence on fossil energy ·Low efficiency of energy use in agricultural production ·Dependence on non-renewable phosphorus deposits ·Lack of water and of high water quality ·Nutrient losses (N and P) to the environment ·Decrease in soil fertility (acidification, carbon content, nutrient status, structure, compaction, salinisation) ·Erosion ·Pesticide residues in soil, water and non-target organisms ·Accumulation of heavy metals and nuclides ·Soil contamination with persistent organic and inorganic substances ·Loss of biodiversity and genetic resources ·Air pollution (NH 3, CH 4, N 2 O, pesticides)
4 Non-sustainable issues of present day agriculture Human and animal welfare ·Occupational threats to farmers and consumers health ·Dependence on growth promoters and antibiotics in animal production ·Unfavourable animal welfare and threats to animal health Diseases that can spread from animals to humans e g BSE, avian influenza Diseases that can spread from animals to humans e g BSE, avian influenza Socio-economic criteria ·Unfavourable economical profitability of farming ·Lack of food security and food production security ·Unfavourable social infra-structure in rural areas ·Lack of preservation of nature and historical values ·Urbanisation Competence- Education ·Lack of education, information and management skill
5 Goals for sustainable agriculture Agriculture contributes significantly to the society of the future. Sustainable agriculture is the production of high quality food and other agricultural products / services in the long run with consideration taken to economy and social structure, in such a way that the resource base of non-renewable and renewable resources is maintained. Important sub-goals are: farmers incomesufficient to provide a fair standard of living 1. the farmers income should be sufficient to provide a fair standard of living in the agricultural community practise production methods which do not threaten human or animal health or degrade the environment 2. the farmers should practise production methods which do not threaten human or animal health or degrade the environment including biodiversity and at the same time minimise the environmental responsibilities that future generations must assume non-renewable resourcesreplaced by renewable resourcesrecirculation 3. non-renewable resources have to gradually be replaced by renewable resources and that recirculation of non-renewable resources is maximised food and recreation preserve the landscape, cultural values and the historical heritage of rural areasstable well developed and secure rural communities 4. sustainable agriculture will meet societies needs of food and recreation and preserve the landscape, cultural values and the historical heritage of rural areas and contribute to create stable well developed and secure rural communities ethical aspects of agricultural production 5. the ethical aspects of agricultural production are secured
Baltic 21 - An Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region The Baltic 21 Agriculture Sector priority actions: Education and training demonstration watersheds with demonstration farms Create demonstration watersheds with demonstration farms in a network in the different countries (part of joint action 3) ”Virtual Research Institute” Develop a ”Virtual Research Institute” for sustainable agriculture based on the already existing NOVABOVA in the Baltic Sea Region. agro-environmental legislation and policies Elaborate and implement agro-environmental legislation and policies
7 Some practical measures Agricultural structure The distribution of agricultural production - greater integration of animal and crop production, greater evenness in localisation within a region Maintain fertile arable land for food production and protect from urban use (roads, landfills, buildings)Products Human diet: more vegetarian and less meat, different types of meat Food quality - health
8 Some practical measures Plant nutrients Number of livestock units per hectare arable land – P & N in manure corresponds to the crops nutrient requirements Storage of slurry, urine and solid manure –impermeable stores of high quality –minimum 6 months storage capacity –covering of slurry and urine stores –filling beneath the covers of slurry and urine stores Timing for spreading of slurry, urine and manure –when the crop needs nutrients –in the spring on light and peat soils - soil compaction –for FYM on heavy clay soils in the autumn, to be ploughed in –incorporation as soon as possible after spreading –not on soils that are deeply frozen, water saturated or covered with snow
9 Some practical measures Plant nutrients cont. Suitable techniques for spreading slurry and manure –improved spreading techniques –consideration taken to soil compaction The application rate for nutrients should not exceed the crops needs –increased precision in nutrient application –increased recycling of P by sewage sludge etc. –increased production of nitrogen fixating crops –greater precision in detecting the crops needs of nitrogen Protective buffer strips for water-courses, wetlands and other nutrient reducing areas should be promoted and established where needed Green cover - at least 50% or other appropriate measures
10 Some practical measures Plant nutrients cont. Soil fertility maintained by protecting land from contamination and carbon depletion –reduced soil cultivation –only usage of clean high quality fertilizers, sewage sludge, manure –decreased deposition of heavy metals Transport and energy Reduced transportation of products, increased application of ”local supply” Production and use of bio-energy to be greatly increased - self-sufficiency for agriculture on energy?
