Using Visual Aids Effectively Oberg,pg. 8-9 Lucas, Ch. 13.


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Presentation transcript:

Using Visual Aids Effectively Oberg,pg. 8-9 Lucas, Ch. 13

Why use visual aids? 1) Clarity A visual aid helps us SEE what you are trying to communicate. For example, if you are demonstrating how to create a wallet out of duct tape and actually DO it during your speech, we can understand how to do it much better than a description alone.

Why use visual aids? 2) Interest Something your audience can see adds interest to the words alone, whether it is in a book or a speech. Many people are more visual than auditory, especially in our technological era.

Why use visual aids? 3) Retention Visual images often stay with us longer than verbal ones. Visual aids can help the audience retain the message of the speech.

Other reasons to use visual aids They can enhance almost every aspect of your speech—such as credibility, persuasiveness and overall effectiveness of your speech. They can help you combat stage fright by taking the focus off of you and also heightening audience interest.

Types of visual aids Objects This is the visual aid that you will be using for your demonstration speech. Bring an example (if possible) of the item that you need for your demonstration. Examples: CPR dummy to demonstrate how to do CPR. Tools for grooming a horse in a discussion of how a horse is groomed.

Types of visual aids Models An object, usually built to scale, that represents another object in detail. Can be used if the item you want to discuss is too large, too small or unavailable.

Example of a model Here is a rendering of a proposed greenroom and courtyard on the next phase of the Center for the Arts Building.

Example of a model We often use models of set designs in show planning. Here is a picture of a model for a production of Oedipus the King.

Types of visual aids Photographs Work best only if they are large enough to be seen by all members of your audience. You don’t want to pass them around—that will divert the audience’s attention from your speech. You will either need to make enlargements and mount them, or show pictures on power point so they can be enlarged in projection.

Sample Photo Slide

You can always insert a blank slide into Power Point to bring focus back to message.

Types of visual aids Drawings Are a great way to create a very specific illustration of a concept in your speech. You can also easily create one that is large enough for your auditors. Here is an example of a drawing supporting a speech on dyslexia.

Types of visual aids Graphs These are a good way to simplify and clarify statistics. Make sure that your graph does not include so much information that it is hard to read. There are three types: Line Pie Bar

Line Graph Can use one or more lines to show changes in statistics over time or space.

Pie Graph A graph that highlights segments of a circle to show simple distribution patterns.

Bar Graph A graph that uses vertical or horizontal bars to show comparisons among two or more items.

Types of visual aids Video Videos can add a lot of impact to your speech. However, they are not a substitute for your speech. For this class, you need to show video only, and narrate the action. In senior projects, there is a limit to the amount of video you can show. (5 minutes of commercially prepared video; 10 minutes of student prepared video.)

Things to remember for video You need a lot of equipment for a video—make sure that it works and you are cued up before you start your speech. Make sure the video is skillfully edited. Practice integrating your speech with the video.

Types of visual aids Multimedia Presentations This includes Power Points. A Power Point has the advantage of being able to incorporate different types of visual aids: graphs, pictures, written information, video. We will spend time on creating Power Point and other types of multimedia presentations later in the course.

A few things to remember when using Power Point Set up your computer and computer projector before your audience arrives and make sure it is working properly. Know how to handle any technical difficulties. Be prepared to give your speech even if the multimedia equipment won’t work. How NOT to use Power Point by comedian Don McMillan How NOT to use Power Point by comedian Don McMillan

Types of visual aids YOU—the speaker! If your demonstration speech is about a skill you can do—DO it! For example—I do dialects when discussing dialects in Arts Survey. Another example—demonstrating sign language in a speech about sign language.

How to use visual aids effectively 1) Have your visuals prepared ahead of time. Bring them with you to class, and make sure they are properly set up and your equipment works before you start your speech.

How to use visual aids effectively 2) Make sure the entire audience can see your visuals. Your visual aid needs to be large and clear enough to be seen by the entire audience. Your visual aids need to be in a spot where everyone can see them.

How to use visual aids effectively 3) Be sure visuals can be manipulated quickly in a speech. Example: TV cooks usually have several steps of the dish prepared to save time in a demonstration. If you are using links in a Power Point, make sure they work in a timely way. Thoroughly prepare. You can plan material to discuss while you demonstrate.

How to use visual aids effectively 4) Visuals should be neat and professional looking. If preparing a drawing, chart, or poster, make sure the visuals are large and neatly presented. The neatness and professionalism of your visuals affects your credibility as a speaker.

How to use visual aids effectively 5) Practice using visuals a number of times before using them in a speech. Murphy’s Law! Equipment doesn’t work, posters flop over, objects can break. Make sure you prepare and are flexible so your speech is still effective no matter what happens!