Queensland Operations Excellence Work Groups Over 20 events annually “Focused on delivering outcomes” (2 seats per topic as part of membership) Leaders Roundtables 3 events annually “The forum for leader development” (I seat per event as part of membership) Sustainability Work Groups 4 events annually “Critical moving forward” (2 seats per event as part of membership)
Agenda 9.00amSafety Brief (site representative) 9.05amIntroduction and presentation - Introduction, who are we and what do we do? - What do we want from today? - Leadership presentation 10.00amPractical application of Leadership Development - Presentation by Host 10.45amMorning Tea 11.00am Factory Tour - High lights of the facility 12.15pmLunch 12.45pmWorkshop - Group activity - Discovery and documentation of what we have learnt 2.00pm Close
May 8 th Sustainability CIWG – Energy Efficiency (Energex - TBC) 15 th OERt CIWG – Continuous Improvement (Orica) 22 nd OERt CIWG – Continuous Improvement (News Ltd - TBC) 22&23 rd RCA problem solving – Mackay 25% Discount to members June TBCLean (CMI) Cert IV – 10 one day sessions over weeks Discounts for members – potential for Gov’t Funding 12&13 th OERt CIWG – Influencing a business case (Gympie/Bundaberg) Details to be announced shortly 14&15 th RCA problem solving – Emerald 25% Discount to members
4 How the other businesses work – Collect knowledge Visual management – best practice Factory tour Steal ideas! Leadership development ideas Networking Feedback from group (Nick) Traffic Management Improvement culture
5 Why do we need a leadership development strategy, is there a real return on the investment? Effective Leadership Development delivers: Lower staff turnover Motivated leaders inspire people Expected cost to replace staff in the order of 35% of annual salary Retention of intellectual property Efficiency Motivated leaders deliver results Greater customer satisfaction Key component of a good leader Speed of change Trust in “moving forward” Quality outcomes “Do it right first time” Consistency “Sing from the same song sheet”
6 1.Be results orientated rather than comfort orientated That is you encourage your staff to have overall interest in the direction of the organisation. Strive to accomplish ambitious goals wether or not they are comfortable with them. 2.Be disciplined rather than haphazard You plan your course of action first, teams coordinate their goals, and employees are proactive in developing new skills and methods for solving problems 3.Be trustworthy rather than self protective You and your staff make self sacrifices to help each other, and you put your own work aside when a more pressing task is at hand. 4.Be spirited rather than complacent You and your staff are energised, take the unexpected in stride, and value diversity.
7 Manager Organised Results Driven Central point of communication Short term focus Outcome orientated Hierarchical Deadline focussed Day to day business Status quo Structured Policy & procedure driven Disciplined Reports & analysis Distant from staff Leader Lead by example Inspiring Provide clear direction Sets goals & objectives Motivates Listens Proactive Long term strategic focus Visionary Engaging Empowering Committed Trusted Open to change Influencer Open communication style
8 Strategic Focus Business & customer focus Direction setting Judgement Delivering Results Drive to improve People development Teamwork Creating Commitment Courage & integrity Holistic view Inspiring leadership Learn From Experience Networking
9 Business & Customer Focus Keeping consistent focus on the requirements of the customer and the market requirements Have a clear desire to add value by focussing resources on customer needs Keep informed about trends and developments in the market Take the customer into consideration at all stages of the business process Think ahead and consider the impacts of actions, both internally and externally Direction Setting The ability to set, agree and communicate goals, standards and performance expectations in an open, straight forward and easily understandable way Give clear directions to support the achievement of the agreed business strategy Ensure all employees have role clarity – “How they contribute” Have clearly defined objectives and deadlines, with regular follow up Delegate as much as possible Help teams to extend their goals (push the boundaries) Judgement The ability to see the big picture, to identify the key areas or underlying issues and to develop effective strategies Recognise the core issues and observe discrepancies, trends and inter-relationships Integrate ideas and observations into a concept Identify problems and situations through either experience or given tools Move away from department decisions
