Green Passport Campaign Helena Rey United Nations Environment Programme
Why we have developed the Green Passport campaign? Need to mainstream sustainable consumption and production patterns Promote responsible tourism as a mainstream identity of tourists’ choices Challenge: Make consumers use their power of choice for more sustainable tourism products
Green Passport Campaign's main activities Develop a global campaign website, and supporting communication materials on responsible behaviours in holiday-making choices. Evaluate/validate the communication material to tourists in a selected pilot destination in Brazil
Implementing partners Brazilian Ministry of Tourism Brazilian Ministry of Environment
Supporting organizations Brazilian Association of Hotels Instituto de Hospitalidade Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica Fórum Mundial do Turismo para a Paz e Desenvolvimento Sustentável Braztoa – Brazilian Association of Tour Operators Associação de Hotéis Roteiros do Charme Instituto EcoBrasil Ministry of Education
Where are we now?
Training course on the integration of SCP in tourism was organized in Sao Paulo in partnership with the Sustainable Lifestyles Taskforce Paraty, Brazil was chosen as pilot destination Adaptation of the global campaign to the local reality (green line, resources and information) Local partners engaged and steering group has been created
Paraty’s geographic location
PARATI – Unidades de Conservação PARATI – Localização Geográfica – Rio de Janeiro Population 2007: Territorial area: 928 Km2 Dados Populacionais Parati - IBGE
Structural activities in Paraty Implementation of Agenda 21 and empowerment of local tourism management Waste minimization programme will be enforced Capacity building for tourism professionals Green Room/ library will be established Sustainble souvenirs (handcrafts, food)
We need your help to… Identify synergies for the dissemination of the Green Passport campaign Collect good examples that could be integrated in the campaign
Thank you for your kind attention Helena Rey Associate Tourism Programme Officer United Nations Environment Programme