11 Some practical measures Animal production Housing and systems adapted to allow normal animal behaviour Recruitment of dairy cows and beef cattle in outdoor systems Increased proportion of cattle and other grazing animals Animal feed based on domestic or local production Production optimised rather than maximised
12 Some practical measures Plant protective products Reduced use of pesticides Alternative methods of control should be encouraged The substitution principle should be used when applicable Only approved registered substances in use Education and licence for handling, use and storage Application technology –prevent unintentional drift or run-off –establish protective zones by watercourses –no spraying by aircraft Testing of sprayers at regular intervals
13 Some practical measures Improving occupational health of farmers improving the indoor climate in animal housing –toxic gases (H 2 S, NH 3 ) –dust –noise use environmentally less harmful chemicals less ”chemicals” in use improving technology to prevent heavy lifting or back and muscular injuries improved climate within the drivers cabin (tractor etc.) better education leads often to better health
C. Jakobsson 11/9714 Administrative control measures Need of more knowledge about agriculture and suitable practices - Good Agricultural Practice (Codes of GAP) - farmers Need of increased knowledge - society and consumers Agreement on economic and legislative control measures
Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture New course package on SD & agriculture & ecosystem health for university level New course package on SD & agriculture & ecosystem health for university level Developed in cooperation with BUP & the Envirovet Baltic network Developed in cooperation with BUP & the Envirovet Baltic network Countries: Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Kaliningrad & St. Petersburg in Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine & the USA Countries: Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Kaliningrad & St. Petersburg in Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine & the USA Part of HELCOM and GEF’s Baltic Sea Regional Project in NW Russia (Sida financed) Part of HELCOM and GEF’s Baltic Sea Regional Project in NW Russia (Sida financed) Baltic 21 Lighthouse project Baltic 21 Lighthouse project New Course Package !!
Unique cooperation Agronomists, Agronomists, Veterinaries, Veterinaries, Animal scientists, Animal scientists, Nature geographers, Nature geographers, Biologists, Biologists, Wildlife biologists, Wildlife biologists, Chemists Chemists Economists Economists Rural development specialists Rural development specialists Public health professionals etc. Public health professionals etc. Gender specialist and social experts Gender specialist and social experts New concept on sustainable agriculture & its part in the rural ecosystem; New concept on sustainable agriculture & its part in the rural ecosystem; Substantial knowledge on land use & rural development, ecosystem health & the interactions between wild & domesticated organisms, poverty alleviation, legislation, control measures, stewardship for the future. Substantial knowledge on land use & rural development, ecosystem health & the interactions between wild & domesticated organisms, poverty alleviation, legislation, control measures, stewardship for the future.
Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture 4 seminars in St. Petersburg in (3 held) 4 seminars in St. Petersburg in (3 held) 4 seminars in Kaliningrad in 2008 (2 held) 4 seminars in Kaliningrad in 2008 (2 held) 1 seminar in Estonia, 1 in Latvia, 1 in Lithuania & 1 in Poland(3 held, only Poland left for autumn 2008) 1 seminar in Estonia, 1 in Latvia, 1 in Lithuania & 1 in Poland(3 held, only Poland left for autumn 2008) UN CSD 16 Meeting, 6-7 May 2008 UN CSD 16 Meeting, 6-7 May 2008 Baltic 21, 10 year Anniversary, Riga Summit, 3 June Baltic 21, 10 year Anniversary, Riga Summit, 3 June Editors Meeting, Vilnius, 24 June Editors Meeting, Vilnius, 24 June Authors Meeting, Vilnius, June Authors Meeting, Vilnius, June New Course Package !!
Unique cooperation Agronomists, Agronomists, Veterinaries, Veterinaries, Animal scientists, Animal scientists, Nature geographers, Nature geographers, Biologists, Biologists, Wildlife biologists, Wildlife biologists, Chemists Chemists Economists Economists Rural development specialists Rural development specialists Public health professionals etc. Public health professionals etc. Gender specialist and social experts Gender specialist and social experts New concept on sustainable agriculture & its part in the rural ecosystem; New concept on sustainable agriculture & its part in the rural ecosystem; Substantial knowledge on land use & rural development, ecosystem health & the interactions between wild & domesticated organisms, poverty alleviation, legislation, control measures, stewardship for the future. Substantial knowledge on land use & rural development, ecosystem health & the interactions between wild & domesticated organisms, poverty alleviation, legislation, control measures, stewardship for the future.
Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture Modules Rural development and land use Sustainable agriculture Ecology and animal health 3 books for university teaching 19
The future concerns of both regions! Climate change & thereby altered conditionsClimate change & thereby altered conditions Overfishing-regulation different between countriesOverfishing-regulation different between countries Increased use of chemicals & pharmaceuticalsIncreased use of chemicals & pharmaceuticals Sewage treatment works, or even worse no sewage treatmentSewage treatment works, or even worse no sewage treatment Increased shippingIncreased shipping Alien species & changed food websAlien species & changed food webs Reduction in biodiversityReduction in biodiversity Transmission of diseases between regions, countries, wild & domestic animalsTransmission of diseases between regions, countries, wild & domestic animals
EHSA & the future Substantial holistic knowledge on ecosystem health & sustainable agriculture based on research & experience. Written by well-known experts within the BSR & the Great Lakes region. Substantial holistic knowledge on ecosystem health & sustainable agriculture based on research & experience. Written by well-known experts within the BSR & the Great Lakes region. Suitable for continuing education for advisors Suitable for continuing education for advisors University education to provide a solid background University education to provide a solid background Large multiplying effect after the project ends as the educational package will be offered to all universities within the BSR & GLR Large multiplying effect after the project ends as the educational package will be offered to all universities within the BSR & GLR Good platform for future research Good platform for future research
22 Thank you for your attention and interest!