By now you should have an idea of which type resume you should have! The last thing we will learn about will be the cover letter and references and where we can find information. When we are finished with this section you will be ready to prepare your own resume and cover letter or use one of the templates I have provided for you.
Date Address of Organization Regarding:Administrative Manager Ladies and Gentlemen: I saw the advertisement for your position in the News-Press and wanted to be the first in line to inquire about it. It sounds just like the job I am looking for! My coursework and experience has laid the groundwork to assume the responsibilities of your position of Administrative Manager but there are things about me that my resume doesn’t tell you. I am a focused student and hard worker and I can bring that focus and work ethic to your job. I have worked full time while taking night classes and that has given me the discipline to use my time wisely. I have consistently kept my grades up and have been on the Dean’s list. In addition to work and school, I volunteer at my church and participate in our local March of Dimes Walkathon. These activities have helped me develop sensitivity to the needs of others, the concern for confidentiality, and the development of good communication and phone etiquette skills. I would like to have the opportunity to hear more about your organization and the Administrative Manager position and tell you more about my experience. I recognize your busy schedule and will check with your office staff for an appropriate time to call you. Thank you for your review of my resume and your interest in my candidacy for your job. Sincerely, Me How did I know about the job? Don’t repeat the resume. Tell me a little about you. These are the adaptable skills. Power Words: Focused, hard worker, work ethic, discipline, time wisely, participate Make a date to call and thank the reader Note: Many books and teachers disagree with this but I believe it to be the best way to illustrate real adaptable and personal skills.
Lana Hoffman Work Experience Coordinator Edison Community College Ms. Hoffman was my Instructor for the Work Experience Program. Ms. Hoffman can verify my compliance with all required submissions on a timely basis as well as on-time attendance to required classes. Ms. Hoffman will support my excellent evaluation from my employer for this course. Mia Bossa Professional Pathways Corporation Ms. Bossa was a volunteer with me at the American Red Cross. Ms. Bossa can verify my commitment to the program and the staff while working as a volunteer.. Ms. Bossa can confirm my timely attendance to meeting and work. She can also advise you of my ability to get along well with others and work as a team. Power Words: Compliance; timely basis, on-time, support, excellent evaluation Power Words: Commitment; timely attendance; get along well, work as team When you submit references provide a brief “script” so the reader has an idea how you know the reference and what to ask the reference. You need to control the conversation even if you aren’t part of it!
DO YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION? You have access to lots of information on resumes, cover letters and interviewing tips simply by going to your MyPlan! The best place to find tips, information and even resume and cover letter templates is by clicking on “Online Resources” under the Careers Column as indicated below: