Cardiovascular Technology A Career for Life Lee County Campus Fort Myers, Florida Lee County Campus Fort Myers, Florida
Cardiovascular Technology The number one cause of death in the United States is cardiovascular disease The number one cause of death in the United States is cardiovascular disease This is true for both men and women This is true for both men and women Also a leading cause of disability Also a leading cause of disability Cardiovascular disease includes: Cardiovascular disease includes: Heart attack Heart attack Arrhythmias Arrhythmias Heart valve problems Heart valve problems Heart failure Heart failure Stroke Stroke
The Cath Lab on Campus
Cardiac Catheterization Evaluate coronary artery disease Evaluate coronary artery disease Assess heart function Assess heart function Electrophysiology studies Electrophysiology studies Evaluate cardiac electrical system Evaluate cardiac electrical system
“Shoot” a Coronary Angiogram Left Coronary angiogram Dye is injected into the arteries Xray machines take pictures of coronary anatomy X-ray machine X-ray views Monitor room Patient is awake
Cardiac Catheterization Perform angioplasty procedures Perform angioplasty procedures Open blocked coronary arteries using balloons, grinding or cutting devices Open blocked coronary arteries using balloons, grinding or cutting devices Stent implantation Stent implantation Direct infarct angioplasty Direct infarct angioplasty Pacemaker & defibrillator insertion Pacemaker & defibrillator insertion Radiofrequency ablation Radiofrequency ablation To repair electrical problems in the heart To repair electrical problems in the heart
After health-alliance.Com
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY LABS Electrophysiology Studies Electrophysiology Studies Intracardiac Mapping Intracardiac Mapping Radiofrequency Ablation Radiofrequency Ablation Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators Triple Lead Pacemakers Triple Lead Pacemakers
Electrophysiology study - in the cath lab To diagnose the origin of his arrhythmia stimulator Multiple catheter electrodes in chambers of heart after MMiMcgill.Com After Hmc.psu.Edu After Clevelenadclinic.Org
Place a radio- frequency ablation catheter on the problem area “Cauterize” the site to stop the arrhythmia Animation describing atrial fibrillation Radiofrequency Ablation
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD)
CATH LAB NOT JUST FOR HEARTS Peripheral Peripheral Renal arteries Renal arteries Carotid Arteries Carotid Arteries Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repairs Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repairs
Cardiovascular Technology Program Associate in Science degree Associate in Science degree 77 total semester credit hours 77 total semester credit hours 34 general education credit hours 34 general education credit hours 43 core CVT credit hours 43 core CVT credit hours Lecture & laboratory courses at the lee county campus Lecture & laboratory courses at the lee county campus Clinic in Southwest Florida hospitals Clinic in Southwest Florida hospitals
Cardiovascular Technology Program Begins in the fall term Begins in the fall term Pre-Requisite BSC 1080 Pre-Requisite BSC 1080 Six semesters Six semesters First year general education (co- requisites) First year general education (co- requisites) Some core courses-merged with respiratory care fall and spring terms Some core courses-merged with respiratory care fall and spring terms Second year Second year All CVT core didactic and clinic All CVT core didactic and clinic
Students Practicing on Campus
CVT Curriculum Educational Plan
Freshman Year - Fall Term +MGF 1106Mathematics +MGF 1106Mathematics CHM 2025Chemistry CHM 2025Chemistry CHM 2032LChemistry Health Science Lab CHM 2032LChemistry Health Science Lab *BSC 1093CAnatomy & Physiology I and Lab *BSC 1093CAnatomy & Physiology I and Lab RET 1024Intro to Cardiopulmonary Technology RET 1024Intro to Cardiopulmonary Technology HUMHumanities Elective HUMHumanities Elective *BSC 1080 or BCS 1010 are pre-requisites for BSC1093C *BSC 1080 or BCS 1010 are pre-requisites for BSC1093C +MAT 1033 or Testing may be a pre-requisite +MAT 1033 or Testing may be a pre-requisite
Freshman Year – Spring Term PHY 1007Physics for the Health Sciences PHY 1007Physics for the Health Sciences BSC 1094C Anatomy & Physiology II & Lab BSC 1094C Anatomy & Physiology II & Lab PSY 2012 General Psychology PSY 2012 General Psychology ENC 1101Composition I ENC 1101Composition I RET 1821LFreshman Clinical I RET 1821LFreshman Clinical I RET 1616CCardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology RET 1616CCardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology
Freshman Year – Summer A Term Freshman Year – Summer A Term MCB 2010CMicrobiology MCB 2010CMicrobiology CVT 1200Cardiovascular Pharmacology CVT 1200Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Sophomore Year – Fall Term CVT 2420CInvasive Cardiology I CVT 2420CInvasive Cardiology I CVT 2620CNon-Invasive Cardiology I CVT 2620CNon-Invasive Cardiology I CVT 2840LCardiovascular Practicum II CVT 2840LCardiovascular Practicum II
