Financing Livelihoods and Job Creation in Afghanistan MAIL Perspective: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices Hamdaulalh Hamdard Director General of Extension Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock Park Star Hotel, 27 th Aug 2014
Overview of the Agriculture Sector Considered an important sector of the licit economy in Afghanistan 70 % of people live in rural areas and are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry It contribute 24.6 % of the national GDP
Challenges: Policy Options for Addressing Challenges to Strengthen Livelihoods Provide Equitable Access to Land and Water NPP -1 and NPP-2 of ARD Cluster Provide Easy Access to Credit for Agricultural and Non- agricultural Enterprises Selected ARD and PSD ADF Cluster NPPs Creation of Employment on a Massive Scale in the NRM and Non-farm Sectors Selected ARD,ID,HRD NPPs Support the Private Sector in Creation of Opportunities for AL Selected ID NPPs Foster an Enabling Environment for Legal Enterprises to Flourish -Favorable Transit and Trade Policies Selected ARD, ID, HRD, Security NPPs Alleviate Poverty (Through Multiple Interventions) ARD, HRD, ID, NPPs, Food Zone
Continued: Policy Options to Address Challenges to Strengthen Livelihoods Enhance Competitiveness of Agricultural Production in Regional Markets ARD NPPs, Research Provide Access to Rural Energy ID NPPs, MRRD National programs Develop the Value Chain Infrastructure ARD, EID NPPs Equitable Funding for AL for Different Regions JCMB, MoF Mitigate Against Risks and Vulnerability and Provide Social Protection ARD, HRD NPPS Strengthen Coordination at Various Levels of GIRoA and Between GIRoA and the International Community AL Forum JCMB Advocacy for Global Support for AL (i.e. Rainbow II, Food Zone, CARD-F, Research, etc.) JCMB, AL Forum
Opportunities: Current On-Budget MAIL Programs National Horticulture and Livestock Project (NHLP) On- Farm Water Management (ONWFM) Afghanistan Agriculture Inputs Project(AAIP) Rural Micro- Finance and Livestock Support Project (RMLSP) Community- based Livestock and Agriculture Project (CLAP) Agriculture Marketing and Infrastructure Project (AMIP) Integrated Dairy Scheme Project ( ISDP) Horticulture Cooperatives Development Project (HCDP) North and North East Agriculture Development Support Project ( NEASP) Support to Agriculture and Rural Development ( SARD) Agriculture Support for Peace and Re-Integration Program ( ASPR) Beekeeping and Animal Husbandry Development Project (BAHDP) Beekeeping Development Project ( BDP)
Opportunities: Current Off-budget Programs Comprehensive Agriculture and Rural Development – Facility (CARD-F) Capacity Building and Change Management Program (CBCMP) Afghanistan Agriculture and Extension Program (AAEP) Afghanistan Agriculture Inputs Program (AAIP) Baghlan Agriculture Program( BAP) Agriculture Development Fund( ADF) Perennial Horticulture Development Project( PHDP)
Key Agri Sectors / Areas Catalyzing Job Creation Support to Development of Value Chains Industrial Crops sector Cotton Value Chain(Production, Processing and Marketing)
Development of Agro-industry Sector/ Processing Centers Textile Industry Tanneries
Investment and Support to High Value Perennial Horticulture Development of small and medium enterprises Processing / Packaging center for : Apple, Pomegranates, Grapes, Dried fruits, and etc
Shift to Licit Economy through Promotion of High-Value Horticulture Promotion of Trellis System of Grape Production Off-season Production of Vegetables Support to Rose and Rose Oil production Support to Saffron Production and Marketing Substitution of Imported Fruit Juices and Canned Vegetables
Investment and Support to Livestock Sector Livestock Sector Development Aimed at Import Substitution Establishment of the Dairy Processing Plants Processing of Raw bi- product (Leathers, Wool, Feathers, etc) Support to Animal Health Management
Expansion of Agricultural Land-base: (a) Bring Uncultivated Land under Production ( b) Expand Irrigated Agriculture Development the Seed sector Establish Milling Plants Processing of Rice and Rice by-products Production of Pasta Products
Supporting Economic Empowerment of Women;
Strengthen Extension Activities Support to Value Chain Development; Extension Officers and Farmers Receive Training on Proper Drying Technique for Saffron.
Support to Rural Energy: Community based-power Generation
Development of the National Extension Policy Farmers Call Centres to be established Communication System to be established in 400 Districts Farmers Field Schools Lessons Learned from Countries of the Region Exposure Visits to Countries of the Region for Afghan Extension Agents and Lead Farmers
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