10 Courage & Integrity The ability to handle challenges in a courageous yet balance way Have confidence in your own ability Make decisions and act on them despite opposition Accept challenges from others as a positive contribution Assert company values & challenge decisions made at a more senior level if not in line with company or personal values Admit mistakes Inspiring Leadership The ability to communicate clear vision and direction for the company and a desire to lead people to achieve it Create a relaxed and productive atmosphere characterised by co-working & co-creativeness Establish individual involvement and ownership of objectives Communicate visions clearly Inspire people to say “I want to do this” Create a sense of confidence and trust so that change is acceptable, while maintaining the individuals need for security, reliance and stability Holistic View The ability to understand the individuals, the groups, cultures and organisations that make up the business as a whole Understand motives of individuals and the un-spoken language Understand interpersonal processes and different culture perspectives Understand people’s strengths and weaknesses Understand informal structures
11 Drive to Improve To achieve tough but realistic goals and the ability to create opportunities Be action orientated and display a sense of urgency Show persistence Strive for new levels of excellence Give and create energy People Development The ability to foster the long-term development of others Provide feedback for the purpose of improvement Develop skills and foster learning by requiring follow up that reinforces the learning Grant increasing responsibility Have faith in people and communicate openly a belief in people to develop personal growth Actively participate in self learning Teamwork The ability to work together with others in projects and processes so as to achieve better results Listen and seek information from others Share skills and experience Put personal agendas to one side in order to achieve team goals Act without prestige Represent the team and openly support the team’s joint goals
12 Learning from Experience The ability to reflect on one’s own experience and results and on the experience and results of others, in order to learn from them for the future Be open to learning and feedback Systematically review projects and benchmark against the best Scan the business environment to learn from others Create an accepting environment to learn from mistakes Support others after setbacks Networking The ability to identify and build relationships with people inside and outside the organisation in order to create opportunities that are not currently seen. Want to work with others and optimise synergies Are able to capitalise on the organisations rich resources, without needing to own them Operate in different teams Actively look outside the organisation for new ideas and contacts Are an effective communicator and manage information exchanges to ensure overall business learning
13 “Hire for attitude train for skills” Steve Jobs Attitude Skills
14 Leadership development has a significant value proposition Any successful leadership strategy operates from the shop floor through to senior management and is consistent Your leaders must: Focus on the customer Give strong and consistent direction Apply solid foundations & judgement Show courage & integrity Understand the organisational and individual cultures Inspire leadership and energy Drive improvement Develop the people and themselves Encourage teamwork Network effectively both internally and externally Ensure a learning environment Delegate, delegate, delegate….”Be the conductor” When choosing leaders, hire for attitude not skills.
Leadership Development “Host Presentation” (30-45 mins)
Factory Tour “Opportunity to Network Ideas” ( mins)
17 What are the key Learning’s & feedback from today? Passion & drive are important as a leader Situational leadership& emotional development Hire for attitude/behaviours not always just skills Coaching & mentoring can change behaviours (but takes time) Attitude in leaders is can influence people Interesting to see the journey at Ludowici Transparency in matrixes and KPI’s Potential to use journey boards Chance to see what we are doing in our business is similar to others
18 Split into two groups and consider… What are the key attributes of a leader? What are the key elements of a leadership Strategy?
19 Key attributes Emotional Intelligence Accountability Consistency Equity Resilience Modelling Trustworthy Balance of Manager/Leader Improvement orientated Market awareness/competitors Courageous Positivity Delegation – Work not responsibility Coaching for performance Key elements of strategy Understanding of market and business Individual/business strengths & limitations Culture – Define – Now & future Skills within the business Communicate strategy Coaching & development Metrics to track success Celebrate success Support from senior management Budget to cover costs Right people in right roles Intellectual Property Flexibility/contingency plans
20 Key attributes Sets clear direction – Team can make path Good listener/communicator Change agent Team builder Dynamic & inspiring Makes people want to do their job Available – Open door policy, approachable Wants to hear problems Flexible in approach – Not micromanage Creates trust Sticks to direction in the face of adversity Self motivated & driven Key elements of strategy S.M.A.R.T Goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, relevant, Timely Commitment – Top down driven Communication plan, including change management Flexibility Have resources to implement& support – PPL, process, tools, $$ Link to employee development plans Suitable for organisational culture & climate Provide training for implementation Maintenance strategy Easily accessible, highly visible, transparent Review Research driven