Sophomore Year-Spring Term CVT 2421CInvasive Cardiology II CVT 2421CInvasive Cardiology II CVT 2621CNon-Invasive Cardiology II (Echocardiography Elective) CVT 2621CNon-Invasive Cardiology II (Echocardiography Elective) RET 2244Critical Care Applications RET 2244Critical Care Applications CVT 2841LCardiovascular Practicum III CVT 2841LCardiovascular Practicum III
Sophomore Year-Summer A Term CVT 2920Cardiovascular Technologist as a Professional CVT 2920Cardiovascular Technologist as a Professional CVT 2842LCardiovascular Practicum IV CVT 2842LCardiovascular Practicum IV
Getting Ready for Hospital Rotations
Application Process Applicants must: Applicants must: 1. Be at least 18 years of age. 1. Be at least 18 years of age. 2. Complete all admission requirements to Edison, 2. Complete all admission requirements to Edison, including ECC application and testing. including ECC application and testing. 3. High school graduate or GED. 3. High school graduate or GED. 4. Successfully complete placement test (unless exempted) given by the counseling center. Completion of all department of learning assistance (DLA) courses, if required. 4. Successfully complete placement test (unless exempted) given by the counseling center. Completion of all department of learning assistance (DLA) courses, if required.
Application Process 5. Meet with Cardiovascular Technology Program 5. Meet with Cardiovascular Technology Program representative and tour a cath lab. representative and tour a cath lab. 6. Complete and submit a Cardiovascular Technology Program application by June 1st. 7. Possess a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better on college course work taken for credit. 7. Possess a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better on college course work taken for credit.
APPLICATION PROCESS Attend a records check procedure where program admissions points are determined from previous academic work performed in high school or College as demonstrated on the applicant’s transcripts. ($15). Attend a records check procedure where program admissions points are determined from previous academic work performed in high school or College as demonstrated on the applicant’s transcripts. ($15). In the event that the number of applicants exceeds available space, individuals will be selected for admission based upon their point system ranking. Applicants with the highest GPA will be ranked first. In the event that the number of applicants exceeds available space, individuals will be selected for admission based upon their point system ranking. Applicants with the highest GPA will be ranked first. Background check and Health Report Background check and Health Report
Cardiovascular Technology Program Accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) Accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) Based on the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on education in Cardiovascular Technology (JRC-CVT) Based on the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on education in Cardiovascular Technology (JRC-CVT)
Cardiovascular Technology Program Graduates are in high demand Graduates are in high demand Due to a national shortage Due to a national shortage Excellent placement Excellent placement Salaries $36,000 to $46,000 Salaries $36,000 to $46,000 Sign on bonus Sign on bonus Relocation & tuition reimbursement Relocation & tuition reimbursement
Cardiovascular Technology Program Registry eligible upon graduation Registry eligible upon graduation Registered cardiovascular invasive specialist Registered cardiovascular invasive specialist RCIS RCIS Graduates have excellent results on the registry exam Graduates have excellent results on the registry exam Career advancement- Career advancement- Management, research, clinical specialist, education Management, research, clinical specialist, education
Cardiovascular Technology Program Total program costs including Total program costs including Tuition, fees, books, uniforms, insurance Tuition, fees, books, uniforms, insurance Approximately $5,000 to $6,000 Approximately $5,000 to $6,000 Financial assistance is available Financial assistance is available
CVT Demand Increasing numbers of patients Increasing numbers of patients Increasing number and types of procedures Increasing number and types of procedures Increasing number of cath labs Increasing number of cath labs Increasing complexity of procedures Increasing complexity of procedures Increased demand for Cardiovascular Technologists Increased demand for Cardiovascular Technologists
At the end of the day, it’s great to know you really helped someone.
Cardiovascular Technology Program For information feel free to contact For information feel free to contact Kathie DiLascio, Staff Assistant Kathie DiLascio, Staff Assistant Jeff Davis, Coordinator Jeff Davis, Coordinator Evelyn Gierbolini, Health Professions Advisor Evelyn Gierbolini, Health Professions Advisor