Starter: Acid or Base Directions: Identify as Acid or Base 1.H 2 SO 4 2.Ca(OH) 2 3.HNO 3 4.KOH 5.H 3 PO 4 6.HCl 7.NH 4 OH 8.Al(OH) 3 9.H 2 SO 4 10.HNO 3
Nuclear Chemistry Day 78
Learning Target I can identify acids and bases. I can complete an acid and base equation. I can identify alpha, beta, and gamma decay.
Explain: Acid,Base, and Salt Directions: Copy in your notebook. When you mix an acid with a base you make a Salt and Water. Equation Acid + Base Salt + Water Example: HCl + NaOH NaCl + H 2 O (Acid)(Base) (Salt)(Water)
Explain: Salt Equations Practice Problems: Teacher Explains: H 2 SO 4 + Ca(OH) 2 → __ + H 2 O 2. HNO 3 + KOH → __ + H 2 O 3. H 2 CO 3 + NaOH → __ + H 2 O 4. H 3 PO 4 + Ca(OH) 2 → __ + H 2 O 5. HC 2 H 3 O 2 + KOH → __ + H 2 O 6. HCl + NH 4 OH → __ + H 2 O 7. H 2 SO 4 + Mg(OH) 2 → __ + H 2 O 8. HNO 3 + NH 4 OH → __ + H 2 O 9. HNO 3 + Al(OH) 3 → __ + H 2 O
Review: Acid and Base Directions: On the left-side, Using your foldable write acid or base with the correct pH. write the household item with the pH. Example pH=3 acid (Lemon juice) pH=7pH=13 pH=12pH=11 pH=9pH=1 pH=8pH=2
Explain: Nuclear Chemistry Isotopes Carbon-14 or C-14 or Carbon-12 or C-12 or
Nuclear Chemistry Foldable Direction: Step 1: Fold paper the long way. Step 2: Fold the paper into three boxes. (Fold the bottom of the paper over. Then fold the top of the paper over the bottom. You should have made a square.) Step 3: In the top box write the word Alpha in BIG LETTERS. In the middle box write Beta in BIG LETTERS. In the bottom box write the word Gamma in BIG LETTERS. Step 4: Open foldable up and write the information on the next slides.
Step 5: Top Left Box Draw and Write the Following information. Symbol= 4 2 He Mass=4 Charge=2+ Helium atom with 2p and 2n. This particle reduces mass of an atom by 4 and atomic number by 2. Low energy particle Stopped by paper or skin. Alpha Particle
Teacher Explains:Alpha Decay Alpha decay produces an element with a atomic mass of 2 smaller than the parent element and a atomic mass of four less.
Teacher Explain: Alpha Nuclear Decay Alpha Decay Equation alpha decay gives off alpha particles, which are 2 neutrons plus 2 protons Since an atom loses two protons during alpha decay, it changes from one element to another. For example, after undergoing alpha decay, an atom of uranium (with 92 protons) becomes an atom of thorium (with 90 protons). uraniumthorium Step 6: Top Right Box Copy the following equation
Step 7: Middle Left Box Draw and Write the Following information. Symbol= 0 -1 e Mass= Charge=-1 Increases the atomic number by 1. (a neutron decays into a proton and emits an electron) Can be stopped by clothes or wood. Beta Particle
Teacher Explain: Beta Decay Beta produces an element with an atomic mass of one higher than the parent element but with the same atomic mass. Small Unstable Nucleus Larger Stable Nucleus Beta Particle (electron)
Teacher Explain: Beta Nuclear Decay Beta Decay Equation Since beta produces a proton and electron with no change in mass. For example, undergoing a beta decay Iodine (with 53 protons) becomes an atom of Xenon (with 54 protons) but with the same atomic mass. beta decay means giving off beta particles, which are basically electrons Step 8: Middle Box Copy the following Equation
Step 9 Bottom Left Box Gamma Ray Symbol=γ Mass=0 Charge=0 No Change Stopped by lead or concrete. Given off with an alpha or beta particle.
Elaborate: Nuclear Decay Worksheet Directions: Do all work on the worksheet. Complete the worksheet.